Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), a far-right former hate group lawyer who believes abortions for any reason should be punishable by hard labor, and was active in the plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Trump-loving pastor offers strange answer after failed Jim Jordan speakership 'prophecy'

ding said: + #11,689 We're supposed to be a Republic. For good reason I might add.”

Had Mike Johnson been vice president on January 6, 2021 who the fuck knows?

Mike Pence had one patriotic day in his career as vice president, so yes, we are a yet thankfully a Republic that the white Christian Nationalist Republican minority had an unquenchable shit fit when they realized about November 10 2020 that there aren’t enough white Christian nationalists within our increasingly multicultural multi racial society like they had in the 50s to conjure up enough electoral votes to keep the Judeo Christian God’s chosen one in power in the White House.

So it’s still a republic, but it’s just one that you Saint Ding do not like the color of and belief systems that are taking over.

Hence we saw January 6, 2021 and a total breakdown of respect for our democratic institutions, values, and constitutional law and order by MAGA.

Now you want the whole thing to blow up.

That is very interesting.

I’ll bet Mike Jesus Johnson will be floating under during the rapture.

nf.23.10.28 #11,701 to dvng.23.10.28 #11,689
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" Links By Mediums Of Alternative Media To Fee Press *

* Opportunities For Magnified Informed Consent *

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), a far-right former hate group lawyer who believes abortions for any reason should be punishable by hard labor, and was active in the plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Trump-loving pastor offers strange answer after failed Jim Jordan speakership 'prophecy'
Hymn provides a stage with a podium and stand which can be kicked out from under the speaker whenever convenient , when captive public facing persona of social media degradation becomes self evident to everyone .
" All Hail An Over Generalized Load Of Heuristic Crap "

* Us Constitution Is A Law Designed To Protect Life Of Citizens And Any Individual Within Its Jurisdiction *

It is a law designed to protect life.
The law in us constitution is designed to protect a rite of life for its citizens and individuals equally entitled by live birth .

There is not an expectation of law in us constitution to protect a rite to life for any individual not within its jurisdiction .

Clearly , a reference to us constitution as it in the phrase , " It is a law designed to protect life. " , is an over generalized load of heuristic crap .
" Breaking With Grips From Strong Holds "

* Wise King Syndrome Deluded Expectations For Blind Obedience Beyond Selfish Reasons *

Communism is naturalized humanism.
According to the knights of columbus , which represents interests of theistic humanism communism , the humanism communism with atheism represents a competing allegiance to a bureaucratic state rather than to its pontificate .

The communism of secular humanism and theistic humanism are both communism , which includes expectations for elements of authoritarian dictates , irrespective of how regressive to individual liberty and freedom the notions happen to be .

* Egalitarianism Pitted Against Selective Endowment *

" Breaking With Grips From Strong Holds "

* Wise King Syndrome Deluded Expectations For Blind Obedience Beyond Selfish Reasons *

According to the knights of columbus , which represents interests of theistic humanism communism , the humanism communism with atheism represents a competing allegiance to a bureaucratic state rather than to its pontificate .

The communism of both secular humanism and theistic humanism are both communism that include expectations for elements of authoritarian dictates , irrespective of how regressive to individual liberty and freedom the notions happen to be .

* Egalitarianism Pitted Against Selective Endowment *

" All Hail An Over Generalized Load Of Heuristic Crap "

* Us Constitution Is A Law Designed To Protect Life Of Citizens And Any Individual Within Its Jurisdiction *

The law in us constitution is designed to protect a rite of life for its citizens and individuals equally entitled by live birth .

There is not an expectation of law in us constitution to protect a rite to life for any individual not within its jurisdiction .

Clearly , a reference to us constitution as it in the phrase , " It is a law designed to protect life. " , is an over generalized load of heuristic crap .
Monk-Eye said: + #11,681 “Yearn words resonate like a bunch of shit for brains lawyers who collaborate with police to drum up business by issuing frivolous speeding citations to harangue and harass the public •••• Pounding yearn head on the ground in blind obedience and worship for the lofted anuses of those before you demonstrates behavior of a mindless drone rather than the virtue of independence as an autonomous individual .

ding said: + #11,683 That sounds exactly like you are for abortion being a misdemeanor.

Saint Ding’s #11,683 is confirmation that Saint Ding is dumbfounded, rattled and overwhelmed by a Republican who believes individual liberty applies to pregnant women.

There is nobody I’ve seen who agrees with Saint Ding’s “misdemeanor” bullshit and Mr. Monk/eye has never written anything that supports Saint Ding’s self delusion.

