Romans 13, in full content.

A direct contradiction with Jesus's teachings has nothing to do with context. The teachings are the same, or they aren't. I'm not talking about a different placement of a comma. I;m talking about directly opposite statements.

I am not talking about commas ... Crap, I'm not even talking about Jesus' teachings.

I was expressing that the Book of Romans consists of the letters Paul wrote the Romans.
They aren't from Jesus, they aren't instructions for all Christians ...
They are what Paul wanted to tell the Romans in regards to what the Romans were experiencing and who the Romans were dealing with.

The Book of Romans no more directly applies to our government today than the Betty Crocker Cookbook.

A direct contradiction with Jesus's teachings has nothing to do with context. The teachings are the same, or they aren't. I'm not talking about a different placement of a comma. I;m talking about directly opposite statements.

I am not talking about commas ... Crap, I'm not even talking about Jesus' teachings.

I was expressing that the Book of Romans consists of the letters Paul wrote the Romans.
They aren't from Jesus, they aren't instructions for all Christians ...
They are what Paul wanted to tell the Romans in regards to what the Romans were experiencing and who the Romans were dealing with.

The Book of Romans no more directly applies to our government today than the Betty Crocker Cookbook.


It was written to explain that salvation was offered to gentiles through the gospel. Before then, it was believed that was only available to the Jews. I agree it should have nothing to do with how our government is run, but religious nuts often quote it as justificaion for their political choices.
Considering how many Christians died from persecutions resisting government demands, it's safe to say that a lot of people interpret the verses very wrong. Guess they'll just have to actually study the book instead of the usual idiocy of citing verses as if they're all unrelated to any verses around them and the books are just lists of unrelated proverbs or something. That really sucks for all those neurotic deviants and sociopaths who think they can just make up whatever meanings they feel like, though.

And, we have Peter escorting Jesus and whacking the ear off an official. Does that sound like submission to government rules?
Trump is subject to the law. He is subject to Mueller until Mueller or Rosenstein says differently.
lol no he isn't subject to Meuller; that's retarded even for you.
Trump is subject to the law, and the law empowers Rosenstein and Mueller to do things Trump does not like: stupid to suggest that is not so. Yeah, Trump is subject.

lol rubbish. Only Congress can impeach and touch him, Jake, too bad for your fake news spree here. Meuller has squat, already admitted that, and we all know they never did. Go back to the Hive and try some other silly fake news gimmick.

What makes you think Mueller has nothing? Because that's what Trump said?

Because he has nothing. You think he does because why, exactly? Because he hasn't produced anything? We're not all Democrats, so you'll just have to do better than the fake news innuendo.

It would be grand if you actually cited those 'direct contradictions to what Jesus said n stuff' you think exist, verse numbers and chapters included. Nobody has yet; you might even a win a gold star to paste on your forehead or something.
Conservatives claim it means government can do anything they want

it does------it is roman propaganda

Rosie has hidden camera movies of Constantine writing Romans himself.

I don't need it-------I am not stupid. Constantine did not write Romans----
There are several INFLUENCES on the "epistles" of this and that
apostle. Paul was VERY MUCH a Hellenist jew-------who ---IMHO was
very interested in adapting Judaism to THE WORLD as an ETHIC Smart
guy, he knew that the roman world was not willing to give up either its
GASTRONOMY-----or its foreskin. His writings were a good jumping off
point for the EMPEROR OF THE FIRST REICH -----who hated Pharisees and
loved EMPIRE ----------read it with discernment
Ah, so Constantine just wrote the rest of the New Testament, and left Romans alone, then??? One would think a book named 'Romans' would be the first one he would want to rewrite.

Why wouldn't he have also have rewritten the Old Testament while he was doing all that rewriting? Nobody ever brings that up; it would have been easy, since most Jews had never read it, either. I guess it was just da Xians that were 'evul n stuff'.
Trump is the incarnation of the Great Orange God!

We must all believe and obey the Great Orange God!

Note: COuld someone please post a picture of a really, really big Orange here?
Trump is the incarnation of the Great Orange God!

We must all believe and obey the Great Orange God!

Note: COuld someone please post a picture of a really, really big Orange here?

Oh noes, yet another angry faggot, gonna skool us on Da evul Xians!!! appears, drooling and typing with one hand in its pants.
Ah, so Constantine just wrote the rest of the New Testament, and left Romans alone, then??? One would think a book named 'Romans' would be the first one he would want to rewrite.

Why wouldn't he have also have rewritten the Old Testament while he was doing all that rewriting? Nobody ever brings that up; it would have been easy, since most Jews had never read it, either. I guess it was just da Xians that were 'evul n stuff'.

you are babbling-----Constantine did not know Hebrew. In fact---he may have been illiterate like most of your people
Roman leaders of the early 4th century CE were literate.

Constantine would not have known Hebrew, his languages being Latin and Greek.
Roman leaders of the early 4th century CE were literate.

Constantine would not have known Hebrew, his languages being Latin and Greek.

yes----which is why the NT was written in greek and latin. Jesus was literate--
but would not have been able to read it-----there is no glimmer of evidence in the
only account of his life that we have that he knew a word of greek or latin. It is likely that considerable numbers of UPPER CLASS romans were literate in both
Latin and Greek. Romans worshipped greeks
Jesus Christ, invoking the middle east Bible for rational thought is infuckingsane. Yahweh regularly killed children and actually forced their parents to kill the first born. Jesus, Yahweh's son and Yahweh simultaneously said to hate your parents and become a eunuch to join his neo-essene cult. So crazy that answers are sought in really bad mythology.
The Scriptures are calling for Progressives to follow the rule of Donald Trump, who was placed in authority over them by the Creator
Satan owns this whole ball of dirt and anyone who "appears" as " authority" is ordained by Evil. Fuggem. I bow to No man.
Roman leaders of the early 4th century CE were literate.

Constantine would not have known Hebrew, his languages being Latin and Greek.

yes----which is why the NT was written in greek and latin. Jesus was literate--
but would not have been able to read it-----there is no glimmer of evidence in the
only account of his life that we have that he knew a word of greek or latin. It is likely that considerable numbers of UPPER CLASS romans were literate in both
Latin and Greek. Romans worshipped greeks

lol ignorant bigots are always hilarious when they try to fake knowing history. You two should get your own forum.
Jesus Christ, invoking the middle east Bible for rational thought is infuckingsane. Yahweh regularly killed children and actually forced their parents to kill the first born. Jesus, Yahweh's son and Yahweh simultaneously said to hate your parents and become a eunuch to join his neo-essene cult. So crazy that answers are sought in really bad mythology.

Indeed. Now Jake and Rosie have a Messiah to worship here.
Ah, so Constantine just wrote the rest of the New Testament, and left Romans alone, then??? One would think a book named 'Romans' would be the first one he would want to rewrite.

Why wouldn't he have also have rewritten the Old Testament while he was doing all that rewriting? Nobody ever brings that up; it would have been easy, since most Jews had never read it, either. I guess it was just da Xians that were 'evul n stuff'.

you are babbling-----Constantine did not know Hebrew. In fact---he may have been illiterate like most of your people

You think the OT for the Orthodox and Roman churches was written in Hebrew? That's beyond funny. lol lol lol

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