Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

JustAGuy1 said: #1 Move along, nothing see here....well except for a direct attack on Religious Liberties that is. jstgy.20.12.02 #1

Captain Caveman said: So my burning question is, why agree with scientists on climate but disagree on what's life? cptncvmn.23.10.24 #1

Captain Caveman said: So what's life?!? cptncvmn.23.10.29 #11,724

I do not disagree with science Saint Captaincaveman that explains human life begins at conception. So what was your burning question all about in your post #1 ?

And then five days later you do not appear to know what life is anyway.

What is your scientific definition of life? Why is it an attack on your religious liberty if I believe it was morally wrong to overturn RvW in the Dobbs decision?

nf.23.10.29 #11,741
Dragonlady said: “Evangelical right wing Christians get 100,000 abortions every year. Just as many right wing women get abortions as left wing women.” drgnldy.22.05.02 #165

TemplarKormac said: For legitimate reasons. Health, miscarriages, fatal deformities. Not for the mere act of looking cool to their political cliques.” tmplrkrmc.22.05.02 #171 to drgnldy.22.05.02 #165

I have question for Saint Templarkormac regarding post #171.

When every woman finds out she is pregnant, how does she know what effect giving birth to a fully developed fetus will have on her health?

Should a government force every woman to assume the risk of giving birth when a pregnancy is unintended?

nf.23.10.29 #11,742
ding said: That sounds exactly like you are for abortion being a misdemeanor. dvng.23.10.28 #11,683

I am for absolute privacy between a woman and her doctor including when she is pregnant whether becoming pregnant was intended ir not.

Votar Roja said: COMMENT: It is amazing how blind democrats are to the fact that they behave exactly like their slave-owning forbearers by denying personhood to babies today as they did to blacks in the 1800's. vtrrj.23.10.21 #1

OhPleaseJustQuit said: Just too true. OPJQ.23.10.21 #2 to vtrrj.23.10.21 #1

NotfooledbyW said: “I am not wrong to point out that a fetus cannot survive without extreme physical impairment prior to 24 weeks of development within the womb without nutrients and oxygenated blood from it’s mother. “ nf.22.08.26 #5,156

CarsomyrPlusSix said: Viability is irrelevant. It just means you have surfactant in lungs so that you can breathe. myrpls.22.09.27 #5,209

CarsomyrPlusSix said: Life begins at fertilization. This is scientific fact. Learn it. Adopt reality already. myrpls.22.09.27 #5,209

CarsomyrPlusSix said: I think it is appropriate for a civilization to believe in equality and treat all human life as worthy of protection. myrpls.22.09.27 #5,209

CarsomyrPlusSix said You want a barbaric uncivilized society to be discriminatory against some human beings to the point of legal contracted homicide against them. Your hate is no better and no different than a slaveholder or a concentration camp commander myrpls.22.09.27 #5,209

Can Saint Votarroja provide any historical factually verified observation that one single plantation owning person owned and subjugated negroes as to labor in the fields and households when the negroes were not viable and were breathing surfactant in their lungs.?

nf.23.10.30 #11,744
ding said: “I am not a creationist. But I do believe this is a life‑breeding universe because the constant presence of mind made it so.” dvng.23.10.28 #1,039

Have you solved the mystery Saint Ding of at which moment the “presence of mind” transforms each new and unique in utero human matter into a new unique human being with capability and spiritual energy to think as a self. nf.23.10.30 #11,745 to dvng.23.10.28 #1,039
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RhodyPatriot said: Trump is simply objectively better, but too many triggered smooth brains just won't accept it. rhdyptrt.23.10.19 #4

Trump is objectively better functionally to a specific classification of American voter who is literally predisposed to fondness for strong patriarchal strict anti feminist authoritarianism with little need for upholding western liberal democratic institutions as the best means for promoting progress for humankind.

Trump picked up white evangelical
Christian nationalists support including Vigano Schlafly Catholics in 2015 and dropped support for true religious freedom and sevujarc run democracy to amass the greatest mob rule criminal enterprise in American history to render the 2020 election null and void.