In reference to; dvng.23.10.28 #11,683 to mnkvyv.23.10.28 #11,681

nf.23.10.28 #11,708
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* Oh Know Obvious Faux Pas Sure Lock "

* On Dumb Founded Political Science Utterances *

" All Hail An Over Generalized Load Of Heuristic Crap "

* Us Constitution Is A Law Designed To Protect Life Of Citizens And Any Individual Within Its Jurisdiction *

It is a law designed to protect life.
The law in us constitution is designed to protect a rite of life for its citizens and individuals equally entitled by live birth .

There is not an expectation of law in us constitution to protect a rite to life for any individual not within its jurisdiction .

Clearly , a reference to us constitution as it in the phrase , " It is a law designed to protect life. " , is an over generalized load of heuristic crap .


A few days ago a broadcast of an oration by mike of john son included that the " founding fathers intended to protect life " .

The insipid notion is evident in yearn constitutional reference that " it is a law designed to protect life. " .

The premise appears to be pervasive .

The founding fathers provisioned that a us 14th amendment could be ratified .

The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction .

Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction .

The premise of a state committed to " protect life " is over generalized non sense , heuristic crap !

A theocracy may wield authority through despotism , or through populist belief as tyranny by collective majority , that its auspices of puritanical hysteria be implemented under a guise of valid normative social values , but first principles of political science relegates an ascetic conviction for an over generalized directive to " protect life " to being poorly understood and actions to implement it through legislation of public policy as traitorous against us 1st amendment .
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So far, polls have found that a majority of Ohioans support Issue 1. •••• A poll from Baldwin Wallace University conducted between Oct. 9 and Oct. 11 found that 58% of likely voters for the November 7 election favored passage of Issue 1. The measure is favored by 89% of Democrats, 39% of Republicans and 51% of independents.​
Referencing Ohio's reputation as a "purple" state, Devine predicted that if the measure passes, what it “would show is that even a lot of Republicans in Ohio—people who are willing to vote for Donald Trump, Mike DeWine, or (Ohio Senator) J.D. Vance—actually disagree with the party on the issue of abortion and apparently support Republicans for other reasons.”​

BackAgain said: + #10,233 If a preborn human life is to a great extent dependent on its mom, it is still a human life.

BackAgain said: + #7,495 Life begins at conception. This is a scientific fact. Ergo the right to life has to begin then.

ding said: + #5,679 “Again… No religious argument was made in overturning Roe v Wade. Read the decision.”

According to the Ohio i Issue 1 polling cited above, it seems unlikely to me that the 39% of Republicans and 51% of independents of likely voters in Ohio who actually disagree with the Republican Party’s white Christian nationalists and Vigano pro-Putin Catholics on the issue of abortion, are religious conservatives in any way. That means in my observation that six in ten of Republican only voters in Ohio are white Christian nationalists and Vigano Catholics themselves or just strongly believe with Saint Ding and Saint Backagain that “right to” life begins at conception.

Dobbs was a decision made to appease white Christian nationalists and Vigano pro-Putin Catholics and secular Confederates as a Republican block of tribal activists opposed to killing unborn babies by the hands of all Americans who vote Democrat.

Dobbs has exposed the reality that 40 percent of Republican voters are baby killers. Can white Christian nationalists and Baby killers continue as a solidified political tribal family when the secular confederates want to win elections but the deeply Christian confederates who are morally and spiritually driven, refuse to give a damn about winning elections because saving the lives of baby fetus is all that mostly matters to them.

In reference to bckvgn.23.08.12 #10,233 and #7,495 and I dvng.22.11.19 #5,679

nf.23.10.29 #11,711
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* Oh Know Obvious Faux Pas Sure Lock "

* On Dumb Founded Political Science Utterances *

A few days ago a broadcast of an oration by mike of john son included that the " founding fathers intended to protect life " .

The insipid notion is evident in yearn constitutional reference that " it is a law designed to protect life. " .

The premise appears to be pervasive .

The founding fathers provisioned that a us 14th amendment could be ratified .

The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction .

Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction .

The premise of a state committed to " protect life " is over generalized non sense , heuristic crap !

A theocracy may wield authority through despotism , or through populist belief as tyranny by collective majority , that its auspices of puritanical hysteria be implemented under a guise of valid normative social values , but first principles of political science relegates an ascetic conviction for an over generalized directive to " protect life " to being poorly understood and actions to implement it through legislation of public policy as traitorous against us 1st amendment .

