Rolling Stone Retracts Article on Rape at University of Virginia

The worst part is no one losing his job over this. WTF? Rolling Stone will lose all credibility if it does not fire those involved.

If they fire anybody, they're admitting wrong-doing.

Their lawyers are telling them not to. They'll use the old Paul Newman 'Absent Malice' defense.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

They KNEW it was lie the whole time but they'll pretend they didn't know and it was all just a big misunderstanding
What about Lena Dunham?

She got her on TV Show on the disgusting Pay Channel, HBO.

Do you think she cares that she lied to get it? :eusa_boohoo:
You need new material bro

Just the facts, dewd.

Just the facts.

Are you really THAT stupid that you don't know that Rolling Stoned is one of THE most progressive mag-rags on the Planet?

Seriously? Are you that dumb?

It would seem so. Go somewhere and dry out. fer real.... Have you thought about enrolling in a Rehab Program?

You should
You need new material bro

Just the facts, dewd.

Just the facts.

Are you really THAT stupid that you don't know that Rolling Stoned is one of THE most progressive mag-rags on the Planet?

Seriously? Are you that dumb?

It would seem so. Go somewhere and dry out. fer real.... Have you thought about enrolling in a Rehab Program?

You should

Those are questions not facts. You're running out of different ways to ask the same question
Those are questions not facts. You're running out of different ways to ask the same question

I'm trying to tell you something without destroying your last shred of self-respect......

Do you know how stupid you sound? Seriously?

Consider -- Being dead is like being stupid. You aren't aware of it in either case, only other people are.

It hurts to see somebody that stupid. I'm embarrassed for you.

Get a clue, go into rehab, do something.
Those are questions not facts. You're running out of different ways to ask the same question

I'm trying to tell you something without destroying your last shred of self-respect......

Do you know how stupid you sound? Seriously?

Consider -- Being dead is like being stupid. You aren't aware of it in either case, only other people are.

It hurts to see somebody that stupid. I'm embarrassed for you.

Get a clue, go into rehab, do something.

Again Jeff Foxworthy?
The Progs don't care about the lies. The damage has been done.
This should PROVE the rolling stone rag should be SHUNNED from now on. they have no standards or care what they put out.

this is apologizes to the people THEY SLANDERED
Ok folks, how about we get back to the subject of the OP.
Good idea. It is the Clintonification of the press. In years past, even recent past, a reporter caught fabricating a story was fired. Period. There was not even a question about it. So the Washington Post had a reporter who made up a story about 12 year old drug addict or something like that. Gone.
Now we have a reporter making up an entire story about a rape that never happened and impugning an entire fraternity in the process. Nothing. Zilch. A lame apology "sorry we fucked up your lives and disgraced you int he eyes of everyone who knows you. But we know it's really true in some metaphysical sense so we're not firing anyone."
Yeah, fuck them.
The Progs don't care about the lies. The damage has been done.

No, they dn't care.

To question the lies in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM was to risk being labelled a 'rape apologist'.

Remember the Duke LaCrosse Case? That piece of fucking shit persecutor should have gotten life in prison but Lawyers, being scumbags themselves, the SCOTUS gave persecutors ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY from prosecution for being lying scumbags.

How about Emma Sulkowicz? The gal who has been carrying a mattress around Columbia U because she claimed she was raped, but the University itself (hardly a fair arbiter of such grave matters) found the man charged was not responsible.

But the University rag still found it within itself to print his name. So now he's being harassed, called a rapist

dimocrap scum are doing the same thing today that they did back with the Scottsboro Boys except to different people.

People, I'm not kidding when I tell you --

dimocraps are the scum of the fucking earth.

If you EVER find that dimocraps wants to help you?

Do yourself a favor and RUN. Run far, run fast.

If you don't you may find yourself being helped as much as they helped Black People --

Rolling stone should retract the story if theres any inconsistencies but to make this political is just stupid

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