. Rolling Stones to Perform Debut Tel Aviv Show

Nope...Genesis 29:35.
G-d doesn't have a 2 letter hebrew name Poindexter.

The Torah uses a 4 letter name...... YHVH

The Hebrew Name for God - YHVH


Schmuck...read the post again.
This time in English.

ok Independent-----I read the citation and gave it some thought---keep
in mind---I am no hebrew linguist HOWEVER....... I would translate
YEHUDAH -----as "G-d will be glorified" or "G-d will be thanked"
or something like that The HUDA or more like HOD
refers to glorified or thanked the last H refers to "G-d"
and the Ye makes it the future tense I think....

The letters used to signify YHVH thing are written as
'yud' 'hey' "" as a kind of acronym I do not know
when the written acronym came into use
Will the juden be swinging chickens over their heads at the concert?? .. :lol:
Only if the Mu-slimes will be getting on all fours and raising their asses in the air, while banging their heads on the rug.
Sheesh! Can they possibly get any dumber than this guy? Read this folks.

Will the juden be swinging chickens over their heads at the concert?? .. :lol:
Hey, don't blame me for pointing out the juden tradition of Kapparot .. :cool:

Hey I got an idea, why don't you focus on this Muslim barbarism that is happening right here in America?

Muslims perform EID slaughter to show how peaceful Islam is:


So sorry that you can't answer the question as to which you think is worse -- swinging a chicken over one's head or murdering people in the Holy month of Ramadan.
I am not aware of any murders taking place during Ramadan??

But if you have information about a murder that took place. You should report it to the authorities.

On the other hand, I am sure the chicken being swung around the juden's head isn't too happy and most likely gets kinda dizzy. .. :cool:


Of course you don't want to Google about the murders done by your brethren during Ramadan. It is not important to you when people are being murdered since I don't think you would ever condemn any of the murders done during Ramadan nor would you condemn any of the murders that have been committed for years by your friends on the non Muslims as well as Muslims of different sects. Evidently swinging a chicken over one's head is very important for you to tell the readers. Since you feel the chicken isn't happy, how do you think the relatives and friends feel about those they were close to being murdered by your brethren.
Evidently swinging a chicken over one's head is very important for you to tell the readers. Since you feel the chicken isn't happy, how do you think the relatives and friends feel about those they were close to being murdered by your brethren.
Silly-Sally, .... Why do you hate chickens?

Chickens have feelings ya know........ :cool:

Evidently swinging a chicken over one's head is very important for you to tell the readers. Since you feel the chicken isn't happy, how do you think the relatives and friends feel about those they were close to being murdered by your brethren.
Silly-Sally, .... Why do you hate chickens?

Chickens have feelings ya know........ :cool:

Except for you. Cluck cluck. Allah Akbar.
Evidently Mr, Cuckoo is worried more about chickens than he is worried about human beings. I guess it doesn't bother him, as a Muslim, that his brethren are busy killing human beings whose relatives and friends mourn them. Perhaps he can tell us if he knows of chicken mourning the deaths of other chickens. I bet when Mr. Cuckoo eats a chicken, he doesn't worry that it was killed. In fact, he probably doesn't worry about the way animals are murdered the Halal way. He justs eats the meat with gusto.
I bet when Mr. Cuckoo eats a chicken, he doesn't worry that it was killed. In fact, he probably doesn't worry about the way animals are murdered the Halal way. He justs eats the meat with gusto.
So the meat people eat at home and at restaurants comes from animals that were murdered?? .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Will the Muslims keep up their tradition of killing during the month of Ramadan? I would think that if someone swings a chicken over his head is nothing compared to people killing others during what supposedly is their Holy Month.
............................................^^^ Silly-Sally the board troll shows up right on time. .. :lol: :lol:

faggot - pig's heart, liver and fatty belly meat or bacon minced together, with herbs added for flavouring and sometimes bread crumbs.

I bet when Mr. Cuckoo eats a chicken, he doesn't worry that it was killed. In fact, he probably doesn't worry about the way animals are murdered the Halal way. He justs eats the meat with gusto.

So the meat people eat at home and at restaurants comes from animals that were murdered?? .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:


Perhaps Mr. Cuckoo should worry more about innocent people killed in the name of a religion by his brethren than chickens. Apparently he has no problem with people being killed, and some Jewish custom seemed more important for him to bring up even though each religion has their own customs. I would think that the other people here care more about human beings. If Mr. Cuckoo is so worried about chickens, perhaps he should just become a vegetarian.
I bet when Mr. Cuckoo eats a chicken, he doesn't worry that it was killed. In fact, he probably doesn't worry about the way animals are murdered the Halal way. He justs eats the meat with gusto.

So the meat people eat at home and at restaurants comes from animals that were murdered?? .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:


Perhaps Mr. Cuckoo should worry more about innocent people killed in the name of a religion by his brethren than chickens. Apparently he has no problem with people being killed, and some Jewish custom seemed more important for him to bring up even though each religion has their own customs. I would think that the other people here care more about human beings. If Mr. Cuckoo is so worried about chickens, perhaps he should just become a vegetarian.

Sally, why do you allow Sunni Man to troll you?? I don't get it ?

Just ignore him for fucks sake. He's just a miserable human being who spends his days trolling message forums.
If Mr. Sunni Man is so worried about chickens, perhaps he should just become a vegetarian.
Naw........I like to eat them.

I just think it's wrong for people to be swinging the poor things over their heads. .. :doubt:


As you all can see, Sunni Man doesn't think it is wrong for his brethren to be killing innocent people. He is more concerned with chickens than human beings.
Will the juden be swinging chickens over their heads at the concert?? .. :lol:
Only if the Mu-slimes will be getting on all fours and raising their asses in the air, while banging their heads on the rug.

While praying to a fake God :cool:
I think Sunni always positions himself in the back row of the mosque, so that he can inhale all those farts heading towards him when the asses raise in unison, while he bangs his head in the rug. It's their version of Islamic air conditioning. Ha ha ha.
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