Romney Changes Name To "Flake", Assumes The Mantle

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, someone had to hear something they didn't wish to hear.
Did President Trump think treating people like shit wouldn’t come back to haunt him at some point? Not everyone is going to go full limp noodle like Senator Cruz did.
Romney is proving he is a GREAT politician following in the footsteps of Feinstein, Reid, Pelosi, and Romney is proving 'Romney Is For Romney'.


Trump's family sticks together, displays unity....while Pelosi's daughter declares Pelosi to be vicious/treacherous, so much that she will 'cut your head off and you will never know she is doing it...and while Romney's own family is pointing out what a scumbag he is, too....

Ronna McDaniel Denigrates Uncle Mitt Romney In Tweet Supporting Trump
Romney is proving he is a GREAT politician following in the footsteps of Feinstein, Reid, Pelosi, and Romney is proving 'Romney Is For Romney'.


Trump's family sticks together, displays unity....while Pelosi's daughter declares Pelosi to be vicious/treacherous, so much that she will 'cut your head off and you will never know she is doing it...and while Romney's own family is pointing out what a scumbag he is, too....

Ronna McDaniel Denigrates Uncle Mitt Romney In Tweet Supporting Trump

The mafia always has been a close knit family.
Romney sucks. I'm glad he lost to the meat puppet since we've erased everything he did anyway.
The mafia always has been a close knit family.
FAMILIES used to be close. Some still are. Loyalty and family ties has been taught to be of lesser importance by Liberals. 'The Government is your family' is what Liberals try to teach.
"These anti-Trump Republicans are nothing more than enormous frauds. They didn’t have balls to confront the libs when the important fights stared them in the face but, all of a sudden, they’ve “discovered” their “courage” & decided to attack the POTUS?"

"Get your head out of your ass, Willard!"
"These anti-Trump Republicans are nothing more than enormous frauds. They didn’t have balls to confront the libs when the important fights stared them in the face but, all of a sudden, they’ve “discovered” their “courage” & decided to attack the POTUS?"

It's those elites that meet the quota to screw over Trump. Since we knew they hated him all along. Next up on the rotation will be some democrat blabbing "impeachment".
You can tell the Statist, Globalist elites. They are interchangeable. G W Bush, Jeb Bush, McCain (gone), Flake, Romney, Boehner, Ryan, etc.
Romney made a mistake failing to clear it with his niece before going on the warpath against Trump. Now he looks like a man who can't even get his own family to support him.
I think it's kind of refreshing to see someone in the Senate who has a spine and is not a "yes man". I wish both parties in both houses had more people with spines.
Looks like Romney has decided to fill the position vacated by the death of John McCain .
Romney is just a sore loser. He doesn't get today's electorate. He still must want the globalist greed instead of working for the US middle class. Poor guy only has about $250m.
"As a result of his business career, Romney and his wife had a net worth of between $190 and $250 million, including their retirement account, worth between $20 and $100 million."
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His RNC chair niece sides with Trump. Romney will be sidelined from the git-go.

I mean, he even backed down from Candy Crowley. What a small penis.

Romney asserts his independence — and Trump’s GOP critics see an opening
First off what his RNC niece says makes no difference to anything. Many family’s have different perspectives plus it’s her job to defend the president as the leader of her party.

I’m todays climate many people simply dismiss criticism from the media and political opposnents, so it’s important for members of ones own party to speak up when they see something wrong. It has the most impact in promoting change and accountability

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