Roger Stone Admits he has had contact with Russian Hacker today ( Trumps campaign Adviser )

That's a serious accusation. Have you got any proof?

No? . . . . . . . I didn't think so.
You must be the last idiot on Earth to not see Roger Stone's confession.

You mean the confession where he had contact with Guccifer 2.0, after hacked DNC info was already released?

Then went on to "predict" that Podesta was next.

So what?

He had the information well before the public did. It certainly shows a clear line of communication.

Why is Stone speaking with either WL or Guccifer 2.0 anyway?

Post your evidence to show Stone knew Podesta's email was hacked prior to 8.21.16 when Stone tweeted,

By Joe Uchill - 12/13/16 04:00 PM EST

Last March, Podesta received an email purportedly from Google saying hackers had tried to infiltrate his Gmail account. When an aide emailed the campaign’s IT staff to ask if the notice was real, Clinton campaign aide Charles Delavan replied that it was “a legitimate email" and that Podesta should “change his password immediately.”

Typo led to Podesta email hack: report

What do I win? LOL!
You win a booby prize for not understanding your own sources. It doesn't indicate anyone knew Podesta's email was hacked. It mentions how a Clinton aide mistakenly thought a phishing email was "legitimate." It not only reflects the Clinton campaign wasn't aware Podesta was hacked, but more to the point, Stone could not have known about that.

The phishing email was the hack. We know Podesta received that long before Roger Stone tweeted to Guccifer, so it just isn't possible that Stone helped Guccifer hack Podesta's account.
Then post a link prior to 8.21.16 which talks about Podesta being hacked....

Your theory that the hack had to become public knowledge the day it occurred couldn't possibly be more idiotic.
More attribution to me of things I never said. Do you see that? You're so fucked in the head, you can't even argue against wait I'm saying, no less refute it.

Moron... there's no evidence anyone knew Podesta was hacked in March, so how the fuck could Stone have known. The Clinton aide who saw the phishing email thought it was a legitimate email, though he did warn Podesta to change his password anyway. And I've still yet to see any evidence that the public knew about Podesta being hacked prior to Stone's confession.

What evidence is there that Stone knew anything in March. All we know is that he may have known something in Aug. However, Guccifer anounced in June that he had hacked the DNC servers:

Roger Stone, Trump confidant, acknowledges ‘innocuous’ Twitter conversation with DNC hackers

Guccifer 2.0 appeared last summer shortly after it was revealed that the DNC’s computer network had been breached by hackers. The self-described Romanian hacktivist claimed in a June 15 blog post that he had compromised the DNC — not Russian hackers, as experts had indicated — and said he had supplied WikiLeaks with a trove of documents ultimately published by the antisecrecy website the following month.
So what did Stone know in August that everyone else didn't already know?
The truth hurt Hillary?
What's the problem then?

That would be influencing the election, dumbass.

OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Child the Russians were hacking the DNC back in Mar 2015, 5 months before Trump even announced and a full year before he was nominated.
Too funny! :clap2:
Yes, the American people deserve to see the truth of the Dem corruption but it no way changed the mind of voters.

Truly CONvoluted thinking.

so lets see if I get what you are saying. You think it would be better if the voters did not know the truth about presidential candidates and corruption within the parties and the media? Is that it?
I think it would be better if we hold foreign actors accountable for such interference. Including any agents acting mutually from our side.

What would "holding them accountable" entail, and who did you have in mind for this treatment?

Exactly whatever for whomever the investigations find to be culpable.

Obama has already taken actions against Russia. The individual players still need to be sorted.

"Culpable" for what? How is the US government going to punish any Russians?
Moron... until Podesta's email went public, who besides Stone and the hackers knew he was hacked? Critical thinking isn't your strong suit.
That would be influencing the election, dumbass.

OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:
You must be the last idiot on Earth to not see Roger Stone's confession.

You mean the confession where he had contact with Guccifer 2.0, after hacked DNC info was already released?

Then went on to "predict" that Podesta was next.

So what?

He had the information well before the public did. It certainly shows a clear line of communication.

Why is Stone speaking with either WL or Guccifer 2.0 anyway?

