Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

similarly situated refers to one class of persons being alike in all relevant ways to another class for purposes of a particular decision or issue.​

NFBW: where on earth HeyNorm does any society or government or group of persons regard an eight month gestational living human organism of any race to be in a separate class of persons that is treated differently than a seven month gestational living human organism of any race class of persons.

When the seven month gestated fetus has progressed further than an eight month (protected) fetus that is not progressing at a normal rate.

Your discrimination is based on arbitrary reasoning.

Remember, the same sex couple was not compared to an opposite sex couple that could and did procreate, they were compared to an opposite sex couple that could not procreate, yet still allowed to marry.

You really need to keep up.
So @HeyNorm tell us in the first option how a 15 week ban on abortion protects a 16 week fetus in the state.
NFBW: the question was asked in post 7018

And the slave owner could free his slave

NFBW: I do not see how freeing a slave has any association to the question as asked in post #7,018

Are you going to admit this statement is false which is why you refuse to address post 7018??

HeyNorm230130-#7,000 If the government is saying an abortion cannot be performed after a certain date, it is protecting the life of the fetus by doing so.

NFBW: the question was asked in post 7018

NFBW: I do not see how freeing a slave has any association to the question as asked in post #7,018

Are you going to admit this statement is false which is why you refuse to address post 7018??

HeyNorm230130-#7,000 If the government is saying an abortion cannot be performed after a certain date, it is protecting the life of the fetus by doing so.


Did you have an actual question that I haven’t already answered a dozen times?

Or is your internet connection that bad down on the plantation?
HeyNorm230130-#7,000 If the government is saying an abortion cannot be performed after a certain date, it is protecting the life of the fetus by doing so.

Did you have an actual question that I haven’t already answered a dozen times?

So HeyNorm tell us in the first option how a 15 week ban on abortion protects a 16 week fetus in the state.

why is your comment in post 7000 HeyNorm not false, given that banning abortion after a certain date does not protect a fetus beyond such a date when it is legal to kill a fetus prior to such a date??????????

The only fetuses living beyond a legal abortion date certain are fetuses planned to be living to full term according to the will of it’s loving mother

HeyNorm230131-#7,021 When the seven month gestated fetus has progressed further than an eight month (protected) fetus that is not progressing at a normal rate.

NFBW: Both classes of fetus’s are wanted fetuses by that moment during pregnancy regardless to their respective status with regard to actual physical viability. Nether class is discriminated against due to viability or lack thereof. They are both proctected through the human rights of the mother - the same.

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HeyNorm230131-#7,021 When the seven month gestated fetus has progressed further than an eight month (protected) fetus that is not progressing at a normal rate.

NFBW: Both classes of fetus’s are wanted fetuses by that moment during pregnancy regardless to their respective status with regard to actual physical viability. Nether class is discriminated against due to viability or lack thereof. They are both proctected through the human rights of the mother - the same.


And completely arbitrary
And completely arbitrary
NFBW: When a woman chooses to carry the living human organism inside her body HeyNorm it is not a decision based upon an arbitrary call on viability at all. Why do you think it is “arbitrary” when her fetus reaches seven or eight months of age? If an Abortion is required to save a woman’s life it has to come with the recommended action by her doctors. Not on a whim.

Both age classifications are treated the same in a state that permits legal abortion prior to a certain number of weeks after conception. That’s reality. It’s time you face it. Do you really want us all and specifically our women to become SLAVES to ding ‘s Vatican?????

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CS221012-#73 Canon Shooter • If you kill a person or steal from them, you should be punished because you've broken the law. •••• But if a woman goes to New York to get an abortion, she should not be punished because she's broken no law. •••• If someone kills you, that person has adversely affected your life (obviously). If I steal all of your money from you, I've adversely affected your life. If a woman in Portland gets an abortion, the impact on you is nil; nada, zip-squat-shit...

