Romney calls on NH police chief to apologize for using N word

Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?
Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?

So you think a police commissioner using the N word to describe the President is not a big deal? Really?
Uh oh! Rommey just came out the Democrat closet!

If he'd had the cojones (gotta throw that in for the Hispanic crowd) to speak out as plainly he might be president today.
they can call people teabaggers, cxxts, etc...... but you can't say THE N word

stupid and Romney is now a speech police
Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?

So you think a police commissioner using the N word to describe the President is not a big deal? Really?

No, I don't think a police commissioner, in a small town nobody has heard of in a state that nobody gives a shit about outside of a presidential election year, calling the president a ****** is a big deal.

Why do you? Is your own life so lacking in substance?

It's a local matter. Let them handle it.
Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?

So you think a police commissioner using the N word to describe the President is not a big deal? Really?

No, I don't think a police commissioner, in a small town nobody has heard of in a state that nobody gives a shit about outside of a presidential election year, calling the president a ****** is a big deal.

Why do you? Is your own life so lacking in substance?

It's a local matter. Let them handle it.

It's only a big deal because there are two things that are guaranteed to sell in America. They are:

1.) sex; and
2.) race.

Some talking heads used the Donald Sterling (former owner of the LA Clippers NBA team, in case you live on another planet) case over the course of the past coupla weeks to drive home the point that the fact that his comments to his mistress were so egregiously anachronistic in contrast to say, the average next-door neighbor in (what remains of) middle-class America is a token illustration of how far we've come with regard to race relations here.

These sorts of comments by these random, shadowy, forgotten American relics like this NH police commish remind us that there are still some Archie Bunkers out there — some, not many.

The race hustlers like Al Sharpton know this. And just as sure as some hot tweeny gals will flash some leg tonight on this crapola music awards show on tv just to get themselves noticed, Sharpton and the race hustlers will be out in full force tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, ad infinitum to make a bigger issue out of this than it really is because they know that race sells.

That's unfortunately just how America works.
Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?

Thats what happens when you call the POTUS a name. It tends to get national attention especially if you are some old white relic from the civil war.
Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?

So you think a police commissioner using the N word to describe the President is not a big deal? Really?

No, I don't think a police commissioner, in a small town nobody has heard of in a state that nobody gives a shit about outside of a presidential election year, calling the president a ****** is a big deal.

Why do you? Is your own life so lacking in substance?

It's a local matter. Let them handle it.

Nobody cares what you think evidently. Its national news. What do you propose to do about it?
Why is a local issue a national news story and how is it any of Mitt Romney's business to comment on it?

It's national news because it's the sort of thing that gets ratings, and Mitt Romney is commenting on it in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.
Why doesn't Romney call on all the black folks to stop calling each other ******* too?
Who gives a fuck? Seriously, if people can't take a harsh word then may they go to north Korea.
Why doesn't Romney call on all the black folks to stop calling each other ******* too?

Because Romney is white and he cant tell Black people what they should or should not do.
So blacks won't listen to a good idea if it comes from a white person, that stupid :lol:

This is one of the reasons blacks fail in education. They hate whites and many of them consider education = white. Stupid, yes, but you're talking to people without any sense.

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