Rolling Stone Retracts Article on Rape at University of Virginia

Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Writer of Rolling Stone Rape Article, Issues Statement

The past few months, since my Rolling Stone article ā€œA Rape on Campusā€ was first called into question, have been among the most painful of my life. Reading the Columbia account of the mistakes and misjudgments in my reporting was a brutal and humbling experience. I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stoneā€™s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues,to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.

Not taking responsibility for her actions. Just blaming others and the girl who she got the story from. No remorse for blaming innocent crime that no one committed. Apologies to everyone but the people she slandered and actually hurt.

Lawsuit on the way.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Writer of Rolling Stone Rape Article, Issues Statement

The past few months, since my Rolling Stone article ā€œA Rape on Campusā€ was first called into question, have been among the most painful of my life. Reading the Columbia account of the mistakes and misjudgments in my reporting was a brutal and humbling experience. I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stoneā€™s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues,to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.

Not taking responsibility for her actions. Just blaming others and the girl who she got the story from. No remorse for blaming innocent crime that no one committed. Apologies to everyone but the people she slandered and actually hurt.

Lawsuit on the way.
Fucking outrageous. Next she'll say she's really the victim here.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Writer of Rolling Stone Rape Article, Issues Statement

The past few months, since my Rolling Stone article ā€œA Rape on Campusā€ was first called into question, have been among the most painful of my life. Reading the Columbia account of the mistakes and misjudgments in my reporting was a brutal and humbling experience. I want to offer my deepest apologies: to Rolling Stoneā€™s readers, to my Rolling Stone editors and colleagues,to the U.V.A. community, and to any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.

Not taking responsibility for her actions. Just blaming others and the girl who she got the story from. No remorse for blaming innocent crime that no one committed. Apologies to everyone but the people she slandered and actually hurt.

Lawsuit on the way.
Fucking outrageous. Next she'll say she's really the victim here.

The national Phi Psi is suing her. I could understand why she didn't directly apologize to them, it would be seen as an admission of guilt and she would get fucked even harder.
The journalism department at Columbia University busted Rolling Stone. Columbia is one of the most liberal colleges in the nation.

No Washington Post busted them. Then Slate. Then others.

To try to save face Rolling Stone asked Columbia School of Journalism to do an autopsy on the dead story.

To their credit they put it up on their website as soon as Columbia released their disastrous findings.
The worst part is no one losing his job over this. WTF? Rolling Stone will lose all credibility if it does not fire those involved.
I agree, Rolling Stone can't fire her for the same reason she can't apologize.
It's admission of fucking up, big time. But after this shit she will no longer be able to work as a "journalist".
And this is what happens when you try to pander to an audience filled with schizophrenic liars.
Ask the left and they will tell you the ends justify the means. This is yet another sad example, hands up don't shoot ring a bell, the sun rises and liberals lie.
Ask the left and they will tell you the ends justify the means. This is yet another sad example, hands up don't shoot ring a bell, the sun rises and liberals lie.
And it gets added to the list of fake stories such as the Ben Gazi video, Duke Lacrosse, the Clarence Thomas hearings, racist Tea Party members, Gitmo torture, and of course the list goes on. Nothing these people believe is ever based on a factual event.
The worst part is no one losing his job over this. WTF? Rolling Stone will lose all credibility if it does not fire those involved.
I agree, Rolling Stone can't fire her for the same reason she can't apologize.
It's admission of fucking up, big time. But after this shit she will no longer be able to work as a "journalist".
And this is what happens when you try to pander to an audience filled with schizophrenic liars.
She already fucked up big time. That's already been established. Not apologizing appropriately will add fuel to the fire.
Sadly journalism these days is a joke pretty well across the board.

I miss good old fashioned reporting without a bloody agenda. Just the facts.

I'm sick and tired of the editorials being on the front page instead of in the editorial section.

And worse of all liberal media knows damn well that they can throw a lie into a front page headline and put the retraction on page 983 and get away with this shit.

I would like to think there was a time when this was true but me thinks they have been "shading" the news for quite some time.
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The journalism department at Columbia University busted Rolling Stone. Columbia is one of the most liberal colleges in the nation.

No Washington Post busted them. Then Slate. Then others.

To try to save face Rolling Stone asked Columbia School of Journalism to do an autopsy on the dead story.

To their credit they put it up on their website as soon as Columbia released their disastrous findings.

Like I said, the liberal journalism school at Columbia busted them. If you want to give 2 other liberal media outlets partial credit that's your business.
Ask the left and they will tell you the ends justify the means. This is yet another sad example, hands up don't shoot ring a bell, the sun rises and liberals lie.

This is not even close to the mountain of agenda driven lies that poured out of the rightwing media over Benghazi.

But for the record, this is a Rolling Stone disaster and those to blame should get their due.
Ask the left and they will tell you the ends justify the means. This is yet another sad example, hands up don't shoot ring a bell, the sun rises and liberals lie.

This is not even close to the mountain of agenda driven lies that poured out of the rightwing media over Benghazi.

But for the record, this is a Rolling Stone disaster and those to blame should get their due.
Really? The right wing media called it a protest over a YouTube video? Do you people have an automated truth reverser built into your brains?
Ask the left and they will tell you the ends justify the means. This is yet another sad example, hands up don't shoot ring a bell, the sun rises and liberals lie.

This is not even close to the mountain of agenda driven lies that poured out of the rightwing media over Benghazi.

But for the record, this is a Rolling Stone disaster and those to blame should get their due.
Really? The right wing media called it a protest over a YouTube video? Do you people have an automated truth reverser built into your brains?

Incredible isn't it, the left has no shame.
Like I said, the liberal journalism school at Columbia busted them. If you want to give 2 other liberal media outlets partial credit that's your business.

A lie. But you're a dimocrap, it's what you do.

All Rolling Stoned did was turn it over to Columbia AFTER they'd been busted MONTHS earlier.

dimocraps are lying dirtbags
I hope they sue them out of business. they have NO scruples and is just another leftist pos propaganda rag anyway.

UVA Fraternity to Sue Rolling Stone for 'Rape' Story

ALL of it here:
UVA Fraternity to Sue Rolling Stone for Rape Story Truth Revolt

I doubt much will happen. They're part of the Absolute Immunity class of people who can do nothing wrong....

Like Harry Reid lying like the dimocrap scumbag he is on the Senate Floor..... Can't do anything about that because it HAPPENED on the Senate Floor.

Or Mike Nifong of the Duke LaCrosse horror. He did three (3) hours in jail for lying about some CHILDREN acting like CHILDREN in College.

So for trying to destroy these kids' lives, a prosecutor (who has ABSOLUTE Immunity) does 3 hours in Jail.... But NOT for being a lying dimocrap scumbag (oh yes, he was) -- For Contempt of Court.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Just that simple
The journalism department at Columbia University busted Rolling Stone. Columbia is one of the most liberal colleges in the nation.

No Washington Post busted them. Then Slate. Then others.

To try to save face Rolling Stone asked Columbia School of Journalism to do an autopsy on the dead story.

To their credit they put it up on their website as soon as Columbia released their disastrous findings.

Like I said, the liberal journalism school at Columbia busted them. If you want to give 2 other liberal media outlets partial credit that's your business.

Nope, WaPo busted them. The lefties just couldn't accept it until Columbia confirmed it.

Even now, you can find lefties still resisting to accept it, because it doesn't fit the agenda.

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