Romney Care = Get Sick, Die Quick

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Leo W. Gerard: Mitt Romney: The Empty Suit Clueless About the Empty Chair

First, Mittens is either stupid or lying (both) when he says people don't die because they have no health insurance.

Billy was just 39 when he suffered his first cardiac arrest. An electronics technician, he had health insurance through his employer, and that paid for surgery to implant a defibrillator. Still, over the years, Billy spent his entire $25,000 in pension savings on medical bills that insurance did not pay.

In 2003, Billy lost his job and his health insurance when the company he worked for closed. He tried to get another job with health insurance but could not. He tried to buy health coverage privately, but every insurer in Pennsylvania denied his request because of his pre-existing heart condition. He didn't qualify for Medicaid because he earned slightly too much money in his new job as a pizza delivery driver.

While at work on December 14, 2007, he collapsed in the pizza shop. He survived, but a cardiologist told him that his defibrillator needed to be replaced. Because Billy had no insurance, the doctor required payment up front.

Romney's right about one thing. The hospital treated Billy as an emergency cardiac arrest victim. But the hospital emergency room wasn't required to give him surgery to replace the defibrillator. And neither Billy, nor his sister, had $60,000 to pay for it out of pocket.

Less than two years later, as Billy drove home from work, he suffered cardiac arrest again. And he died. For lack of health insurance.

Under Obamacare, insurers can't deny coverage to people like Billy because of pre-existing conditions. Obamacare also established high-risk pools for people like Billy. And Obamacare will extend Medicaid to more low-income people like Billy.

What part of this was Billy's fault?

Someone close to me had open heart surgery. He had what he thought was excellent health insurance, had never missed a premium payment but they refused to pay. He got a letter in the mail with a list of "elective" surgeries showing coronary artery by-pass surgery right after bunionectomy. His wife went to war with the Colorado Insurance Commission (I think that's what it was called) and finally, after months of letters and hiring an attorney and almost losing their home, the insurance company paid.

Then the insurance company dropped them from their coverage as well as dropping the life insurance policy they had with the same company. They also dropped the man's employee's health care insurance.

Once an insurance company drops you, it is all but impossible to get coverage from another insurance company. If you are able to get the coverage, there are a mile of exceptions and its enormously expensive.

Where was this man wrong? What did he do wrong? What did the employees do to deserve losing their insurance?

The Affordable Care Act protects us all from the &*(^&% insurance companies and requires them to pay 80 cents of every dollar for patient care. It allows medical decisions to be made by the patient and his/her doctor.

I remember when this was the United States of America instead of the Undone States of the One Percent.
All you have to do get rid of rw's is post FACTS.


You can post video of Mitt Romney saying he will cut Police, Firemen and Teachers and Republicans will say you are a liar and refuse to watch the video.

They believe what they want to believe and that's it. They can't be educated. I'm not saying all the them. 6% of scientists are Republican so there are some Republicans who must be smart, but I suspect those scientists have to keep their identity a secret or they will be thrown out of the party. Just the fact that only 6% are Republicans drives the right wingers on the USMB mad. They can't stand it. Remember, this is a party that puts a man who believes the earth is less than 10,000 years old on the Congressional Science Committee. USMB Republicans say, "What's wrong with that? You can't prove the earth is older than 10,000 years".


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
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In your 6% of pubs are scientists thread, one of the rw's said its not true.

Whatever happened to the real GOP?

Are all but 6% froot loop fundies?

And why do the rw's allow themselves to led around by the nose by such ignorant people?

This is the only thing that Santorum is/was right about - they'll never get the smart people.

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