Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why did you mangle my words?

The irony of this question is beyond the pale.

You've ascribed positions to me that I have never taken because it fits your POV.

You can blather all you like. All you've done is succeed in letting me know you are dishonest.
I have no problem with abortions if the fetus has problems or would endanger the life of the mother, and I mean literally endangering the life of the mother, not some bullshit that just having a baby is a danger to the mother's life
There is a statistical probability of mortality with any delivery
I never said I was pro/anti abortion. In other words, I've never commented on the morality of it.


Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.​
Russell Moore @drmoore

Can you HikerGuy83 comment on the moral justification used by the states that hold a majority of voters who want the state to ban and restrict a safe medical procedure that reduces the “statistical probability of mortality from full term gestation of a fetus to live or stillborn birth” to zero?

indpndntthnkr.23.06.15 #9,221
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,236
mvnkvyv.23.06.15 #9,239
nf.23.07.25 #9,920
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Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.​
Russell Moore @drmoore

Can you HikerGuy83 comment on the moral justification used by the states that hold a majority of voters who want the state to ban and restrict a safe medical procedure that reduces the “statistical probability of mortality from full term gestation of a fetus to live or stillborn birth” to zero?

indpndntthnkr.23.06.15 #9,221
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,236
mvnkvyv.23.06.15 #9,239
nf.23.07.25 #9,920
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, murder is illegal in all 50 states. That's not something you change by public opinion.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, murder is illegal in all 50 states. That's not something you change by public opinion.

Putting and end to gestation in one’s own body is not murder or illegal in any state as of this writing. I doubt that it will ever be.

What is illegal in most white evangelical Christian run states is the medical procedure that ends gestation safely.

It defies reason and human decency that a medical procedure can be banned in a state that is deeply influenced by one strain of all Christianity that is mostly white, Republican and not open to toleration for anybody or lifestyle outside their fundamentalist flock.

ndpndntthnkr.23.07.25 #9,924
nf.23.07.25 #9,925
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Putting and end to gestation in one’s own body is not murder or illegal in any state as of this writing. I doubt that it will ever be.

What is illegal in most white evangelical Christian run states is the medical procedure that ends gestation safely.

It defies reason and human decency that a medical procedure can be banned in a state that is deeply influenced by one strain of all Christianity that is mostly white, Republican and not open to toleration for anybody or lifestyle outside their fundamentalist flock.

ndpndntthnkr.23.07.25 #9,924
nf.23.07.25 #9,925
When a person doesn't believe in murder, you can't expect them to be OK with murder just because public opinion favors murder.


Only when we see how lost we are, we can find our way again. Only when we bury what’s dead can we experience life again. Only when we lose our religion can we be amazed by grace again.​
Russell Moore @drmoore

Can you HikerGuy83 comment on the moral justification used by the states that hold a majority of voters who want the state to ban and restrict a safe medical procedure that reduces the “statistical probability of mortality from full term gestation of a fetus to live or stillborn birth” to zero?

indpndntthnkr.23.06.15 #9,221
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,236
mvnkvyv.23.06.15 #9,239
nf.23.07.25 #9,920

I've already commented on it.

I don't consider it. Period. We don't legislate morality. If a state bans abortion, then it bans abortion.

Deal with it.
That is a lie. See post #9,920

Nope. I have always maintained it was about legality.

You keep wanting to make it about moraility. What I agree with and why I agree with is not yours to judge since you have no information.

I don't agree with extremists. I agree with the SCOTUS.

People listen to them. They don't listen to you.

And as far as this thread is concerned, I am through with you.

See a professional. You need help.
When a person doesn't believe in murder, you can't expect them to be OK with murder just because public opinion favors murder.
We don't legislate morality. If a state bans abortion, then it bans abortion.
And as far as this thread is concerned, I am through with you.
The Saving Baby Fetus Cult Lie is that ending gestation is murder. Ending gestation is not murder. To some religious people ending gestation is a sin against God. Those who want a medical procedure banned are legislating their morality. They are not legislating based on law.

Dobbs put that big lie to rest. Abortion “legally” is not murder. It’s over now for don’t give a shit about baby fetus Republicans. The culture war anti-abortion battle axe is useless. Ending gestation is not murder. It is not immoral. It is not anyone’s business. The Republican Party is cracked to its foundation. Trump made Dobbs possible. Trump and Dobbs will bring this solution about if Trump is the GOP nominee.

if Donald Trump is the nominee Mitt Romney will announce that he and Sen. Murkowski and one or two other Republican Senators are going to become independents and caucus with the Democrats in the Senate until MAGA is put to death,​
That will abort the Saving Baby Fetus Movement in Texas Florida and Ohio and the entire movement will die a slow death in Mississippi and Alabama and the rest of the Old South Confederacy,

ndpndntthnkr.23.07.25 #9,926
hkrgy.23.07.25 #9,927
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The Saving Baby Fetus Cult Lie is that ending gestation is murder. Ending gestation is not murder. To some religious people ending gestation is a sin against God. Those who want a medical procedure banned are legislating their morality. They are not legislating based on law.

