Roger Stone Admits he has had contact with Russian Hacker today ( Trumps campaign Adviser )

I don't know. What we do know is that Comey is a Clinton sympathizer (or he lives under a death threat from the Clinton machine).

WOW, that's worth a couple of insults. Comey broke DOJ guidelines to make the Clinton investigation anouncement to the republican leaders of congress first, so they could put it out in the next news cycle.

If Comey, who was appointed by a republican, is a Clinton symnpathizer, we need to change the definition. Make Ronald Reagan a communist sympathizer, or Putin a gay sympathizer.
repeating a lie is the same as lying. But I am not going to waste my time going through 22K posts and listing all of your lies.

you are a dem/lib hack, you repeat the dem/lib talking points all day every day. I know it, you know it, everyone on this forum knows it.

22k posts and you can't find a single lie I've told. That's quite the thumbs up you just gave me for credibility. Let me show you how easy it is to post lies from someone who is not so credible...

better question: why would Russia prefer Trump when Hillary gave them half of our uranium reserves?

I corrected that immediately in a later post and admitted that it was only 20%. See, that's the difference between libs and cons, when we make a mistake we admit it, when our guys do something stupid we call them on it. You don't.

On that topic, why no outrage from the left on giving the evil Russians fuel for nuclear weapons?
You're lying again. It was s lie, not a mistake. A mistake is saying something that is not true but not knowing the truth when you say it. Since you already knew the figure was 20% when you said, "half," you were lying.

That's the difference between a lie and a mistake.

LOLOLOL, you are an idiot. Of that I am quite sure.
Coming from a liar, that means nothing.

Meanwhile, even knowing the figure was 20%, you said it was "half."

That's a lie, not a casual mistake as you tried to portray it.

You're lying again. It was s lie, not a mistake. A mistake is saying something that is not true but not knowing the truth when you say it. Since you already knew the figure was 20% when you said, "half," you were lying.

That's the difference between a lie and a mistake.

I may be wrong, but I think he said he corrected his error. If he did it right away, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. If he clung to the original number after his error was pointed out, then he was in lie and deny mode.
And if he already knew it was 20% when he said "half?"

22k posts and you can't find a single lie I've told. That's quite the thumbs up you just gave me for credibility. Let me show you how easy it is to post lies from someone who is not so credible...

I corrected that immediately in a later post and admitted that it was only 20%. See, that's the difference between libs and cons, when we make a mistake we admit it, when our guys do something stupid we call them on it. You don't.

On that topic, why no outrage from the left on giving the evil Russians fuel for nuclear weapons?
You're lying again. It was s lie, not a mistake. A mistake is saying something that is not true but not knowing the truth when you say it. Since you already knew the figure was 20% when you said, "half," you were lying.

That's the difference between a lie and a mistake.

LOLOLOL, you are an idiot. Of that I am quite sure.
Coming from a liar, that means nothing.

Meanwhile, even knowing the figure was 20%, you said it was "half."

That's a lie, not a casual mistake as you tried to portray it.

Your concession is noted.

I don't know. What we do know is that Comey is a Clinton sympathizer (or he lives under a death threat from the Clinton machine).

WOW, that's worth a couple of insults. Comey broke DOJ guidelines to make the Clinton investigation anouncement to the republican leaders of congress first, so they could put it out in the next news cycle.

If Comey, who was appointed by a republican, is a Clinton symnpathizer, we need to change the definition. Make Ronald Reagan a communist sympathizer, or Putin a gay sympathizer.

"she was careless" "she didn't intend to violate federal law" words of someone who is either a sympathizer or scared for his life.
You're lying again. It was s lie, not a mistake. A mistake is saying something that is not true but not knowing the truth when you say it. Since you already knew the figure was 20% when you said, "half," you were lying.

That's the difference between a lie and a mistake.

I may be wrong, but I think he said he corrected his error. If he did it right away, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. If he clung to the original number after his error was pointed out, then he was in lie and deny mode.
And if he already knew it was 20% when he said "half?"

grow the fuck up, moron.
no, the entire truth about all candidates should be available to the voters. I don't care where it comes from as long as its the truth.
Truly bizarre. So you're ok then if both sides hack each other and dump each other's dirty laundry onto the public?

They have completely backed themselves into a corner over this. In order to absolve Trump of any advantage gained, they have to endorse foreign intervention in our electoral process. Indeed bizarre.

"foreign intervention"? What specifically did the Russians do that changed one American vote?

Can't follow the conversation?

Simply open the quote boxes and read.

It was you who admitted that the leaks had an effect on the election. Now what, you've flipped back to denying that?

See your post above.

Yes, I have said all along that knowing the truth about the DNC, Hillary, and the media cost her votes. I have also said consistently that that is how it should be. The voters are entitled to know the truth.

But you on the left keep saying that "Russia hacked our election" not one of you has yet provided any proof to back up that statement. You cannot even prove that WL got the info from Russia. It could have come from a disgruntled DNC staffer------------prove that it didn't.

The Russian hacking and selective release by WL was the intervention, fool.

It is conclusive that the Russians were behind the hacking. Our Intel agencies have confirmed that and that's the basis for current investigations. Therefore, they had to have given WL the information.
Didn't Trump promise to prosecute Hillary? What's taking him so long? Lock her up -- Lock her up -- Lock her up

He should. But I think we all understand that the political class is above the law. Actually the president cannot prosecute anyone, that is up to DOJ, FBI, and congress, maybe its not over, we shall see.

Trump just hired the AG, who runs the DOJ, along with keeping Comey who runs the FBI, and ther republicans run congress,. The republicans run the entire government, so what's the holdup?

