Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


It is 20 out of 100,000 that childbirth can kill a woman. If a woman wants a medical procedure that removes the risk of giving birth, no state has a right to ban it. •••• That is much more straightforward than whatever you got.
nf.23.09.06 #10,757

I’ve said I agree with abortion for life of the mother, and as of right now, every state that bans abortion has an exception for the health of the mother. So we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about elective abortions. In those cases, I do not agree that the federal government has the authority to force states to accepting abortion.
I’ve said I agree with abortion for life of the mother, and as of right now, every state that bans abortion has an exception for the health of the mother. So we’re not talking about that.
I am talking about the health of the potential birthmother when she is able to confirm
that she is pregnant, Why aren’t you talking about that or allowing me to talk about that.

At the seventh week of a pregnancy, can you tell me that the State of Texas is able to fully guarantee that a continuation of gestation, to a point very clause to giving birth, in a woman’s body will not result in harm to her body or possibly death?

nf.23.09.06 #10,763
From my own perspective as a Catholic, and as an American. From both a religious and secular in my opinion abortion should be outlawed. I say that because I believe in human life.
Why should a private medical procedure that a woman chooses to avoid the possible risk of premature death be banned in the interest of a state. There is no threat to public health or safety when a woman chooses medical science to end the biological function of gestation early on when it begins to materialize in her body?

Your side keeps on talking about one single day, January 6, which is propped up by a corrupt media.
It was not one single day and it has not stopped yet. It started before votes were cast in November 2020 and the undermining of democracy and our legal and law enforcement institutions in favor of authoritarian morality government
continues to thrive.

The political force behind the push for white Christian authoritarianism starting with controlling women’s bodies is fueled by the fictionalized belief that the Republicans are morally superior because they stand for saving baby fetus from Democrats who lust to kill babies in the womb.

It’s a self delusional nightmare for Republican now that Dobbs overturned Roe versus Wade.

nf.23.09.07 #10,765
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It was not one single day and it has not stopped yet. It started before votes were cast in November 2020 and the undermining of democracy and our legal and law enforcement institutions in favor of authoritarian morality government
continues to thrive.

The political force behind the push for white Christian authoritarianism starting with controlling women’s bodies is fueled by the fictionalized belief that the Republicans are morally superior because they stand for saving baby fetus from Democrats who lust to kill babies in the womb.

It’s a self delusional nightmare for Republican now that Dobbs overturned Roe versus Wade.
/---/ Thanks for your opinion.
She was guilty at most of trespassing, and illegally shot while unarmed and no threat to anyone.

Ashli Babbitt entered a Federal restricted area where visitors must pass thru screening and metal detectors.

She did Q proud.

She was delivered to DJT martyrdom by a Capitol Police Officer who had no obligation to ask her politely ma’am what do you have in your backpack? He and other officers couid have shot any individual at any time when they entered the Capitol during a Joint Session of Congress with the entire succession to the Presidency in attendance.

Specifically persons with a backpack.

Ashli Babbitt was under the influence of Qanon which associates her with the worst of anti-abortion extremism.

For a half century, a conspiracy-minded brand of anti-abortion extremism has been part and parcel of white-supremacist movements. The Ku Klux Klan referred to legalized abortion as a genocide against the white race. Anti-abortion leaders such as Randall Terry, of Operation Rescue, and Robert Cooley, of the Pro-Life Action Network, frequently alleged that most abortion providers were Jewish. Today, the QAnon conspiracy, which helped inspire the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6th and continues to threaten similar plots, can be seen as a twisted metonym for generations of anti-Semitic pro-life propaganda: child molestation and cannibalism take the place of abortion, while “George Soros” and “global cabal” stand in for Jews. In this world, a one-and-a-half-million-dollar grant awarded to Planned Parenthood by the Open Society Foundations becomes evidence of Soros personally offering political cover for Planned Parenthood’s lucrative trade in “baby body parts.” “The QAnon obsession with vulnerable children is very similar to the blood-libel myth,” Carol Mason, a professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Kentucky and the author of “Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics,” told me.​
It is no coincidence that, for example, the Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon promoter who has blamed deadly wildfires in California on a “space laser” financed by the Rothschild banking firm, has also called abortion “genocide” and supports a pro-life amendment to the Constitution. Donald Trump, too, understood the salience of anti-abortion messaging to the nativist and white-supremacist segments of his base. In April, 2019, Trump told a rally of supporters in Green Bay that Wisconsin’s Democratic governor, Tony Evers, endorsed infanticide; months earlier, Trump made similar statements about Ralph Northam, the Democratic governor of Virginia.​

