Rolling Stone finally apologizes for false UVA rape story. But still conceals identity of "jackie"

Rolling Stone didn't want to hurt anyone. They want to end fraternities. This was just a means.
At least they got a DISCUSSION going on this epidemic of on campus rape. But bigoted misogynists and shitlord frat bros are still trying to push it under the rug. Some posts here with their victim blaming expose why we need stories by brave authors like Sabrina Erdly. The fact is, the reaction to her using some artistic license in her piece is proof positive of endemic Sexism towards women in are patriarchal society. This backlash would not occur for a man.

"Epidemic'? Really?

Rape rates at near a 40 year low. With college aged girls among the least likely to be raped. Almost all sexual assault of girls happen before they get to college. And most of the 'rape' that occurs in college is clumsy, ignorant fumbling and miscommunications of young people who don't know how to fuck.

Which is why Rolling Stone bit at Jackie's 'gang rape'. Because it was the face they wanted to paint on college rape, despite the fact that its ridiculously rare.
The frat has announced their intention to sue Rolling Stone magazine. As well they should

Bet they'd like to sue "jackie" too but her name is being censored!!! Which isn't fair to Rolling Stone. Why should they be the only one to pay.?
Maybe there never was a Jackie.

Hadn't thought of that but could be. They just made the whole thing up.

Nah, there's a Jackie. There are all sorts of third parties that have gone on record as investigating her story or hearing it from her personally. Including UVA and the local police who said that there wasn't evidence of it occuring.

You can hardly investigate the allegations of a person that doesn't exist.

You don't need to invent an increasingly elaborate conspiracy for this one. Its fucked enough all on its own.
The frat has announced their intention to sue Rolling Stone magazine. As well they should

Bet they'd like to sue "jackie" too but her name is being censored!!! Which isn't fair to Rolling Stone. Why should they be the only one to pay.?

It won't be that hard to get a subpoena for the local police who investigated her allegations. There's more than probable cause of a crime of false reporting.
I'd say 90% of rape accusations are lies. The tramps ruin men's lives to get money or fame for themselves. And the press supports the horrible scam.

Most of the studies I've seen put the number at between 3 and 8%.

Studies??? That's a joke right? Some feminist rag puts out those lowball numbers and you accept it although even 8% is pretty high.
I live near UCLA there are a lot of rapes on or near the campus. Almost every night one or two. Both college girls and women who live in the area. From the descriptions of the assailants almost none look like they attend UCLA. Most descriptions include between 35 and 40 years old.
Rolling Stone didn't want to hurt anyone. They want to end fraternities. This was just a means.

They want to hurt men. What with false rape accusations, and affirmative action, and 18 years of child support - there truly is a war on men.
The frat has announced their intention to sue Rolling Stone magazine. As well they should

Bet they'd like to sue "jackie" too but her name is being censored!!! Which isn't fair to Rolling Stone. Why should they be the only one to pay.?

It won't be that hard to get a subpoena for the local police who investigated her allegations. There's more than probable cause of a crime of false reporting.
Jackie's rape was never reported to the police. The police were notified by the appearance of the article.
Is it really blaming the victim if there's no victim?

No victim??? Men were accused of rape and had their lives turned upside down. These lies will plague them the rest of their lives. Feminists will say "they were accused of rape so they must be at least a little guilty."
Rolling Stone didn't want to hurt anyone. They want to end fraternities. This was just a means.
At least they got a DISCUSSION going on this epidemic of on campus rape. But bigoted misogynists and shitlord frat bros are still trying to push it under the rug. Some posts here with their victim blaming expose why we need stories by brave authors like Sabrina Erdly. The fact is, the reaction to her using some artistic license in her piece is proof positive of endemic Sexism towards women in are patriarchal society. This backlash would not occur for a man.

"Epidemic'? Really?

Rape rates at near a 40 year low. With college aged girls among the least likely to be raped. Almost all sexual assault of girls happen before they get to college. And most of the 'rape' that occurs in college is clumsy, ignorant fumbling and miscommunications of young people who don't know how to fuck.

Which is why Rolling Stone bit at Jackie's 'gang rape'. Because it was the face they wanted to paint on college rape, despite the fact that its ridiculously rare.
Wow just wow. No wonder 90% of rapes go unreported. Its because of rape apologists like you. Smh
I live near UCLA there are a lot of rapes on or near the campus. Almost every night one or two. Both college girls and women who live in the area. From the descriptions of the assailants almost none look like they attend UCLA. Most descriptions include between 35 and 40 years old.

And most are black though naturally you libs never mention that.
I'd say 90% of rape accusations are lies. The tramps ruin men's lives to get money or fame for themselves. And the press supports the horrible scam.

Most of the studies I've seen put the number at between 3 and 8%.

Studies??? That's a joke right? Some feminist rag puts out those lowball numbers and you accept it although even 8% is pretty high.

A joke is accepting whatever you make up as having any connection to reality. You don't know what you're talking about.

When there are multiple studies that give a roughly equivalent range, they're farm more credible than you are pulling a number sideways out of your ass.
I live near UCLA there are a lot of rapes on or near the campus. Almost every night one or two. Both college girls and women who live in the area. From the descriptions of the assailants almost none look like they attend UCLA. Most descriptions include between 35 and 40 years old.

And most are black though naturally you libs never mention that.
Descriptions of the rapists aren't given but the artists picture is. Most of them look hispanic to me. Like older hispanic working men.
Is it really blaming the victim if there's no victim?

No victim??? Men were accused of rape and had their lives turned upside down. These lies will plague them the rest of their lives. Feminists will say "they were accused of rape so they must be at least a little guilty."

No one specific was accused of rape in this case.
No it was a gang rape. Unlike Lena Dunham who made up "Barry" and accused him of rape. The accusation was complicated by the non existence of Barry.
When there are multiple studies that give a roughly equivalent range, they're farm more credible than you are pulling a number sideways out of your ass.

BS. All these "multiple studies" are funded by feminist groups. You need to start thinking for yourself..

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