CS222013-#86 Canon Shooter • do you believe abortion should be banned nationwide?
gfm1775221013-#88 No, as that is unconstitutional. Congress has no power to legislate abortion. It is a State level issue in which the people of each State get to decide. SCOTUS ruled correctly in Dobbs.

dudmuck221014-#114 the 9th amendment is relevant here because it protects rights not specifically enumerated. •••• The Court reasoned that outlawing abortions would infringe a pregnant woman's right to privacy for several reasons: having unwanted children "may force upon the woman a distressful life and future"; it may bring imminent psychological harm; caring for the child may tax the mother's physical and mental health; and because there may be "distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child" •••• At the same time, the Court rejected the notion that this right to privacy was absolute, which means states can impose some limitations on abortion.

schmidlap240119-#323 • If and when viability and sentience develops, they are then deserving of society's protection. Until that stage is reached, a woman's right to control her body in consultation with trusted medical and spiritual advisers and loved one is far superior to the dictates of impersonal politicians and bureaucrats.
HeyNorm230119-#324 So, I will ask again, when is this moment achieved?
schmidlap230119-#327 • Roe v Wade was a compromise that recognized the precise moment viability and sentience is achieved is indeterminable. An informed judgment based upon the best medical science is the best we can hope for.

Blues Man230127-#375 I don't agree entirely with that. IMO once development reaches the stage of fetal viability outside the womb there is an argument at that point the fetus can be called a person
HeyNorm230128-#376 In all seriousness, how does one determine that, short of an autopsy.
HeyNorm230128-#391 • You gave a time frame to protect the fetus. Granting it the right to exis
NFBW230130-#431 • The time frame set by a government is not to create a right for an individual viable fetus, or for all viable fetuses as a class. The timeframe of which we speak set by the government is to put a restriction on a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy on a timeline consistent when the scientific medical community ascertains that a fetus could survive outside the womb, which generally is around 24 weeks. •••• All that Dobbs did was determine that states have a constitutional right to regulate the medical procedure of abortion as the white Christian Nationa Republican voters in each state see fit. •••• In other words, get it out of your head HeyNorm that Roe v. Wade or Dobbs granted personhood rights to a fetus because it has developed to a stage of viability where it can live outside the womb

HeyNorm230130-#432 • Regardless. Then the scientific community created a class! And the government used it! It created a class based on a subjective calendar date that many, not achieving THAT DATE, have advanced to a stage EQUAL TOO OR GREATER THAN, some that have. •••• THEREFORE ARBITRARY!

BluesMan230130-#433 No it didn't •••• The Dobbs decision said nothing about fetuses all it said was each state has the right to regulate the procedure of abortion within its own borders. •••• States that ban abortion have not given the rights of personhood to a fetus.

HeyNorm230130-#441 You give arbitrary protection to one, but not the other.

NFBW: All these people have been trying to reach you some reality HeyNorm . No the 24 week viable fetus is no more protected than the 23 week not viable fetus when a woman is not charged with murder if she comes home after she goes outside the state to get a legal abortion . No woman can leave a state to murder her one year old after live-birth child and then come back without prosecution. Children who have experienced live birth are protected.

An unborn living human organism is not protected anywhere in the US because they are not considered persons. Setting a time where the state begins to have an interest in limiting a woman’s right to have an elective abortion on or around the arbitrary concept if viability doed not protect the fetus from women who decide to abort. You are absolutely wrong HeyNorm

Just a bunch of mumbojumbo is all you got... Give it up already, but you won't because you are a wanta be intellectual narcissist who is hell bent on justifying if only a tiny fraction of your cause just so you can kiss your own hand as if that's a win for you.. 😂
HeyNorm230130-#7,000 HeyNorm • If the government is saying an abortion cannot be performed after a certain date, it is protecting the life of the fetus by doing so.

NFBW: The zero week to six week abortion bans in 13 states actually do not protect the fetus because none so far charge women with murder if they travel to a another state to get a legal abortion and then return to their state.
Abortion is currently banned in 13 states. In Georgia, where a complete ban was blocked by the courts, it is allowed only in the first six weeks. Eleven more states have restrictions between 15 and 22 weeks of gestation. Abortion is legal beyond 22 weeks’ gestation in 25 states and Washington, D.C.