Are you Q too?

#9,965 09965
Kamala Harris is inhuman moronic garbage.
It is absolutely deplorable for that disgusting, braindead slut to incorrectly cite the DoI to promote attacks on the right to life.

#95 00095
I don't understand what anyone is so upset about if it's overturned...all it means is the states can pass laws...if people want abortions, they elect representatives that will make it legal

#97 00097
It's a human right to decide what to do with your own body, and shouldn't be subject to public opinion. What if public opinion wants Blacks to sit in the back of the bus?

#99 00099
and what you call a "human right" isn't a Constitutional right...and the Court is bound by the Constitution

Human rights do not need the US Constitution to exist. That a woman’s right to control her own body exists is a no-brainer. That a potential human being in a brainless stage of early development has a right to use another person’s body to continue its survival is a no brainer that it’s should be left up to the potential birthmother. The basic principle behind the latter no-brainer is that the potential birth mother is the only person with rights because she is the only person who can assume the risk of full term gestation.

Saint Struth and Saint Atheist+six and no government or its legislature or it’s majority of religious extremist citizens can suffer the harm that may come when a woman is forced to maintain gestation until childbirth is ready to happen. She goes through it alone.

nf.23.09.07 #10,770
Executing murderers as a punishment for murder isn’t murder,
Saint Atheist+six of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult cannot punish a woman who ends gestation early in a pregnancy because there is no victim. Independent life requires a brain and fully functional nervous system that supports at least all other vital organs that are required for a human being to experience human life.

There is only one brain sustaining all life in a pregnant woman’s body when she is fifteen weeks pregnant.

When a woman ends gestation of a fetus she is not killing a person with brain activity in an independent living individual. There is no victim. There is no murder.

Saint Atheist+six Is fighting another lost cause for the Bible Belt Confederacy

nf.23.09.07 #10,771

Saint Atheist+six of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult cannot punish a woman who ends gestation early in a pregnancy because there is no victim. Independent life requires a brain and fully functional nervous system that supports at least all other vital organs that are required for a human being to experience human life.

There is only one brain sustaining all life in a pregnant woman’s body when she is fifteen weeks pregnant.

When a woman ends gestation of a fetus she is not killing a person with brain activity in an independent living individual. There is no victim. There is no murder.

Saint Atheist+six Is fighting another lost cause for the Bible Belt Confederacy

nf.23.09.07 #10,771
/——/ Ya gotta keep killing those babies.
Ya gotta keep killing those babies.

They just gotta... It's who they are.
That line does not work anymore since Dobbs overturned roe versus wade.

That’s because if being pro choice early in a pregnancy when all elective abortion are performed make me a baby killer then Sean Hannity is a baby killer too. And that gives with 70% of Americans as well. We are all of baby killers.

