Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Viability is irrelevant. By no metric or standard can you make it relevant.

I give zero fucks about it. Chirp, chirp, bitch.

Also, your answer is incoherent as usual and you draw no meaningful distinction between the rando 47 yo and the abortion victim.
Which, of course you can't - there is no meaningful or relevant difference. Neither should be murdered in violation of their human rights.

I particularly liked the part where Egg here says "it's okay to kill someone else as long as you stick to the same victim group that doesn't include me."
So if someone was only murdering black chicks, I should say, "eh, not my problem." Good ol' Egg. Retarded and vile in equal measure.
Exactly, because he attempted to frame it as a situation of "what or how does it affect you", and your 47 year old example blew that bull crap away.
" Animated Dolls For The Dumbfounded "

* False Equivalent Facsimile Of Reality In Natural Events *

Yeah , yeah , yeah , always the disingenuous proposition for a poster child perfect viable progeny late term abortion as a justification to outlaw abortion from conception through all stages of development .

An inchoate autonomic animal without a capacity for cognitive objection , without a capacity for mind , without a capacity for sentience , whereby empathy for suffering may be a valid basis of representation by proxy , is omitted by the disingenuous anthropocentric lunar tick traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum for independence as individualism .

Such traitors seek populism of democracy as tyranny by majority to implement its authoritarian dictates to disparage the equal protection of negative liberties among individuals entitled by live birth to receive them .

The lunar tick traitors to us republic offer static diversion to acknowledge that abortions performed prior to an onset of sentience , those possibly understood as occurring " without cause " , have nothing to do with those occurring " with cause " when sentience and suffering as an ethical consideration would be relevant .
Cplus6221210-#6,259 “Viability is irrelevant”

Ding221209-#6,246 “If you are asking does viability lessen the consequence of ending a human life I don’t believe it does.”

NFBW: It has in fact lessened if not eliminated criminality on a legal historical basis of criminal punishments for women who terminate their own pregnancy.

Alito sneaked a church law into Dobbs in order to rewrite a medieval era Church law to make it look like English Common Law.

Alito sneakily cited an old law that imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus and inappropriately attributed it to English Common Law. The law was Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess").

It actually reads "If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

However Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as.”

The word penance ding beagle9 CarsomyrPlusSix msjrd it church law which is not supposed to be considered civil law.

I contend because I by no means am an English Common Law or Constitutional Law scholar that Alito’s little snippy Catholic fingers indicate he is hard pressed to find precedent for punishments against women who abort a quick child.

I also contend that the term quick child is pre-ultasound legal jargon for fetal viability. Which means viability is highly relevant on crime and punishment legal standards basis for civil law. Therefore anyone who says viability is irrelevant is a completely ignorant idiot on this topic.

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" Traitors To Us Republic Feign Ideological Relevance "

* Collaboration Among Mutually Gullible Playground Party Dolts *

Can you imagine a so called medical professional taking a sharp instrument, and stabbing that brain in a process to murder the unborn child we are viewing above ? How much of a henious crime is that ? Ohhhh that's right, they need that child's body for stem cells, and other valuable resale items that project veritas exposed on them. My bad.
Yeah , sure , just imagine because abortions post 15 weeks naturally occur in society " with cause " and are not depicted by the ridiculous conjecture levied by the propagandist promoted poster child , and its maniacal psychotic mother actor is a fictional character .

Whether an abortion occurs prior to 15 weeks without cause or post 15 weeks with cause , which difference does it make whether the tissues could be reclaimed to improve the quality of life for those able to suffer from it ?
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Cplus6221210-#6,259 “Viability is irrelevant”

Ding221209-#6,246 “If you are asking does viability lessen the consequence of ending a human life I don’t believe it does.”

NFBW: It has in fact lessened if not eliminated criminality on a legal historical basis of criminal punishments for women who terminate their own pregnancy.

Alito sneaked a church law into Dobbs in order to rewrite a medieval era Church law to make it look like English Common Law.

Alito sneakily cited an old law that imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus and inappropriately attributed it to English Common Law. The law was Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess").

It actually reads "If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

However Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as.”

The word penance ding beagle9 CarsomyrPlusSix msjrd it church law which is not supposed to be considered civil law.

I contend because I by no means am an English Common Law or Constitutional Law scholar that Alito’s little snippy Catholic fingers indicate he is hard pressed to find precedent for punishments against women who abort a quick child.

I also contend that the term quick child is pre-ultasound legal jargon for fetal viability. Which means viability is highly relevant on crime and punishment legal standards basis for civil law. Therefore anyone who says viability is irrelevant is a completely ignorant idiot on this topic.

