Rolling Stone finally apologizes for false UVA rape story. But still conceals identity of "jackie"

Maybe there never was a Jackie.

That's where I'm leaning. I think the whole thing was made up out of whole cloth by the "reporter".

Happens all the time but usually we don't here of it. If this story had come from the WaPo, it's exposure as a fraud would have been hushed up. The Rolling Stone is kind of non-mainstream, so the press went after them.
Is it really blaming the victim if there's no victim?

No victim??? Men were accused of rape and had their lives turned upside down. These lies will plague them the rest of their lives. Feminists will say "they were accused of rape so they must be at least a little guilty."

No one specific was accused of rape in this case.
No it was a gang rape. Unlike Lena Dunham who made up "Barry" and accused him of rape. The accusation was complicated by the non existence of Barry.

Nodding.....but nobody specific was accused of participating in the gang rape. Characters were accused. People were never actually named.

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