Abortion on demand is available in 37 states with restrictions ranging from 15 weeks to 24 weeks . Unwanted fetuses will be aborted before the banned date. No fetus has a right to live in any state in the USA as it stand’s right now.
END 23010241
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HeyNorm230130-#7,000 HeyNorm • If the government is saying an abortion cannot be performed after a certain date, it is protecting the life of the fetus by doing so.

NFBW: The zero week to six week abortion bans in 13 states actually do not protect the fetus because none so far charge women with murder if they travel to a another state to get a legal abortion and then return to their state.
Abortion is currently banned in 13 states. In Georgia, where a complete ban was blocked by the courts, it is allowed only in the first six weeks. Eleven more states have restrictions between 15 and 22 weeks of gestation. Abortion is legal beyond 22 weeks’ gestation in 25 states and Washington, D.C.

Abortion on demand is available in 37 states with restrictions ranging from 15 weeks to 24 weeks . Unwanted fetuses will be aborted before the banned date. No fetus has a right to live in any state in the USA as it stand’s right now.
END 23010241

That will end as soon as the slave owner mentality comes to light
HeyNorm230131-#469 HeyNorm • I don’t know, and if it’s one or more, innocent life is being taken. •••• Did it matter how many slaves or Jews there were?
BluesMan230131-#471 Blues Man • The analogy of fetuses to slaves is a failure. It's the anti choice people who want to make the woman a slave to the fetus.
NFBW230201-#7,029 • “Abortion on demand is available in 37 states with restrictions ranging from 15 weeks to 24 weeks . Unwanted fetuses will be aborted before the banned date. No fetus has a right to live in any state in the USA as it stand’s right now.”
HeyNorm230201-#7,030 HeyNorm • “That will end as soon as the slave owner mentality comes to light”
NFBW: Sorry HeyNorm, The white Christian plantation owners and the Confederacy of human rights violating traitorous states are not “rising” again.”

The Republican Party of today does not have the balls to secede from the UNION again to reverse reality by making the one-cell, brainless heartless lungless living human organism that is shown in the hand held photo below the “owner” of the thirty trillion cell human being who is holding it.



Politically speaking the Republican Party managed (under Trump by bad timing for 30 trillion cell women’s freedom and liberty to place three more Confederate Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who wimped out and decided Dobbs. A total political backfire hit the slave driver Republican white Christian : Catholic Confederacy.

I gave you these undeniable facts HeyNorm from a Confederate anti-freedom advocacy group, but you remain in denial.

NFBW230201-#7,029 Abortion is currently banned in 13 states. In Georgia, where a complete ban was blocked by the courts, it is allowed only in the first six weeks. Eleven more states have restrictions between 15 and 22 weeks of gestation. Abortion is legal beyond 22 weeks’ gestation in 25 states and Washington, D.C.​
Why do you think HeyNorm that American women are ready and willing to succumb and surrender to the white Christian nationalists Confederacy of the Trump faction of the Republican Party any time soon or for that matter ever.?

Trumpers are old in Florida Texas and OHIO and will die off physically and politically in the coming two decades. Thise are the only three states that matter to the survival of the white Christian nationalists movement to enslave pregnant women into right-less incubators to the slavemaster fetuses that are physically incapable of being alive on their own.

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HeyNorm230131-#469 HeyNorm • I don’t know, and if it’s one or more, innocent life is being taken. •••• Did it matter how many slaves or Jews there were?
BluesMan230131-#471 Blues Man • The analogy of fetuses to slaves is a failure. It's the anti choice people who want to make the woman a slave to the fetus.
NFBW230201-#7,029 • “Abortion on demand is available in 37 states with restrictions ranging from 15 weeks to 24 weeks . Unwanted fetuses will be aborted before the banned date. No fetus has a right to live in any state in the USA as it stand’s right now.”
HeyNorm230201-#7,030 HeyNorm • “That will end as soon as the slave owner mentality comes to light”
NFBW: Sorry HeyNorm, The white Christian plantation owners and the Confederacy of human rights violating traitorous states are not “rising” again.”