Dobbs put that big lie to rest. Abortion “legally” is not murder. It’s over now for don’t give a shit about baby fetus Republicans. The culture war anti-abortion battle axe is useless. Ending gestation is not murder. It is not immoral. It is not anyone’s business. The Republican Party is cracked to its foundation. Trump made Dobbs possible. Trump and Dobbs will bring this solution about if Trump is the GOP nominee.

if Donald Trump is the nominee Mitt Romney will announce that he and Sen. Murkowski and one or two other Republican Senators are going to become independents and caucus with the Democrats in the Senate until MAGA is put to death,​
That will abort the Saving Baby Fetus Movement in Texas Florida and Ohio and the entire movement will die a slow death in Mississippi and Alabama and the rest of the Old South Confederacy,

ndpndntthnkr.23.07.25 #9,926
hkrgy.23.07.25 #9,927
You attempt to simplify the process as if one is just going out to get an ice cream cone, and then return home.

However, you know good and well that the abortion industry became just like every other leftist trend sweeping the country by storm, and not shockingly doing so with the help of highjacked hollyweird spewing it's vile bull shite, and with the leftist free loving hippies turning everything upside down, and vote buying and/or crisis exploiting politicians for votes then jumping on the band wagon's as well.

You attempt to hide what people are standing against (the fact's), and then try to turn the issue into some kind of privacy issue that might or should allow for a woman to seek an abortion whenever she decides to seek one during her pregnancy. Well we know where all that has gone, and that's why finally the push back has come. People finally realizing that they still had a conscious. Well I'll be dog gone, who'd a thunk it ?..
. I have always maintained it was about legality.

State’s right to regulate abortion as a medical procedure is not a legal foundation to force gestation to full term when the woman involved does not want it. Banning abortions after six weeks from conception is a moral order to intervene on behalf of a non-person by proxy. It is not designed to protect a pregnant woman from harm by a doctor.

Where does a state government get the legal authority to serve as a proxy for a non-person that is part of an actual person’s body?

If you know HikerGuy83 can you post your answer anywhere if you are that afraid of posting on this thread, because you might be the only human being alive who seems to be saying forcing distressed women to gestate their fetus to live birth is not legislated morality.

hkrgy.23.06.25 #9,928
nf.23.07.25 #9,932
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electronic trash.

That's not an insurrection. It's a stupid mob.
And she paid the price for doing something stupid.
Why was terrorist ransacker Ashley Babbitt attacking a constitutionally mandated proceeding in Congress that was doing the peaceful transfer of power, simply doing something stupid in your mind.

Sure it was stupid, but it was slso strategically organized to gather a mob of stupid people like Ashley Babbit to do something at that location on a specific day for one very specific loser of a presidential election.

To do what? Here’s an FBI affidavit from an insurrectionist who stormed the Capitol alongside fascist comrade Ashley Babbitt.

Baranyi said he personally participated in the storming of the Capitol building to stop Congress from counting the electoral college votes for Biden. "We tore through the scaffolding, through flash bangs and tear gas, and blitzed our way in through all the chambers just trying to get into Congress​

Stopping Congress from counting the electoral college votes for Biden was an attempt to “win” the election for Trump through violence. Trump incited that Hope earlier that day:

January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their vote {a lie} •••• . All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17​

Babbitt committed violence against the United States to cause Trump to win the election he lost.

hkrgy.23.07.25 #9,929
hkrgy.23.07.25 #53
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The SCOTUS rules on LAW. •••• What has been going on here is a moral discussion. •••• I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job.
How can any USSC justice avoid the moral concepts or ideals, such as “equal protection” or “due process of law.” When deciding what a woman can and cannot do with her own body in the self-interest of preventing harm to her body such as suffering a potential maternal death near the end of gestation?
When a man and woman consensually and legally produce an unwanted pregnancy there is no state interest because the state has only a legal interest that is blindfolded to moral values of the two parties involved.
I support moral reasoning in constitutional interpretation to derive meaning from ethical arguments to fill in gaps in the text to address situations unforeseen at the time of the founding based on what is fair and reasonable to the individual being granted thecright to life liberty and pursuit of happiness under “equal protection” and “due process of law.” In all affairs of mankind.