Viability of the developmental process is of course relevant, and the application can be applied at any times appropriate to a religious and CIVILIZED belief system. Most believe that once pregnant by choice (even if it was born of a lustful choice between two consenting individuals), then the consequences of that choice should be fulfilled once the pregnancy begins it's human development stages. This then serves as a reminder that being animalistic and careless is therefore being uncivilized (time to own up, and take responsibility for the actions that lead to what is well known before the process ever begins).

Restraints should be made on the parts of both individual's involved, and it can easily be done if strength in character is fed instead of starved..

In order to keep order in a supposed civilized SOCIETY, we write laws and enact rule's that aid in the effects of keeping in the spirit of being a CIVILIZED people, and not instead being an animalistic people. One can break down and argue anything in the opposite, but all it does is lead to an uncivilized SOCIETY and people, just what we are seeing running rampant today.
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" Traitors To Us Republic Feign Ideological Relevance "

* Collaboration Among Mutually Gullible Playground Party Dolts *

Yeah , sure , just imagine because abortions post 15 weeks naturally occur in society " with cause " and are not depicted by the ridiculous conjecture levied by the propagandist promoted poster child , and its maniacal psychotic mother actor is a fictional character .

Whether an abortion occurs prior to 15 weeks without cause or post 15 weeks with cause , which difference does it make whether the tissues could be reclaimed to improve the quality of life for those able to suffer from it ?
You are a sick man... Get help.
" Providing Help Self Healing Forte "

* You And The Cadaver You Rode In On *

You are a sick man... Get help.
Would you have outlawed dissection of the hue mammon body in the dark ages ?

You is a second person accusative which upon reflection incriminates the accuser .
If I could give negative shits about what someone said, instead of just zero shits, I would give negative shits about Egg's retarded ranting about Catholicism and Justice Alito and church law or whatever the else Egg is rambling about.

Viability is irrelevant to me, and viability was never relevant to the Constitution - see 10th Amendment, see Dobbs.

Roe and Casey made some bullshit up which has now been shitbinned, as is appropriate.
ding221209-#6,253 “This is a rights discussion. My feelings don’t matter.”

NFBW: I did not ask ding about your feelings I asked if you are involved with every woman in America who has an abortion and what is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

This was asked:

NFBW221209-#6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

You are wasting your opportunity.
CPlus6221209-#6,242 Is a human being a human being from fertilization - the answer can only be yes.

NFBW221209-#6,245 “Is there a point that your one contiguous organism from fertilization, until dead transitions, from being not viable to viable sufficient to live outside the womb” ?????

ZNFBW: 3000 posts later and every time a viability question is asked of ding CarsomyrPlusSix beagle9 . . . Crickets!!!!

Ok. You blew it. You could have asked me how I would have balanced the rights of mother and child and why. You could have asked if it was my call would I have made abortion legal or illegal. And why? You could have asked me if I made abortion legal would I have placed a term restriction on abortion and why.

Instead you asked a bunch of meaningless questions so you could feel better about the false narratives filling your head.

So…. I’m done. You blew it.
" Dumbfounded Jurisprudence Of Dobbs Decision Praised By Morons "

* Cowards Hiding Behind Lies And Censorship *

If I could give negative shits about what someone said, instead of just zero shits, I would give negative shits about Egg's retarded ranting about Catholicism and Justice Alito and church law or whatever the else Egg is rambling about.

Viability is irrelevant to me, and viability was never relevant to the Constitution - see 10th Amendment, see Dobbs.

Roe and Casey made some bullshit up which has now been shitbinned, as is appropriate.
The dobbs decision is sedition against us 1st , 14th and 9th amendments and supported by traitors to the us republic and by sanctimonious degenerates .
The dobbs decision is sedition against us 1st , 14th and 9th amendments
You're an insane retard.

Dobbs is literally just following the Constitution.

Even actual bad SCOTUS rulings like Roe or Casey aren't "sedition" you stupid fuck, they're just wrong, they're not following the Constitution, that's SCOTUS failing to do its job, not "sedition against Amendments."

Because "sedition against amendments" is impossible as a concept.

The 21st Amendment wasn't "sedition" against the 18th Amendment - the 18th Amendment was shitty and a bad idea and the 21st repealed it.

The First Amendment has nothing to do with abortion.
The Ninth Amendment has nothing to do with abortion.
The Fourteenth Amendment has nothing to do with abortion.

Go fuck yourself with a rusty pole.
You are wasting your opportunity.

I have my answer from you to this question

WHAT is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

This was asked:

NFBW221209-#6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

Your answer is to refuse to answer and run away which means you cannot think of one thing that inflicts harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

So your position that it’s OK letting the states decided anything the majority wants regarding abortion, violates the Constitution if the majority can ban a medical procedure that causes no harm to that religious majority in certain states.

