Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

And I notice you people only want to vote on what a woman does to her own body but you never seem to want to put up to a vote what men do to theirs.
Why not make a law that a male, starting at puberty, must get a license and be certified by the state that he is solely responsible for birth control methods to be used before putting his naked penis within ten feet of a naked vagina with the intent to have consensual sex not for the purpose of populating our species.?

How many MAGA religious and firearms Extremists would go for that?
" Separation Of State And Temple "

* Ignored Fine Print Of Under The Cover Wanna Be Theocracy Bents *

And he lost, so what's your point ?
The point may be that hubris of sanctimonious anthropocentric egoistic advocate claims , that because traditionally between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have approximately 75% of elective " without cause " abortions , then abortion constitutes racism and black genocide .

There are 1.2 billion in africa with a population growth rate twice that of any other continent .

The insipid affliction of catholicism is that its historical excuses for over extending environmental and economic carrying capacity are that its doctrinal foundations are based in communism that includes every authoritarian and dictatorial expectation that there not be a difference between laws most beneficial for hue mammon and whatever it dictates as dogma , even if its dogma is contrary with the establishment clause of us republic first amendment , or whether its dogma is contrary with any other amendment of us republic .
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TEAM TRUMP/JESUS keep winning skirmishes here and there but our losing the war

Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group, filed the suit in November in a federal court in Amarillo, Texas, arguing that the FDA went beyond its authority 22 years ago and fast-tracked the approval of mifepristone. The group claimed that the FDA incorrectly approved mifepristone through an expedited process meant for medications for life-threatening illnesses ― a category the organization said pregnancy does not fall under.
Why do you want to have people vote on the issues of personal choice? And I notice you people only want to vote on what a woman does to her own body but you never seem to want to put up to a vote what men do to theirs.

Why do you want a say in the decisions another person makes over their own body?

People can vote on things that are only relevant to the entire community , country or society as a whole.

Anything have to do with an individuals own body is not up for a vote because every single person has sole sovereignty over his or her own body and everything in it.
You keep saying their own body... ROTFLMBO 🤣 Uhhh their is more than one person involved in a pregnant woman, but nice try with the long typical leftist excuse rant that meant nothing.

The best choice a person can make is to be proactive with contraception, and this way the part's shark's don't get to come out to play. Everything makes money, and abortion clinics are no different, so of course they have incentives to keep the business rolling, and they couldn't give one care about a woman in crisis over the issue of being impregnated by someone she should have done far more research on before spreading her leg's. But if she can't control herself, then contraception is readily available in various forms, and because of that she has no excuse. The sick bastards are the one's providing the service of abortions, especially abortions at various stages.

Men should also control themselves before they create an issue that causes so much damage in a person's life.

Educating the people in a correct way starts early in life, but what's been going on has led to some tragic consequences, and is destroying Live's instead of lifting them up. America should be highly ashamed of itself for what it has allowed to go on in this nation. We shall suffer the consequences for it all.
You keep saying their own body... ROTFLMBO 🤣 Uhhh their is more than one person involved in a pregnant woman ...
Yes, yes.That's the conceit the statists are pushing. And the conceit the rest of us are rejecting. Personhood starts at "birth". That's the point of the word. Un-born is un-person, despite your gyrations to the contrary.
NFBW: The pregnancies he made and requested be aborted over his fuck and run lifetime apparently were done in private and legal and had absolutely no effect on the success or demise of western civilization.

The damage he could have done to all civilization on earth had he won would have been disastrous for western civilization. You have your priorities reversed and you need to straighten them out.

You are a traitor to liberal enlightenment civilization albeit not too significantly because your numbers were shy of the threshold under Trump to turn America into a MAGA autocracy and your extremist authoritarian supernaturalism is in decline. The decline has been sped up by Dobbs.

A traitor to liberal enlightenment civilization ? What the heck does that even mean ? I've always been against the bad liberalization of America, so a traitor I'm not, but a good rational minded God loving Christian I am. Might not be perfect, but none of us ever will be until we've moved on in the right direction towards eternity and everlasting life. I'll stand up for God everytime, and I never will be ashamed of it.
Yep. That's the conceit the statists are pushing. And the conceit the rest of us are rejecting. Personhood starts at "birth". That's the point of the word. Un-born is un-person, despite your gyrations to the contrary.
So you're one of the one's that could reach into a womb, break up a body, stab it in the head, and suck it out of a woman eh ? Nice not meeting you.
Why not make a law that a male, starting at puberty, must get a license and be certified by the state that he is solely responsible for birth control methods to be used before putting his naked penis within ten feet of a naked vagina with the intent to have consensual sex not for the purpose of populating our species.?