That line of bullshit just does not work anymore

Sean Hannity Calls Ohio Abortion Rights Blowout 'Pretty Sobering'​
Mike Huckabee said Republicans did "a pitiful job” explaining their position. But it seems they've done a great job. It's just that their position is horrific.​
By Caitlin Cruz PublishedAugust 11, 2023​
Abortion is a winning issue, and even Fox News host Sean Hannity is starting to get it. On his Thursday night broadcast, Hannity discussed the Republican Party’s stance on abortion with former political candidates, Mike Huckabee and Tudor Dixon, in the context of this week’s failed vote in Ohio that was called a pretext to hurt abortion rights in the state.​
On Tuesday, an Ohio voters rejected a ballot measure during a special election that would have made it harder to amend the state constitution. Republicans wanted this ballot measure—which was their attempt to keep a pro-abortion measure from winning in November—passed in order to raise the threshold to amend the state constitution.​
“We saw the vote in Ohio,” Hannity said in a video posted by Mediaite. “I will tell you, if you look at Doug Mastriano [of Pennsylvania] and Tudor, even your race, I would argue that people that have very restrictive views on abortion, unlike say, Mississippi as of 15 weeks—that was the Dobbs decision—anything less than that, thei fear among many, many conservatives is this will chase away many suburban voters.”​
Huckabee said Republicans have just “done a very pitiful job” of explaining their position. I would argue they’ve done a great job. For years they advocated against abortion, and slowly strangled the Southern states and the Midwest, taking away access. Then, after getting a charlatan to appoint anti-abortion justices to the Supreme Court, Republicans finally won. The federal protection to most abortion rights is gone. Now, we’re living in that victory.​
  1. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

    Enjoy that Republican landslide in the midterms.

LIE. There have been no abortion bans. Even your saint RBG said Roe vs Wade was an incorrect ruling. Oops. Poor crybaby, the states now decide their laws, as was intended. That idiotic meme itself shows we can flush anything you say as crap.

If there are no abortion bans how does the Saving Baby Fetus Cult save any Baby Fetuses?
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  1. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

    Enjoy that Republican landslide in the midterms.

If there are no abortion bans how does the Saving Baby Fetus Cult save any Baby Fetuses .
Can somebody translate this gibberish into English please? We get it, you want to kill babies because you’re a lazy fuck without enough brains to take precautions. Which is why sane people hate you.

That choice of words means you have been sucked into the Saving Baby Fetus Cult which makes you an unsaved Hillbilly Christian on your way to burning in hell for all eternity unless you take Hillbilly Jesus as your lord and savior.

nf.23.09.08 #10,778
And your choice of words makes you a POC on your way to becoming a hillbillies girlfriend in hell, and who knows, you might can even get pregnant in hell, and uhhhh ohhhhh there will be abortions allowed in hell too, so I bet for you it is something you'd support, that way you'll stay an impregnated hillbilly for eternity, otherwise one who will be getting multiple abortions everyday since you love that sort of thing so much. Hillbilly Satan awaits his bride.

Enjoy your afterlife dipstick..
bvvgl.23.09.08 #10,779
And your choice of words makes you a POC

I am a rational theist. If Satan exists, he hates and fears rational human beings because he exists as an imaginary creature who exists only in irrational minds. If we all become rational, Satan and his eternal torture chamber realm can no longer exist.

This could be one of your “irrational” posts couldn’t it be Saint Beagle?

DARKNESS HAS COME upon the world. It is an ancient darkness and yet new in its manifesting. It is, at the time of this writing, permeating our media, our entertainments, our marketplaces, our schools, our corporations, our public squares, our governments, our culture, our lives. It is setting in motion the transformation of our society, the overturning of ancient foundations, and the destroying of age-old standards of morality, values, perception, and faith. It is an unrelenting darkness,​
Can somebody translate this gibberish into English please?
one that seeks not only to exist and grow but to exercise total dominion, to force all it touches into submission, to subjugate language, to alter perception, and to bend reality into its image. It is a darkness that requires every tongue to confess its name and every knee to bow down in its homage. As for those who would defy or resist its conquest, it seeks to assimilate and transform them or else destroy them, even to destroy their will to resist it. It is a totalitarian darkness. It cannot rest until all lights are extinguished.​
But there is nothing much darker going on in America than white hillbilly Christian’s fake nationalism and the Saving Baby Fetus Cult that it thrives on.

nf.23.09.08 #10,780
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