I have no idea why you are on a message board if you cannot defend your stated opinion that resolving a human rights issue is up to the majority opinion state by state.

You are backing tyranny of a majority to take fifty years of reproductive freedom away from women but not due to harm to a single born citizen or viable human being , society as a whole or to any state that you can argue.

So run back to your world of “I am right because I say so” and live happily ever after.

I have my answer from you to this question

WHAT is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

This was asked:

NFBW221209-#6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

Your answer is to refuse to answer and run away which means you cannot think of one thing that inflicts harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

So your position that it’s OK letting the states decided anything the majority wants regarding abortion, violates the Constitution if the majority can ban a medical procedure that causes no harm to that religious majority in certain states.

I have no idea why you are on a message board if you cannot defend your stated opinion that resolving a human rights issue is up to the majority opinion state by state.

You are backing tyranny of a majority to take fifty years of reproductive freedom away from women but not due to harm to a single born citizen or viable human being , society as a whole or to any state that you can argue.

So run back to your world of “I am right because I say so” and live happily ever after.

Tl/dr. You blew it already. Bye.
WHAT is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?
Irrelevant, fucktard.

The harm is to the victim.

If someone shot you in the face, right now, they're sure as shit not harming me at all.
Arguably, they're helping me and everyone else here, and probably a lot of other people, considering what a piece of shit you are.
You're still... arguably a human being, unfortunately, with rights, despite being a loathsome piece of shit who wants your fellow human beings to be killed en masse.
So even the helpful buckshot facelift giver would need to go to prison for murder.

So your position that it’s OK letting the states decided anything the majority wants regarding abortion
Read the Constitution

violates the Constitution
It doesn't

ban a medical procedure
It isn't

that causes no harm
Homicide is harm, fucktard.

resolving a human rights issue
Yes, moral people oppose this human rights abuse of abortion

take fifty years of reproductive freedom away from women
Herpaderp, fake news and retardation. No one is doing this, lunatic.

So run back to your world of “I am right because I say so” and live happily ever after.
Oh the irony. All of your bullshit is based on "viability matters to me" and stamping your feet when others don't care about it.
" Dobbs Dumbfounded Sedition Promoted By Traitors Of Us Republic Credo "

* Too Direct And Straight Forward Clearly Incriminating Insolent Liars *

You're an insane retard.
Dobbs is literally just following the Constitution.
Even actual bad SCOTUS rulings like Roe or Casey aren't "sedition" you stupid fuck, they're just wrong, they're not following the Constitution, that's SCOTUS failing to do its job, not "sedition against Amendments."
Because "sedition against amendments" is impossible as a concept.
The 21st Amendment wasn't "sedition" against the 18th Amendment - the 18th Amendment was shitty and a bad idea and the 21st repealed it.
The First Amendment has nothing to do with abortion.
The Ninth Amendment has nothing to do with abortion.
The Fourteenth Amendment has nothing to do with abortion.
Go fuck yourself with a rusty pole.
Any citizen is entitled to legal standing in a claim that their equal protection is being violated , because a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of a zygote , or an embryo , or a fetus , which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it ; as live birth is required to become a citizen it is consequently required for equal protection that would include a wright to life .

Us 14th amendment specifies that a citizen must be born and " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest .. not .. prior to live birth . " - blackmun , roe v wade and an ability to survive an imminent birth , post natural viability , was implemented as judicial activism in lieu of a live birth requirement , and all eat toe maliciously and deceitfully lied in stating that the roe court did not explain .

As state interest in protecting a wright to life of a zef , us 10th amendment does not apply and us 9th amendment prevails based on equal protection of negative liberties among those entitled by live birth to receive them .

In that the equal protection violation suit has not been argued or filed is the only reason that scotus forwarded the dumbfounded and seditious decision of dobbs , which just as any other potentate , which would by authority usurp implementation us law , directed states to issue force against implementation of us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments .

As a legitimate state interest is in whether a wright to life exists , and not when organic life begins , and not in whether organic life exists at all in - the case of a death sentence as capital punishment , the prohibition of abortion violates us 1st amendment establishment clause , and the prohibition of abortion also violate principles of non violence and individualism and such edicts and tenets of creed as a religion lack an exception .
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" Dobbs Dumbfounded Sedition Promoted By Traitors Of Us Republic Credo "

* Too Direct And Straight Forward Clearly Incriminating Insolent Liars *

Any citizen is entitled to legal standing in a claim that their equal protection is being violated , because a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of a zygote ...
Zygote? Nobody aborts a zygote, there is no procedure to abort a zygote.

Your comments sre a good reason why abortion is a procedure from the last century, ignorance and stupidity.

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