Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Whitehall said: “The pro-abortion crowd cannot even be honest about their agenda or their name. They call it "pro-choice" as if it was about selecting a brand of coffee instead of the termination of a human life.” whthll.11.03.31 #267

Whitehall said: Ohio democrats scored the victory in the polls to kill their unborn children while smoking dope. Let it go lefties, there is no reason to bring European Catholic dogma into the argument. whthll.23.11.08 #46

Let’s call bullshit in response to Saint Whitehall’s ancient POST whthll.11.03.31 #267 because being pro-choice whether Democrat, Independent or Republican is support for a woman to terminate the human life that begins to develop inside her body.

in response to whthll.23.11.08 #46 and the current demise of the cause that has animated conservative politicians for the past fifty years . . . Democrats alone did not win in Ohio last night. They needed Independents, Republicans and a quarter of white evangelicals to win.

And there is Catholic dogma that ‘right to life’ begins at conception that is holding the Republican Party hostage to its largest voter bloc. Most white Evangelical Christian nationalists don’t care if Republicans ever win another election again if they don’t get right to life for baby fetus from the moment God’s image is conceived.

nf.23.11.08 #11,801
Dobbs eliminated “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states.​
Dobbs decreased “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” nationally.​

M14 Shooter said: “Your statement is willfully ignorant. Dobbs does not decrease, much less eliminate, access to anything by anyone. • • • Disagree? Copy/paste the text to that effect. mnnshtr.23.11.08 #11,802

“Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.”​

There is an action here. It’s the transfer of the authority from the federal level to the state level.

The federal level “imposed” a ban on banning prior to viability. DOBBS action removed the ban on banning prior to viability.

The states became free to “impose” a ban on women from having reasonable access to an abortion prior to viability.

When the Court reconsidered Roe in Casey, it left no doubt about the importance of the viability rule. It described the rule as Roe’s “central holding,” 505 U. S., at 860, and repeatedly stated that the right it reaffirmed was “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” Id., at 846 (emphasis added). See id., at 871 (“The woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy before viability is the most central principle of Roe v. Wade. It is a rule of law and a component of liberty we cannot renounce” (em- phasis added)); id., at 872 (A “woman has a right to choose to terminate or continue her pregnancy before viability” (emphasis added)); id., at 879 (“[A] State may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability” (emphasis added)).​

nf.23.11.08 #11,803
WTH_Progs? said: The results are just as the Supreme Court intended. They reversed a ruling that gave a woman the right to abortion, because they had no business making that ruling in the first place. wthprgs.23.11.08 #1
Individuals have rights. The USSC has a higher duty to protect a minority of one over the whims of the many to use the power of a state. It cannot be more explicit and simple as that. But you must be capable of thinking as an individual to get it. It has to do with harm or the lack thereof as well.

nf.23.11.09 #11,805
NotfooledbyW said: The pregnant woman who does not want to be pregnant is a life that’s alive and is human and protected by the Constitution of the United States of America. nf.23.05.25 #354

M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. . mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18

Dobbs imposed allowing state governments to deprive women of her inherent right to privacy prior to viability whenever seeking professional medical care for a private condition known as pregnancy.,

Before Dobbs all American women were protected. After Dobbs all American women are not protected.

Tell me again how Dobbs didn’t change anything for American women.

nf.23.11.09 #11,806
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Frankenstein said: “She need to be more careful of who she exposes them to, killing the result is shameful.” frnknstn.23.11.09 #95

When a woman terminates an unwanted pregnancy how are your rights in any slight way disturbed, denied, disregarded or disrupted Saint Frankenstein? What is your interest in what she does with ir to her eggs.?

nf.23 11.09 #11,807
kyzr said: Very true. For idealistic Republicans being "Pro-Life" is a religious stance. • • • So the GOP policy on abortion needs to be, its "a personal choice between a woman and her doctor." • •• • I'm a pro-choice Republican now, the fewer democrats the better. Carry on. kyzr!.23.11.08 #70

If there were fewer Democrats; Ohio Republican Women do not have FREEDOM of PERSONAL CHOICE today. Is it a joke to you? nf.23.11.09 #11,812
Dobbs eliminated “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states. nf.23.11.08 #11,803

M14 Shooter said: No. The states did that. mnnshtr.23.11.09 #11,811 to nf.23.11.08 #11,803

Dobbs eliminated the right. Some states acted to deprive women their rights only after Dobbs overturned their rights.

Why didn't states do that from 1973 through 2022?

nf.23.11.09 #11,813
The Constitution does not protect the fetus but does protect the woman.

Dobb's have been taken over by the woman's movement to ensure that states' recognize and protect a woman's right to regulated, sensible abortion.

Dobbs was designed to hobble women legally, but its proper place at the state level has energized the women's movement.
Dobbs eliminated “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states. nf.23.11.08 #11,803

M14 Shooter said: No. The states did that. mnnshtr.23.11.09 #11,811 to nf.23.11.08 #11,803

Trump never governed a state. Therefore Saint M14_Shooter is lying in POST mnnshtr.23.11.09 #11,811 .

Donald Trump: "I was able to kill Roe v. Wade."He takes credit for the abortion bans that have resulted from Dobbs, including 6-week prohibitions.​

States in red have passed abortion restrictions since Roe was overturned that do not include exceptions for rape and incest. States in pink have passed new abortion restrictions, but do have exceptions for rape and incest. States in gray are not facing the prospect of increased restrictions on abortion.


Sources: Power to Decide's,
Guttmacher Institute, PolitiFact researc

nf.23.11 09 #11,816
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M14 Shooter said: “Your statement is willfully ignorant. Dobbs does not decrease, much less eliminate, access to anything by anyone. mnnshtr.23.11.08 #11,802

Dobbs said the right to an abortion is not protected by the constitution therefore “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states was eliminated.

nf.23.11.09 #11,818
Dobbs said the right to an abortion is not protected by the constitution therefore “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states was eliminated.
This is false.
Dobbs said the Constitution does not protect the "right to choose".
The states, not the court, restricted this right; none of them eliminated it.
The states have always restricted the right to choose.

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