The Republican Party of today does not have the balls to secede from the UNION again to to reverse reality by making the one-cell, brainless heartless lungless living human organism that is shown in the hand held photo below the “owner” of the thirty trillion cell human being who is holding it.

View attachment 752714

View attachment 752718
Politically speaking the Republican Party managed (under Trump by bad timing for 30 trillion cell women’s freedom and liberty to place three more Confederate Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who wimped out and decided Dobbs. A total political backfire hit the slave driver Republican white Christian : Catholic Confederacy.

I gave you these undeniable facts HeyNorm from a Confederate anti-freedom advocacy group, but you remain in denial.

NFBW230201-#7,029 Abortion is currently banned in 13 states. In Georgia, where a complete ban was blocked by the courts, it is allowed only in the first six weeks. Eleven more states have restrictions between 15 and 22 weeks of gestation. Abortion is legal beyond 22 weeks’ gestation in 25 states and Washington, D.C.​
Why do you think HeyNorm that American women are ready and willing to succumb and surrender to the white Christian nationalists Confederacy of the Trump faction of the Republican Party any time soon or for that matter ever.?

Trumpers are old in Florida Texas and OHIO and will die off physically and politically in the coming two decades. The only three states that matter to the survival of the white Christian nationalists movement to enslave pregnant women into right-less incubators to the slavemaster fetuses that are physically incapable of being alive on their own.


And, once again proving it’s about vote totals, not about protecting human life.

Hitler comes to mind.
And, once again proving it’s about vote totals, not about protecting human life.
NFBW: Just like six wimp Catholics on the Trump Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs.

ding220716-#2,284 ding “At conception a very specific human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. Each state can decide for themselves when rights are conveyed.”

NFBW: HeyNorm is now arguing that the Trump Stacked SCOTUS has a NAZI Conservative majority because human rights are to be decided by voters not inferred or acknowledged as natural.

BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area

NFBW: It is very authoritarian of you 80zephyr to dictate that there is no gray area regarding the right to continue living for a one cell human living organism that is brainless and not viable as shown here

and a 30 trillion cell human being who assumes the higher risk of pregnancy when consent is given to allow her body to nurture the human living organism to develop to live birth as shown here.

Why is there no gray area in this human rights issue between living human organisms that are 30 trillion cells apart?

Thats a lot of cells, don’t you think?

BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area

NFBW: It is very authoritarian of you 80zephyr to dictate that there is no gray area regarding the right to continue living for a one cell human living organism that is brainless and not viable as shown here
View attachment 752756
and a 30 trillion cell human being who assumes the higher risk of pregnancy when consent is given to allow her body to nurture the human living organism to develop to live birth as shown here.
View attachment 752759
Why is there no gray area in this human rights issue between living human organisms that are 30 trillion cells apart?

Thats a lot of cells, don’t you think?

What is very authoritarian is someone who gets to decide which human life lives or dies.
BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area

NFBW: It is very authoritarian of you 80zephyr to dictate that there is no gray area regarding the right to continue living for a one cell human living organism that is brainless and not viable as shown here
View attachment 752756
and a 30 trillion cell human being who assumes the higher risk of pregnancy when consent is given to allow her body to nurture the human living organism to develop to live birth as shown here.
View attachment 752759
Why is there no gray area in this human rights issue between living human organisms that are 30 trillion cells apart?

Thats a lot of cells, don’t you think?

What is truly amazing is that, from that one cell that the mothers CHOOSES to have fertilized, comes all human life.

They never develop into door knobs or goldfish.
BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area
NFBW230201-#7,034 • It is very authoritarian of you 80zephyr to dictate that there is no gray area regarding the right to continue living for a one cell human living organism that is brainless …..
80zepher230201-#7,035 • What is very authoritarian is someone who gets to decide which human life lives or dies.
NFBW: I think I am guessing correctly 80zephyr by your response that you likely are an autonomous being with will and power to do all kinds of human things by self choice. You are comprised of around 30 trillion human cells that are uniquely DNA organized and you function consciously and subconsciously fully dependent on a body mind and soul biologically driven marvel that you believe was made in the image of a revealed religion God, or you believe with fellow human being and atheist know it all nasty CarsomyrPlusSix that you come from nature, or you just don’t know, don’t care or none of the above.,

So when you say it is very authoritarian when someone gets to decide which human life lives or dies you are focusing on a woman who unexpectedly becomes pregnant and for whatever reason makes the authoritarian and autonomous decisions to abort the not-yet-viable hunan organism living inside her body and alive by functioning by full inseparable dependency upon her brain her heart and her lungs, not those organs belonging to it.