You win a booby prize for not understanding your own sources. It doesn't indicate anyone knew Podesta's email was hacked. It mentions how a Clinton aide mistakenly thought a phishing email was "legitimate." It not only reflects the Clinton campaign wasn't aware Podesta was hacked, but more to the point, Stone could not have known about that.

The phishing email was the hack. We know Podesta received that long before Roger Stone tweeted to Guccifer, so it just isn't possible that Stone helped Guccifer hack Podesta's account.
Then post a link prior to 8.21.16 which talks about Podesta being hacked....

Your theory that the hack had to become public knowledge the day it occurred couldn't possibly be more idiotic.
More attribution to me of things I never said. Do you see that? You're so fucked in the head, you can't even argue against wait I'm saying, no less refute it.

Moron... there's no evidence anyone knew Podesta was hacked in March, so how the fuck could Stone have known. The Clinton aide who saw the phishing email thought it was a legitimate email, though he did warn Podesta to change his password anyway. And I've still yet to see any evidence that the public knew about Podesta being hacked prior to Stone's confession.

What evidence is there that Stone knew anything in March. All we know is that he may have known something in Aug. However, Guccifer anounced in June that he had hacked the DNC servers:

Roger Stone, Trump confidant, acknowledges ‘innocuous’ Twitter conversation with DNC hackers

Guccifer 2.0 appeared last summer shortly after it was revealed that the DNC’s computer network had been breached by hackers. The self-described Romanian hacktivist claimed in a June 15 blog post that he had compromised the DNC — not Russian hackers, as experts had indicated — and said he had supplied WikiLeaks with a trove of documents ultimately published by the antisecrecy website the following month.
So what did Stone know in August that everyone else didn't already know?
I never said Stone knew anything in March. You're a victim of your own dementia.
OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:

What claim are they making?
OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:

Tell me child, what federal agency conducted the forensic analysis of the DNC servers?
That would be influencing the election, dumbass.

OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Child the Russians were hacking the DNC back in Mar 2015, 5 months before Trump even announced and a full year before he was nominated.
Which of course, has nothing to do with what I said. The Russians have been hacking us even before 2015. I'm specifically speaking of their hacking during the election, which was against the DNC and benefited Trump.
OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Child the Russians were hacking the DNC back in Mar 2015, 5 months before Trump even announced and a full year before he was nominated.
Which of course, has nothing to do with what I said. The Russians have been hacking us even before 2015. I'm specifically speaking of their hacking during the election, which was against the DNC and benefited Trump.

Everything I saw dealt with the commiecrat primary and the DNC dirty dealing, what was released dealing with the general election?
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:

Tell me child, what federal agency conducted the forensic analysis of the DNC servers?
Aww, you poor thing, bless your heart. What a cute strawman. When did I say they conducted such analyses?
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Child the Russians were hacking the DNC back in Mar 2015, 5 months before Trump even announced and a full year before he was nominated.
Which of course, has nothing to do with what I said. The Russians have been hacking us even before 2015. I'm specifically speaking of their hacking during the election, which was against the DNC and benefited Trump.

Everything I saw dealt with the commiecrat primary and the DNC dirty dealing, what was released dealing with the general election?
Obviously, you have little knowledge of this matter and I'm not here to educate you. Feel free to do your own homework, catch up, and then try again.
Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:

Tell me child, what federal agency conducted the forensic analysis of the DNC servers?
Aww, you poor thing, bless your heart. What a cute strawman. When did I say they conducted such analyses?

Strawman, hardly. You said the intel community wouldn't make a claim without proof. I'm just asking which agency got the proof.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:

Tell me child, what federal agency conducted the forensic analysis of the DNC servers?
Aww, you poor thing, bless your heart. What a cute strawman. When did I say they conducted such analyses?

Strawman, hardly. You said the intel community wouldn't make a claim without proof. I'm just asking which agency got the proof.
That is what I said. Somehow, your defective brain translated that into md claiming they personally conducted forensic analysis on the DNC servers.

Hence, strawman.
Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.
The Russians were doing the bidding of Trump to help him get elected; so yes, the DNC was the competing "company," or in this case, organization.