States shall not “deprive any person of . . . liberty without due process of law. But
If the concept of liberty we hold dear “presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct, the then Dobbs was wrongly decided both legally and morall.

Consensual sex strictly for pleasure is treated as a crime when unwanted pregnancy is the result. Only the woman is punished for a non-criminal act when the safest solution to her situation is blocked by the state for no reason other to force her to deliver the fetus to a live birth for society.

She is not given equal protection under the law as her partner avoids physical harm and thus receives no due process for the loss of liberty and physical harm the state requires her to endure.

hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193
The Saving Baby Fetus Cult Lie is that ending gestation is murder. Ending gestation is not murder. To some religious people ending gestation is a sin against God. Those who want a medical procedure banned are legislating their morality. They are not legislating based on law.

Dobbs put that big lie to rest. Abortion “legally” is not murder. It’s over now for don’t give a shit about baby fetus Republicans. The culture war anti-abortion battle axe is useless. Ending gestation is not murder. It is not immoral. It is not anyone’s business. The Republican Party is cracked to its foundation. Trump made Dobbs possible. Trump and Dobbs will bring this solution about if Trump is the GOP nominee.

if Donald Trump is the nominee Mitt Romney will announce that he and Sen. Murkowski and one or two other Republican Senators are going to become independents and caucus with the Democrats in the Senate until MAGA is put to death,​
That will abort the Saving Baby Fetus Movement in Texas Florida and Ohio and the entire movement will die a slow death in Mississippi and Alabama and the rest of the Old South Confederacy,

ndpndntthnkr.23.07.25 #9,926
hkrgy.23.07.25 #9,927
How can any USSC justice avoid the moral concepts or ideals, such as “equal protection” or “due process of law.” When deciding what a woman can and cannot do with her own body in the self-interest of preventing harm to her body such as suffering a potential maternal death near the end of gestation?
When a man and woman consensually and legally produce an unwanted pregnancy there is no state interest because the state has only a legal interest that is blindfolded to moral values of the two parties involved.
I support moral reasoning in constitutional interpretation to derive meaning from ethical arguments to fill in gaps in the text to address situations unforeseen at the time of the founding based on what is fair and reasonable to the individual being granted thecright to life liberty and pursuit of happiness under “equal protection” and “due process of law.” In all affairs of mankind.

States shall not “deprive any person of . . . liberty without due process of law. But
If the concept of liberty we hold dear “presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct, the then Dobbs was wrongly decided both legally and morall.

Consensual sex strictly for pleasure is treated as a crime when unwanted pregnancy is the result. Only the woman is punished for a non-criminal act when the safest solution to her situation is blocked by the state for no reason other to force her to deliver the fetus to a live birth for society.

She is not given equal protection under the law as her partner avoids physical harm and thus receives no due process for the loss of liberty and physical harm the state requires her to endure.

hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193
State’s right to regulate abortion as a medical procedure is not a legal foundation to force gestation to full term when the woman involved does not want it

Oh yes it is....

Then where is that legal foundation expressed in the Constitution or precedence or common law.

The states have the right to regulate a medical procedure but they are legislating “morality” by banning a medical procedure that forces full term gestation on women who do not have means to travel to a state where the exact same medical procedure is protected by the state.

You should’ve kept running from me instead of cutting my statement in half and replying to the half that I agree is true.

You have become a bold faced liar now.

The American Taliban gift that keeps on giving.

nf.23.07.25 #9,932
hkrgy.23.07.26 #9,935
nf.23.07.26 #9,938
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On this day, 23.06.15 in post #9,214 I asked hkrgy if state legislatures can violate a right to avoid physical consequences such as cause harm to a law abiding individual by restricting her access to a safe medical procedure? •••• To which came the reply from hkrgy same dates in post #9,217 That there is no such right (to avoid physical harm).
I know you mean to include backup for your assertion that this is a fallacy or that such a condition exists in general. •••• But somehow it didn't upload. •••• Can you please include it. This would be the argument you are making and the supporting documentation.
Tell me (all legal like) @HikerGuy that the Constitution does not have a live birth stipulation that individuals living under its jurisdiction have equal protection rights from the moment they are born.

It says nothing about individuals having a right to life at the moment of conception.
It does not say "all persons (regardless of age or stage of development" are Constitutionally entitled to the "equal protections of our laws."


We are not BORN until we have a functional individual brain and birth happens nine months or so after conception.

nf.23,06.16 #9,231
hkrgy.23.06.18 #9,309
nf.23.07.26 #9,939
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