How many MAGA religious and firearms Extremists would go for that?
Wow, you mean you are actually contemplating something other than the horrid aftermath that is being found within the issue ? Preventives are already in play, but yes you might actually be pointing in the right direction if the problem isn't remedied somehow and in someway. Women once wore Chasity belt's with lock and key, should we go back to that ? Nope because here's the deal - all that has to be done is to properly educate the masses with the right messaging again, and the biggest thing is to stop hollyweird from being the cancer that it has become upon society. Society needs to search out more Godly leaning type's of freedom's of thought, and then to once again engage in the proper controlling of one's action's before these crisis are ever created in the first place.
So you're one of the one's that could reach into a womb, break up a body, stab it in the head, and suck it out of a woman eh ? Nice not meeting you.
Nope. But you're clearly one of those eager to ram your jackboot up there and tell her how it's gonna be. Some people just can't seem to mind their own business. And there's nothing more fundamentally one's own business than procreation.
Nope. But you're clearly one of those eager to ram your jackboot up there and tell her how it's gonna be. Some people just can't seem to mind their own business. And there's nothing more fundamentally one's own business than procreation.
A triggered reaction... Do better.
Not so much. It's an accurate description of what you busybodies are up to. Why can't you just mind your own business?
Why don't you convince the majority of Americans to do just that, and then we might just do exactly that, but first you have to be right, but that is a serious problem for your kind. Do better.
Why don't you convince the majority of Americans to ...
I'm not a majoritarian. The majority isn't always right. They're not even usually right. That's why we have constitutional limits on their power. Some have no respect for those limits.
I'm not a majoritarian. The majority isn't always right. They're not even usually right. That's why we have constitutional limits on their power. Some have no respect for those limits.
You thinking that the majority in unison thought's (upon the many important matters or issue's), are somehow wrong about their many thoughts on the important issue's, and this after all the details are put out there for them to critically analyze, tells me a lot about your bull shite positions on many issue's being faced in this country.
You thinking that the majority in unison thought's (upon the many important matters or issue's), are somehow wrong about their many thoughts on the important issue's, and this after all the details are put out there for them to critically analyze, tells me a lot about your bull shite positions on many issue's being faced in this country.

Why not make a law that a male, starting at puberty, must get a license and be certified by the state that he is solely responsible for birth control methods to be used before putting his naked penis within ten feet of a naked vagina with the intent to have consensual sex not for the purpose of populating our species.?

How many MAGA religious and firearms Extremists would go for that?
and they must also submit a DNA sample so that the father of every child is known and can be forced to pay chils support.
You keep saying their own body... ROTFLMBO 🤣 Uhhh their is more than one person involved in a pregnant woman, but nice try with the long typical leftist excuse rant that meant nothing.

The best choice a person can make is to be proactive with contraception, and this way the part's shark's don't get to come out to play. Everything makes money, and abortion clinics are no different, so of course they have incentives to keep the business rolling, and they couldn't give one care about a woman in crisis over the issue of being impregnated by someone she should have done far more research on before spreading her leg's. But if she can't control herself, then contraception is readily available in various forms, and because of that she has no excuse. The sick bastards are the one's providing the service of abortions, especially abortions at various stages.

Men should also control themselves before they create an issue that causes so much damage in a person's life.

Educating the people in a correct way starts early in life, but what's been going on has led to some tragic consequences, and is destroying Live's instead of lifting them up. America should be highly ashamed of itself for what it has allowed to go on in this nation. We shall suffer the consequences for it all.
No the fetus is attached to and contained within the woman's body therefore it is part of her body. And let's not forget that nowhere in any law does it say a fetus possess the rights of personhood

And no contraceptive is ever 100% effective.

And most abortions actually occur before week 11

And when you talk about men's behavior you are changing the subject. What a person does to his own body affects no one else.
No the fetus is attached to and contained within the woman's body therefore it is part of her body. And let's not forget that nowhere in any law does it say a fetus possess the rights of personhood

And no contraceptive is ever 100% effective.

And most abortions actually occur before week 11

And when you talk about men's behavior you are changing the subject. What a person does to his own body affects no one else.
Week 11 ? How do you come about your time line's ? Why are you trying to insert yourself into a woman's affair's, otherwise trying to convince them that abortion is the way to go ? Are you a population worry wart ?
I mean, this stupid RNAD thing, well, it's getting out of hand, and I can clearly see what is driving it: IN FACT, this idea that 'America is not a Democracy' became popular with Republicans right about the time they started losing the popular vote. Gee, what a coincidence, it seems they need to dis democracy in order to feel about about their winning the presidency via a particular fluke in the electoral college system.
NFBW: Tennessee Republicans this week exposed their unintended exposure that Jim Crow is alive and flying high in red state America and rural areas of blue states because MAGA right wing white grievance politics can’t win the popular vote anymore.

The glue that holds that mess together was and is not Trump, The movement was made for an authoritarian white cultish personality to run on. - it is the white Christian grassroots embrace of unborn brainless fetuses when Roe v Wade was decided. But the real beginning of rightwing Christian nationalism was the marriage of big business to Christian ministers in opposition to the New Deal that followed the collapse of capitalism and faith in free enterprise,

Business leaders were swept aside during the New Deal and they wanted to market their way back to pure free enterprise and little interference from the Federal Government.

So the link of free enterprise to Christianity was marketed and the voices they needed to market it were Christian Preachers with WASP credentials.

KRUSE: That's it exactly. They used these ministers to make the case that Christianity and capitalism were soul mates. This case had been made before, but in the context of the New Deal, it takes on a sharp new political meaning. And essentially, they argue that Christianity and capitalism are both systems in which individuals rise and fall according to their own merits.​
And so in Christianity, if you're good, you go to heaven. If you're bad, you go to hell. In capitalism, if you're good, you make a profit and you succeed. If you're bad, you fail.
The New Deal, they argue, violates this natural order. In fact, they argue that the New Deal and the regulatory state violates the Ten Commandments.​

NFBW: It was not intended but, opposition to the New Deal created the original BIG LIE that America was founded as a Christian Nation that threatens the American experiment as kindling for the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from the anti-New Deal and God’s favorite.

Proof that Trump is God’s choice is his placing three more anti choice judges on the Supreme Court that gave the Christians their reward for licking the wingtips of big business-MEN for nearly a century.

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