Child the Russians were hacking the DNC back in Mar 2015, 5 months before Trump even announced and a full year before he was nominated.
Which of course, has nothing to do with what I said. The Russians have been hacking us even before 2015. I'm specifically speaking of their hacking during the election, which was against the DNC and benefited Trump.

Everything I saw dealt with the commiecrat primary and the DNC dirty dealing, what was released dealing with the general election?
Obviously, you have little knowledge of this matter and I'm not here to educate you. Feel free to do your own homework, catch up, and then try again.

OK CHILD, the wikileaks DNC emails covered this time frame, Jan 2015 to May 25, 2016.

The emails cover the period from January last year until 25 May this year.
WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

Now tell me, what part of that time frame covered the general election?
Again, serious allegation without a shred of proof.
Sure, if you think our intelligence community is making this claim without proof. :cuckoo:

Tell me child, what federal agency conducted the forensic analysis of the DNC servers?
Aww, you poor thing, bless your heart. What a cute strawman. When did I say they conducted such analyses?

Strawman, hardly. You said the intel community wouldn't make a claim without proof. I'm just asking which agency got the proof.
That is what I said. Somehow, your defective brain translated that into md claiming they personally conducted forensic analysis on the DNC servers.

Hence, strawman.

So there was no proof? Forensic analysis is the only way to prove a server was hacked and by whom.
A freaking high school kid could have hacked the DNC. What's the point?

Every one of these crooks LIE and then, when forced, they admit it.

That is the point.

Of course, you Pootarians know that but since it's the US, you just don't care.

Funniest part is, even as you're humping Pooting's leg, if you were to get your way, you'd be dead in a matter of days.


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Too funny! :clap2:
Yes, the American people deserve to see the truth of the Dem corruption but it no way changed the mind of voters.

Truly CONvoluted thinking.

The truth hurt Hillary?
What's the problem then?

That would be influencing the election, dumbass.

OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.

Russia influenced our election, dumbass.
You dopes were too dumb to even know that you admitted it. Now you're trying to play it off like everyone didn't see it. :laugh2:

You think Hillary's corruption should remain hidden. Just say it.

You know you want to.......

At the expense of our national integrity?

Obviously you have no qualms with selling out for a cheap win.
The truth hurt Hillary?
What's the problem then?

That would be influencing the election, dumbass.

OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.

Russia influenced our election, dumbass.
You dopes were too dumb to even know that you admitted it. Now you're trying to play it off like everyone didn't see it. :laugh2:

You think Hillary's corruption should remain hidden. Just say it.

You know you want to.......

At the expense of our national integrity?

Obviously you have no qualms with selling out for a cheap win.

At the expense of our national integrity?

I agree, President Hillary would have ruined our national integrity.

Her corruption was thankfully exposed.
Too funny! :clap2:
Yes, the American people deserve to see the truth of the Dem corruption but it no way changed the mind of voters.

Truly CONvoluted thinking.

The truth hurt Hillary?
What's the problem then?

That would be influencing the election, dumbass.

OMG! The truth influenced the election.
Better hide the truth, right? Moron.
Is there any espionage you don't condone to further your political agenda?

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
So now the DNC is a foreign government or competing company of Russia? Really?

You're not very familiar with the meaning of many words are ya, back to ESL for you.

Definition of espionage
  1. : the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company
Like a political candidate working with a foreign govt to expose his opponent's weakness in order to gain an advantage?

Then yes. I agree.
Too funny! :clap2:
Yes, the American people deserve to see the truth of the Dem corruption but it no way changed the mind of voters.

Truly CONvoluted thinking.

so lets see if I get what you are saying. You think it would be better if the voters did not know the truth about presidential candidates and corruption within the parties and the media? Is that it?
I think it would be better if we hold foreign actors accountable for such interference. Including any agents acting mutually from our side.

What would "holding them accountable" entail, and who did you have in mind for this treatment?

Exactly whatever for whomever the investigations find to be culpable.

Obama has already taken actions against Russia. The individual players still need to be sorted.

"Culpable" for what? How is the US government going to punish any Russians?

It's already happening, dope.

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