Trump has mind boggling control over white Christian nationalists brains and if you do not believe me read Saint Mashmont ’s authoritarian reeking posts a few times. Ir see what he did to Jenna Ellis.

nf.23.10.30 #11,746
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ding said: “It's not the job of science to determine if society morally is obligated to considerate it alive. It's only the job of science to inform society when it is scientifically alive and genetically distinct. Society's job (typically done through legislation) is to determine if and/or when that life may be terminated. “ dvng.22.07.30 #4,060

Then why would any woman need to be sorry for terminating a scientifically alive human being while it is embedded within her body to continue to scientifically exist?

Why can’t she believe moral human life begins at live birth and physical separation from her body?

nf.23.10.30 #11,745
" Groveling Gutter Language "

* Something Simple *

Your kind think dudes that wear bras and eye makeup are chicks. Kindly keep up.
The fanatic abortion anti-choice trolls continue to falsely conjecture that all elective abortions are " without cause " .

* Way Ahead And Far Beyond *

Assuming you could handle the conversation , we will let gator explain it to you aunt ida .
NFBW #11,749
When God Abandons a Nation
From Book: America, Return to God (2nd Edition)


By John MacArthur

Romans 1:18-32
The Wrath of God is admittedly not a popular subject. But it is an absolutely critical and central subject to any understanding of the gospel. Now there are a number of different aspects to the wrath of God.

There is what we could call eternal wrath, because it is the punishments that God brings on unbelieving sinners forever in hell. There is also eschatological wrath. That is the wrath of God released at the end of the world.

There is what we could call cataclysmic wrath – like a tsunami, a volcano, a hurricane, an earthquake, a plane flying in to the Twin Towers resulting in thousands of deaths.

And there is what you could call consequential wrath. Consequential wrath is the sowing and reaping – you live a certain kind of life, and you set in motion certain forces that will produce judgment.

But there is one other kind of wrath and that is the wrath that is presented in this passage.

It is the wrath of abandonment. It is that wrath exhibited by God when He turns His back on a society.

Saint ding #617 said; I don’t see how that changes the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. Not religious dogma per se but the successful behaviors which Western Civilization was built upon.​

It’s not Christian values that endanger our democracy; it is supernatural extraordinary beliefs outside of the civilizing norms of religion that endanger our governance by self rule apart from religious “belief” .

The white Christian nationalists believe that God creates nations and therefore abandons nations and entire cultures whenever sexually deviant behavior lures enough of the people away from God’s laws See quotation at the top….. and this;

“It is the wrath of abandonment. It is that wrath exhibited by God when He turns His back on a society​

One such sexual deviation is a woman having sex outside traditional Christian marriage who gets pregnant and decides to end the in utero life her deviant behavior created.

The private termination of one’s own pregnancy produces zero material harm or threat to public health or public safety. That is unless you believe that she is bringing forth God’s wrath of abandonment of the entire Christian Nation when behaving in such sexually deviant destructive behavior.,

America was not founded as a Christian Nation. That is the mother of all white Christian nationalists Big LIES.

nf.23.10.30 #11,749
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CarsomyrPlusSix said You want a barbaric uncivilized society to be discriminatory against some human beings to the point of legal contracted homicide against them. Your hate is no better and no different than a slaveholder or a concentration camp commander myrpls.22.09.27 #5,209

Captain Caveman said: I favor people making the choice BEFORE conceiving. cptncvmn.21.08.12 #197

What law abiding citizens are expected to care Saint Captaincaveman about what you favor they do regarding their private sexual behavior and reproductive decisions?

Saint MAGA Mike Johnson watch;

The new speaker is a far-right Christian Nationalist and Trump cultis

He's a Christian nationalist. He's an election denier. He wants to destroy Medicare and Social Security. He's a fan of neo-Nazi conspiracy theories.