I don't know. What we do know is that Comey is a Clinton sympathizer (or he lives under a death threat from the Clinton machine).

It's exactly this type of conspiratorial BS that keeps you separated from any credibility.
Is it legal for trump to lie about showing his tax return ,,{not the one decade old} Is it legal for trump to accuse Obama of not born in America with no proof or accuse obama for tapping his towers that hold many russian agents ? Perhaps lying about our election process until he got elected sits well with you or lying about millions voting illegally is fine too?? or calling obamas unemployment record a balloon until his unemployment came out Screw that sob

The Obama birthplace controversy was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Why aren't you pissed at her for making that up? (or maybe somewhere deep down inside, you think it might be true).
That's another lie. The birthplace controversy started on a rightwing blog...


nope, wrong again
How sad, you're as retarded as you are a liar. His birthplace controversy was about him being born in Kenya.

The link you gave talks about him being raised in Indonesia. It says nothing about Hillary claiming he was born in Kenya...

“In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: ‘All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,’ he wrote. ‘Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him — his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values,’ ” Bloomberg reported.

read the entire article.
The only citation they gave was the part I quoted. The only other mention was a vacuous blurb stating Birtherism started with the Hillary camp in 2008; with no details whatsoever.
You're lying again. It was s lie, not a mistake. A mistake is saying something that is not true but not knowing the truth when you say it. Since you already knew the figure was 20% when you said, "half," you were lying.

That's the difference between a lie and a mistake.

I may be wrong, but I think he said he corrected his error. If he did it right away, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. If he clung to the original number after his error was pointed out, then he was in lie and deny mode.
And if he already knew it was 20% when he said "half?"

grow the fuck up, moron.

Truth hurts, I know
You're too crazy. Earlier, you intimated the hacking did not have an impact on the election; now you admit it may have. Your mind is so confused, you can't decide.

voters are entitled to the truth. The truth may have swayed the election, that's the way it should be.
Sure, as long as the truth from both sides is given to the public and as long as it's done in a legal manner.

You say that but you were one of the most blatant posters of every lie and fake news story put out about Trump since he decided to run. Is it "legal" to make up lies and post them as fact on main stream news outlets? Is it "legal" for the media to ignore any and all negative facts about the democrat candidate?

You are a typical lib. You want the truth as long as it doesn't hurt your side, and when it does you refuse to acknowledge it. The American voters told you guys to shove that crap last November.
Is it legal for trump to lie about showing his tax return ,,{not the one decade old} Is it legal for trump to accuse Obama of not born in America with no proof or accuse obama for tapping his towers that hold many russian agents ? Perhaps lying about our election process until he got elected sits well with you or lying about millions voting illegally is fine too?? or calling obamas unemployment record a balloon until his unemployment came out Screw that sob

you don't like Trump, I get that. Can you please quote the national statute that makes it a crime to say you will release a tax return and then not do it?

The Obama birthplace controversy was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Why aren't you pissed at her for making that up? (or maybe somewhere deep down inside, you think it might be true).
We know it's not a crime but just a hint into the lying bastards character How many times will it take for you to get that same feeling about him?? 10? 20? 100?
"she was careless" "she didn't intend to violate federal law" words of someone who is either a sympathizer or scared for his life.

Sounds more like a criminal prosecutor acknowledging he can't establish Mens Rea.
Does this mean redfish is a red herring?

a redfish is a member of the drum family. They are found in all areas of the gulf of mexico and up the east coast. They are excellent fighters and very good to eat. The will bite on live shrimp, cacahoe minnows, and sometimes dead shrimp. The can be found in the same areas as speckled trout.

But I understand your amateur attempt as humor. Keep trying, you may post a funny one eventually.
Is someone who makes a deal to give 20% of our uranium stock to Russia a traitor?

Where did he get 'half'? Even before anybody corrected him, he knows it's a lie to say 'half'. That sounds like he's been listening to too much Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, or Mark Levin.

sometimes we all type faster than we think. The difference is that some of us have the guts and credibility to admit it.
Yeah, well after the dump started, and it was on a public forum called Twitter. Not the best method for covert collusion.
Dumbfuck, do you ever get anything right?

Mr. Stone wrote an article for Breitbart News on Aug. 5 attributing the DNC breach to Guccifer 2.0, not Russia, and swapped a handful of direct messages with the persona in the weeks that followed, according to copies of the conversations provided to the Times.

Roger Stone, Trump confidant, acknowledges ‘innocuous’ Twitter conversation with DNC hackers

Direct messages are not available for public consumption. What an idiot you are. :cuckoo:

And you said the releases started in July, so his article and subsequent twitter messages were after the initial release. Also your precious intel agencies say there was no evidence of collusion. Yet you simpletons just won't let it go, do you know the definition of insanity?

Simply because we know he spoke with him after the release doesn't preclude a prior conversation that we don't know about.

You need to ask yourself why a Trump associate is talking with them at all.

So now you're sticking your fingers in your ears and singing lalalalalalal when everyone including the FBI and Congressmen are saying there is no evidence of collusion? And on the other hand you're very ready to accept their word that the Russians did the hacking even though the only people that looked at the servers were bought and paid for by the DNC. If you slime ball regressives didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be totally bankrupt.
No investigation has concluded.
Stone, a Trump confidant, was in communication with both the hacker and WL
at the height of the releases during the election. Why?
WL informed Stone of the Podesta release before it was public. The fact that he and no doubt the Trump team knew about the releases before they happened, is certainly proof of cooperation if not outright collusion.

Why is Stone in communication with them at all?

You might want to do some reading on the subject.

No evidence of collusion trump and russians - Bing

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