Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Ad Hominem Ostrich Theories To The Rescue "

* Brain Washed Lunar Ticks Feign That Rigorous Constructs Of Political Science From First Principles Are Incoherent Gibberish *

There are a plethora of others who clearly understand the idiom .

The diction , vernacular and lexicon of the idiom are self evident as statements from first principles of political science .

Those currently ignorant , or possibly mentally retarded and incapable of understanding the idiom , are by definition either temporarily stricken with idiocy , or are idiots terminally .
Still in gibberish incoherent ^ mode, ape boi suddenly begins to grasp that he’s a useless incoherent moron troll. 👍
marvin martian said: I've attended many of these marches, in different states. They are always uplifting, and it's always great to see how many young people turn out for these. The pro-life generation is huge, committed, and influential. mrvnmrtn.23.10.06 #3

Road Runner said Extremely proud Ohioan here. We love Trump and despise abortion. We are definitely a red state. rdrnnr.23.10.06 #14

You Saint Roadrunner will be living in a blue state on abortion in a couple of weeks. Thank God, Ohio voters willl be able to put all those hillbilly Christians south of Columbus on notice that there will be no forcing full-term gestation by the Republican Governor on women in the great state of Ohio ever again.

And why do you Saint Marvinmartian want any government to force full term gestation on innocent women for committing your concept of sin, of having vaginal sexual relations with a man outside the sanctity of your extremist fanatical sect of Christian religion?

nf.23.10.29 #11,722
BrokeLoser said: What makes one a “hateful dick” for voting for Trump? brklsr.23.10.04 #16

January 6, 2021. Not just the mob violence he sat on his fat ass and watched that day but getting white Christian nationalists like Jenna Ellis to commit felonies for him and then discarding them when they plead guilty to the crimes he asked them to do.

nf.23.10.29 #11,722
Life is

Life comprises individuals, living beings, assignable to groups (taxa). Each individual is composed of one or more minimal living units, called cells, and is capable of transformation of carbon-based and other compounds (metabolism), growth, and participation in reproductive acts. Life-forms present on Earth today have evolved from ancient common ancestors through the generation of hereditary variation and natural selection. Although some studies state that life may have begun as early as 4.1 billion years ago, it can be traced to fossils dated to 3.5–3.7 billion years ago, which is still only slightly younger than Earth, which gravitationally accreted into a planet about 4.5 billion years ago. But this is life as a whole. More than 99.9 percent of species that have ever lived are extinct.

right to life is

Monk-Eye said:

The us 14th amendment identifies a citizen and affords equal protection of individuals within its jurisdiction .

Nowhere in us constitution has a law been ratified for a state to protect a rite to life of any and all life other than a rite to life for its citizens and for individuals within its jurisdiction .
Is that Life NASA keeps looking for on other planets and moons. So what's life?!?
" Random Event Experiments For Amusement Of Deities "

* Being Superior Gawds *

Is that Life NASA keeps looking for on other planets and moons. So what's life?!?
The intelligent design premise for creation in full form does not establish whether the hue mammon ape would abdicate to the legalism of , or to domination by , an interstellar civilization .

" Random Event Experiments For Amusement Of Deities "

* Being Superior Gawds *

The intelligent design premise for creation in full form does not establish whether the hue mammon ape would abdicate to the legalism of , or to domination by , an interstellar civilization .

Way to randomly slap words together in a would be sentence.

Chimp boi failed first grade.
" Hacking At It Versus Spelling It Out "

* Would Be Struggle To Demand Greater Understanding Of Freedom And Liberty *

Way to randomly slap words together in a would be sentence.
Chimp boi failed first grade.
Perhaps you do not understand the meaning for titles and subtitles which are not sentences .

Perhaps your obstacle to adopting the premises being introduced is an opposition to first principles of political science and civics .
" Hacking At It Versus Spelling It Out "

* Would Be Struggle To Demand Greater Understanding Of Freedom And Liberty *

Perhaps you do not understand the meaning for titles and subtitles which are not sentences .
Your “labels” are just trite meaningless sentence fragments placed by you ahead of your gibberish posts. Actual sentences are not part of your skill set. Neither is coherency. 👍
Perhaps your obstacle to adopting the premises being introduced is an opposition to first principles of political science and civics .
Or, and try to follow along, your nonsensical use of those “word” things just make your posting useless. 👍
" Pretentious Supremacist Champion Offers Stupidity Of Ad Hominem With Shallow Depth And Breadth "

* Pity For Dullards Struggling To Catch Up *

Your “labels” are just trite meaningless sentence fragments placed by you ahead of your gibberish posts. Actual sentences are not part of your skill set. Neither is coherency. 👍
Or, and try to follow along, your nonsensical use of those “word” things just make your posting useless. 👍
No doubt damnation poetry is not your thing , especially when you become an object of its incisive and invective qualities to disintegrate your own premises .

As a democrat , as a traitor to republicanism in us republic , you understand populism for democracy as tyranny by the collective majority against independence and liberty of the individual .
" Pretentious Supremacist Champion Offers Stupidity Of Ad Hominem With Shallow Depth And Breadth "

* Pity For Dullards Struggling To Catch Up *

No doubt damnation poetry is not your thing , especially when you become an object of its incisive and invective qualities to disintegrate your own premises .

As a democrat , as a traitor to republicanism in us republic , you understand populism for democracy as tyranny by the collective majority against independence and liberty of the individual .
* Chimp boi still flailing and failing hilarious. *

When he has nothing of any value whatsoever to share, at least he does so in his petty and incoherent fashion.
" Skull Fuck Of The Retards "

* Hard Core Politics Was Brutal And Fabulous *

Way to randomly slap words together in a would be sentence.

Chimp boi failed first grade.
I don’t understand queer speak either.
That is strange since your mealy mum murmuring of absolutely zero competent content seems to be indicative of one speaking with a dick in their mouth .
" National Right ( SIC ) To Life Fanatic Wants Censorship "

* Whiny Bitches With Long Standing Penchant For Cowardly Setting To Ignore And Imploring Other Simpletons To Follow *

I dumped this one. No time for gibberish.
Your penchant for punk ass shit for brains crap as counterarguments was dispatched long ago .
" Skull Fuck Of The Retards "

* Hard Core Politics Was Brutal And Fabulous *

That is strange since your mealy mum murmuring of absolutely zero competent content seems to be indicative of one speaking with a dick in their mouth .

I see. You being familiar with how talking with a dick in your mouth would sound like, likely is an expert.
" Ascetic Penchant For Ass Holier Than Thou Anus Lofting "

* Lustful Captivity Of Women And Defending Them With Madness *

I see. You being familiar with how talking with a dick in your mouth would sound like, likely is an expert.
Sorry queer , chatubate female cams only for me , no dicks allowed , no other dicks involved .
" Ascetic Penchant For Ass Holier Than Thou Anus Lofting "

* Lustful Captivity Of Women Defending Them With Madness *

Sorry queer , chatubate female cams only for me , no dicks allowed , no dicks involved .

You mean the chicks with dicks? We know your kind.

Oh, and why be so homophobic?
" Skull Fuck Of The Retards "

* Hard Core Politics Was Brutal And Fabulous *

That is strange since your mealy mum murmuring of absolutely zero competent content seems to be indicative of one speaking with a dick in their mouth .
Ape boi actually approached something approximating coherency.

Of course, it ^ is utterly lacking in truth value.

And it remains off topic, like most of ape boi’s posts.

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