"Sexual anarchy": Mike Johnson is the GOP's Incel-in-Chief

skye said: Ukraine flags down.....pussy hats back!!!!!! skyv.22.05.04 #1,316
B. Kidd said: I underestimated that when it comes to the typical American woman voter, 'that hell hath no fury like a pussy scorned!'. bkvdd.33 22.16 #5,635
Delldude said: Dude, you wiggin' out on Jesus? dlldd.23.01.02 #6,610
BckAgain said: Instead, what I said was that we really should be contemplating such a possible consequence in our calculations. bckvgn.24.03.24 #7,915
Tom Paine 1949 said: The only ones who want to “let him” [Putin] get away with this bloody invasion … are those who want to stop all aid to Ukraine. •••• Who are these people? Well, 70 U.S. House Representatives — all of them MAGA Republicans — voted for Trumpster Matt Gaetz’s amendment to the annual defense bill to cut off all military aid to Ukraine. tvmpvvnv.24.07.26 #524
hadit said: Let's see if we have this as the right. You think that Putin so loved TRUMP! that he did NOT make a military move while TRUMP! was in office, but instead waited until someone he actually feared got into office to make his move, and now he's holding out for TRUMP! to get back INTO office so he can pull out, and all this because he thinks he'll get more favor from Washington if TRUMP! is there? I've heard some novel ideas, but that one is a doozy. hvdvt.23.10,28 #10,340
struth said: There was a period of peace, and he invaded again after xiden was elected… strvth.23.08.19 #10,370​
hadit said: TRUMP! is president, Putin does nothing. Quid Pro Joe is president, Putin invades Ukraine. •••• Yet somehow we're supposed to believe that Putin wants TRUMP! back in office. hvdvt.23.0820 #10,414
beagle9 said: I've heard a lot of media and social media warriors make the claim that the war is unjustified, but have we heard the world body or UN officially state the same claim ?? If so what was their official statement concerning Putin's reason for entering Ukraine ??? bvvgl.23.09.30 #11,272
Tunafish said: The USA made a promise and reneged. Can you blame Putin? I certainly can't. tnfsh.23.10.06 #11,301
Tunafish said: As soon as the USA stops sending money, the war is over. tnfsh.23.10.06 #11,301
airplanemechanic said: What he DID say, and what remains true, is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Under Trump, Putin behaved. Within months of Biden taking office, Putin invaded. I'd much rather the cheap option of keep Putin out of Ukraine with fear of the bombing of Moscow than have to pay hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to feed the Ukraine war machine after Putin invades. rplnmchnc.23.10.06 #11,304
theHawk said: How has electing a Jewish president worked out for the Christians of Ukraine? He sold out to the American war machine and has sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their deaths. He sees them all as Goyim. •••• No one says we have to “unite with Russia” whatever that means. thvhwk.23.10.10 #11,339

Saint MAGA Mike Johnson watch;

The new speaker is a far-right Christian Nationalist and Trump cultist which means he can shut down the US Governnent to block military and humanitarian funds to go to Ukraine to punish and destroy Putin the mass murderer.

Will MAGA Mike Johnson give Putin what he needs most from the Republican white Jesus luvs Trump Cult / the cut off US weapons supplies to Ukraine so his genocidal mass murder can go on.
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Bob Blaylock said: Just a bunch of left wrong-wing bullshit, to excuse people refusing to take responsibility for their own actions, and to impose that burden on others who had no part of it. •• •• And your magic solution, to allow either party to evade that responsibility, is to murder an innocent human being so that nobody has to take responsibility for him. bbblylck.23.10.30 #1,053

How does unprotected vaginal sex by a couple Impose a burden on you Saint BobBlaylock when an unwanted pregnancy becomes a result?