Well written points made, however it had to fit on a bumper sticker for the

religiosity needy of the sainthood of fertilized human eggs campaigns to feel compelled to read such works that may improve their mindfulness and respect for individual liberty of born human beings .
MUST SEE TV coming soon;

With all indications that Ellis will now be a key witness in Trump's racketeering trial in Georgia, Eisen and Copeland wrote her "... likely trial testimony will also hit Mr. Trump hard. She has now effectively repudiated his claims that he won the election — an argument that is expected to be a centerpiece of his trial defense.​
Coming from a formerly outspoken MAGA champion, her disagreement has the potential to resonate with jurors."​
* Oh Know Obvious Faux Pas Sure Lock "

* On Dumb Founded Political Science Utterances *

A few days ago a broadcast of an oration by mike of john son included that the " founding fathers intended to protect life " .

The insipid notion is evident in yearn constitutional reference that " it is a law designed to protect life. " .

The premise appears to be pervasive .

The founding fathers provisioned that a us 14th amendment could be ratified .

The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction .

Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction .

The premise of a state committed to " protect life " is over generalized non sense , heuristic crap !

A theocracy may wield authority through despotism , or through populist belief as tyranny by collective majority , that its auspices of puritanical hysteria be implemented under a guise of valid normative social values , but first principles of political science relegates an ascetic conviction for an over generalized directive to " protect life " to being poorly understood and actions to implement it through legislation of public policy as traitorous against us 1st amendment .
You poor pathetic incoherent gibberish-spewing asshole.
So my burning question is, why agree with scientists on climate but disagree on what's life

DEFINITION OF ABORTION - unelecting democrats from public office where they have sway over other people's lives.

gibberish-spewing asshole.

Life is

Life comprises individuals, living beings, assignable to groups (taxa). Each individual is composed of one or more minimal living units, called cells, and is capable of transformation of carbon-based and other compounds (metabolism), growth, and participation in reproductive acts. Life-forms present on Earth today have evolved from ancient common ancestors through the generation of hereditary variation and natural selection. Although some studies state that life may have begun as early as 4.1 billion years ago, it can be traced to fossils dated to 3.5–3.7 billion years ago, which is still only slightly younger than Earth, which gravitationally accreted into a planet about 4.5 billion years ago. But this is life as a whole. More than 99.9 percent of species that have ever lived are extinct.

right to life is

Monk-Eye said:

The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction .

Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction .
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" Ad Hominem Ostrich Theories To The Rescue "

* Brain Washed Lunar Ticks Feign That Rigorous Constructs Of Political Science From First Principles Are Incoherent Gibberish *

* Oh Know Obvious Faux Pas Sure Lock "
* On Dumb Founded Political Science Utterances *

A few days ago a broadcast of an oration by mike of john son included that the " founding fathers intended to protect life " .
The insipid notion is evident in yearn constitutional reference that " it is a law designed to protect life. " .
The premise appears to be pervasive .
The founding fathers provisioned that a us 14th amendment could be ratified .
The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction .
Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction .
The premise of a state committed to " protect life " is over generalized non sense , heuristic crap !
A theocracy may wield authority through despotism , or through populist belief as tyranny by collective majority , that its auspices of puritanical hysteria be implemented under a guise of valid normative social values , but first principles of political science relegates an ascetic conviction for an over generalized directive to " protect life " to being poorly understood and actions to implement it through legislation of public policy as traitorous against us 1st amendment .
You poor pathetic incoherent gibberish-spewing asshole.
There are a plethora of others who clearly understand the idiom .

The diction , vernacular and lexicon of the idiom are self evident as statements from first principles of political science .

Those currently ignorant , or possibly mentally retarded and incapable of understanding the idiom , are by definition either temporarily stricken with idiocy , or are idiots terminally .
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Monk-Eye said: “The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction . •••• Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction “ .23.10.29 #11,709

See Post nf.23.19.11 #11,353

ding said: “Yes, stuck on abortion being a misdemeanor and not a felony.” dvng.23.10.29 #11,710

It cannot be a felony under the US Constitution.

nf.23.10.29 #11,717
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Well written points made, however it had to fit on a bumper sticker for the

religiosity needy of the sainthood of fertilized human eggs campaigns to feel compelled to read such works that may improve their mindfulness and respect for individual liberty of born human beings .
You misspelled human beings.
koshergrl said: Er.. "standing" is not relevant to human rights. All humans are created with sufficient "standing" just by the nature of what they are.. human. Their humanity is not negated just because they are dependent upon another person. kshrgrl.23.10.11 #11,354

ding said: You misspelled human beings. dvng.23.10.29 #11,718

Since you’re such a good speller Saint Ding, how about spelling out where in the US Constitution UNDER its JURISDICTION an unborn human being has standing for a right to life that does not come through the right to life of its mother.

Thank you in advance for ignoring this request.


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