Am I correct?

END 230102020306
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BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area
NFBW230201-#7,034 • It is very authoritarian of you 80zephyr …….
a 30 trillion cell human being who assumes the higher risk of pregnancy when consent is given to allow her body to nurture the human living organism …………. •••• Why is there no gray area in this human rights issue between living human organisms that are 30 trillion cells apart? They
80zepher230201-#7,035 • What is very authoritarian is someone who gets to decide which human life lives or dies
HeyNorm230201-#7,036 • What is truly amazing is that, from that one cell that the mothers CHOOSES to have fertilized, comes all human life.

NFBW: Why and how do you say HeyNorm that every singje American woman as 30 trillion cell individuals choose this to happen ??????????

Are you fertilizing their eggs HeyNorm or are you watching their eggs being fertilized?????

BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area
NFBW230201-#7,034 • It is very authoritarian of you 80zephyr …….
a 30 trillion cell human being who assumes the higher risk of pregnancy when consent is given to allow her body to nurture the human living organism …………. •••• Why is there no gray area in this human rights issue between living human organisms that are 30 trillion cells apart? They
80zepher230201-#7,035 • What is very authoritarian is someone who gets to decide which human life lives or dies
HeyNorm230201-#7,036 • What is truly amazing is that, from that one cell that the mothers CHOOSES to have fertilized, comes all human life.

NFBW: Why and how do you say HeyNorm that every singje American woman as 30 trillion cell individuals choose this to happen ??????????
View attachment 752943
Are you fertilizing their eggs HeyNorm or are you watching their eggs being fertilized?????


You don’t read so well, my quote says “mothers” not women, but you implied all women?

Is mother just a “human construct” to you?

And although I’ve been with apparently, WAY more women than you, I’ve not been with all. I can imagine most would give their left arm to have been able to claim they slept with me, but the reality is there is just not enough time in the day to accommodate them all.

Sad, but true.
DanteR230111-#1 • What Constitutional Rights Apply to an Unborn Fetus”
80zepher230131-#481Science says that human life begins at conception.
BluesMan230131-#482 • I never said it didn't. •••• I said the fetus has no rights of personhood.
80zepher230131- #483 • If a fertilized egg is the start of human life, how can it be anything other than a human life?
BluesMan230131-#484 • Where did I say it wasn't human life?
80zepher230131-#485 • If it is a human life, it should be afforded every protection as everyone else. It seems self evident.
BluesMan230201-#488 • “So you think a single cell should be endowed with all the rights of personhood”
80zepher230201-#489 • “Yes. Either it is a human life or it’s not. There is no gray area”
BluesMan230201-#490 • A single human cell is not a person
80zephyr230201-491 • By definition, it is a human life
dblack230201-#492 • Whatever. The question is whether it's a person with Constitutionally protected rights. That's the difference between a fetus and person, between born and unborn.
80zephyr230201-#495 How can it be a human life and not be protected?

NFBW: You have put forth the ding decree in your post 0481 that “Science says that human life begins at conception.” and I could not agree more with the science you state.

ding220730-#4,060 ding “It's only the job of science to inform society when it is scientifically alive and genetically distinct

NFBW: Do we all agree 80zephyr you me and #ding that science cannot and does not dictate matters of conscience for humans who are living the human lifespan continuum from conception depicted above until death?

Science does not recognize or demand a public duty to defend the single cell human organism during its first twelve hours of human life as if it is entitled to a right to life and bodily autonomy that subjugates the mother to her fetus’
will to survive.

Yes 80zepher Science says that human life begins at conception.

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