How do they deprive you of liberty or threaten to disturb the peace and tranquillity of your community if they decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in private?

nf.23.10.30 #11,752
to bbblylck.23.10.30 #1,053
peacefan said: “do you not understand that raising a child in unbearable circumstances or even below the poverty line, or as the result of incestual or rape sex, can be impossible for a woman? • •’• let alone getting the dad to stick around..” pvvcvfvn.23.10.04 #74
toobfreak said: “The argument, rationale and position of the left is that you are not a baby until you are born. Until you are born, you are a fetus, even if medically viable outside the womb. And that fetuses therefore have no human rights until born, so, abortion is justified, because basically, young leftist women are pigs and sluts who just want to whore around getting laid, so need a convenient rationale to justify dropping the child when they get knocked up so they can get right back to sleeping around..“ tbfrk.23.10.04 #104
HeyNorm said: “So you advocate killing the poor • • • Damn” hynrm.23.10.29 #1,016 to pvvcvfvn.23.10.04 #74
HeyNorm said: And imagine the men that would have anything to do with a woman that thinks so little of herself as to kill her offspring? • • • I don’t know, somehow I’ve been able to only produce children with someone I loved and she knew I would protect both her AND our children with my life. • •• • Not really a difficult task to accomplish if you have a sound mind. hynrm.23.10.28 #1,017 to tbfrk.23.10.04 #104
peacefan said: “don't twist my words!.” pvvcvfvn.23.10.04 #1,040 to hynrm.23.10.29 #1,016
HeyNorm said: “I didn’t.” hynrm.23.10.29 #1,041 to pvvcvfvn.23.10.04 #1,040
HeyNorm said: “So all humans that we don’t allow to be murdered must be cared for? • • • These folks need help. hynrm.23.10.29” #1,046 to hynrm.23.10.29 #1,041
peacefan said: YES YOU DID. pvvcvfvn.23.10.04 #1,048 to hynrm.23.10.29 #1,041
HeyNorm said: “Nope, you made it clear that a child who is destined to be poor is better off dead. hynrm.23.10.29” #1,049 to pvvcvfvn.23.10.29 #1,048
peacefan said: baby is not yet a child, let alone an infant! • • • conciousness only develops when the parents start raising the kid.. pvvcvfvn.23.10.30 #1,050
sartre play said: Impossible to create by magic Responsibility in people who are honest enough to know and admit that they are not willing too be responsible, or feel that they are incapable of providing a decent life for a child. • • • IF you make laws that go against that REALITY. • •• • Then yes it is your responsibility to provide for that child till age 18 • ••• • We have too many kids in very bad situations, that turn to drugs gangs theft vandalism and even murder. • •••• • Due to a lack of love time interest or energy in parenting a child. • ••••• • NOT NICE, well that's the reality of the situation, like it or srtrply.23.10.30 #1,051
sartre play said: Lots of poor kids do fine, if the love and nurture are there. srtrply.23.10.30 #1,052
HeyNorm said: So just kill the unloved ones. Is that your point dufus? hynrm.23.10.30 #1,056
HeyNorm said: I’d rather lose elections, while protecting the innocent, than win elections by condemning the innocent to death. hynrm.23.07.16 #344

Saint #344 Heynorm is not protecting any ever-been-viable, independent, ever-had-consciousness, human life by demanding a government force full term gestation on innocent women.

Saint #104 Toobfreak says “The argument, rationale and position of the left is that you are not a baby until you are born.“ That blatant misrepresentation is not true..

Please allow me to define my position. The woman who is less than 24 weeks pregnant is the only human being in existence who is entitled to refer to the living human organism inside her body as a baby. Saint Heynorm and Saint Toobfreak have no interest and thus no say in the matter.

If a woman in an unwanted pregnancy is not interested in assuming the risk of giving life to a baby during childbirth, she can refer to the living human organism she carries as whatever she wants. calling it a not-viable fetus is morally, sanely and biologically correct.

nf.23.10. 31 #11,754
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Road Runner said: If babies aren't alive in the womb then how does abortion exist? After all, how can you kill somebody who was never alive in the first place? rdrnnr.23.09.29 #1

Road Runner said: “Do you not understand that abortion is the act of killing babies” rdrnnr.23.09.23 #7

You must prefer ‘Saint #1 & #7 Roadrunner’ to use imprecise language in a clean debate zone so you can debate dirty.

Do you believe ‘Saint #1 & #7 Roadrunner’ that a critical moral and human rights distinction exists between a prepartum baby and the same a
postpartum baby?

See also NFBW post nf.23.09.16 #11,027

nf.23.11.01 #11,755
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HeyNorm said: So just kill the unloved ones. Is that your point dufus?
hynrm.23.10.30 #1,056

Trump is in favor of killing all newly forming human living organisms while in the womb during the first fifteen weeks of gestation. That allows about 95% of all abortions to be legal. Why do you say killing unborn babies is a “LEFT” thing Saint
#1,056 Heynorm?

nf.23.11.01 #11,757
Lesh said: By what measure was America founded on conservatism? lvsh 23.10.28 #195

The honorably rational and
informationally well grounded Sir Lesh brings up a key question in Post #195 . . . .as to why white Judeo/Christisn conservatives seek to force full term gestation on every single woman in America these days.

If the founding generation was “conservative” when they the people accepted abortion prior to Quickening (viability) as a legal way to end unwanted pregnancy, why do conservatives think they have to ban abortion entirely to make America Great Again through Donald J Trump with Petitions like this:


Tell Donald Trump he MUST support abortion-ban legislation​

5 months ago


Donald Trump has suggested a 6-week abortion ban is ''too harsh'', attacking Gov. Ron DeSantis for his bill protecting innocent human life after 6 weeks.
Obviously pro-lifers wish to protect all human life from conception with outright abortion bans.
SIGN: Donald Trump MUST support pro-life legislation
The former president said he is ''looking at all alternatives'' when asked if he would support such a 6-week ban, making this a crucial opportunity for pro-life voters to make their views known to him in no uncertain terms.
"He has to do what he has to do," Trump said about Gov. DeSantis' abortion bill. "If you look at what DeSantis did, a lot of people don't even know if he knew what he was doing. But he signed six weeks, and many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh."
Anyone truly in the pro-life movement thinking the ban is too harsh must mean it's too harsh on those babies less than 6-weeks who can still be murdered.
Mr. Trump's outlandish claim about anyone in the pro-life movement opposing the ban is doubtful to say the least, but there was more to follow in the interview.
When pressed on whether he thought the bill was ''too harsh'', Trump would not answer directly, instead saying: ''I'm looking at all alternatives. I'm looking at many alternatives. But I was able to get us to the table by terminating Roe v. Wade. That's the most important thing that's ever happened for the pro-life movement.''
The former president is correct in saying the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a monumental step for the pro-life movement, but it should only be the beginning of banning the killing of babies in the womb entirely.
Donald Trump's belief that even a 6-week abortion ban is extreme spells trouble for every citizen concerned about ending abortion, which is why we need you to take part in this urgent petition to him.
SIGN & SHARE: We must change Donald Trump's mind on abortion
Our true loyalty is to innocent human beings facing death, none more so than those in the womb, and any candidate who prevaricates about something so important to building a civilized society has to be corrected.
We urge all Republican candidates to advocate for a total ban on abortion, without any exceptions - not just at 6-week's gestation as an incremental measure.
SIGN & SHARE our petition urging Donald Trump to do the right thing.


Trump distances himself from 6-week abortion ban by DeSantis: 'Too harsh' - LifeSiteNews

Will the following conservatives sign that Catholic Petition?

BrokeLoser said: What drives you to lean left and vote Democrat? brklsr.23.01.04 #1

HeyNorm said: “So you advocate killing the poor • • • Damn” hynrm.23.10.29 #1,016

Road Runner said: “Do you not understand that abortion is the act of killing babies” rdrnnr.23.09.23

nf.23.11.01 #11,758
HeyNorm said: The killer can be charged whether the mother wanted the child or not. • • • As such, most states as well as the Federal Government had recognized the fetus as human, regardless if born or not. hynrm.22.11.27 #5,861

Can you advise the readers here Saint Heynorm that you know of a case ever happened where the killer of the fetus who is not the potential birthmother of the fetus was acting in self defense because the fetus was a threat to the personal safety of the person who killed the fetus?

nf.23.11.01 #11,759
HeyNorm said: It was the mindset of those arguing that a fetus can be destroyed because they are less “human”, then they, was the comparison. hynrm.22.11.28 #5,877

I have never argued that a fetus “ can be destroyed because they are less “human”,

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