Romney Defends His Wright Quote: ‘I Stand by What I Said, Whatever It Was’

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Mitt Romney Defends His Wright Quote: ‘I Stand by What I Said, Whatever It Was’ - ABC News

What began as the resurrection of one of the most animated characters in the 2008 campaign on Thursday ended with Mitt Romney being forced to answer to reporters and consequently offer up a flub of an answer on whether he supports negative ads.
After a leaked “super PAC” proposal to make ads about President Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Romney tried to distance himself from the document, saying it was the “wrong course.”
But a reporter noted that in February, Romney brought up Wright unprompted in an interview with the conservative media personality Sean Hannity – a clip that Democrats unearthed early in the day.
In the clip, after Hannity played a sound bite of Obama saying, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,” Romney said he believed Obama didn’t understand “that Judeo Christian philosophy is an integral part of our foundation.”
“I’m not sure which is worse: him listening to Rev. Wright or him saying we must be a less-Christian nation,” Romney said.
Romney’s explanation today fit right into a frame opponents have tried to put around him – that he doesn’t know what he supports and what he opposes.
“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was,” Romney said today. “I’ll go back and take a look at what was said there.”
The Obama campaign was, predictably, all over Romney’s stumble.
Mitt Romney Defends His Wright Quote: &#8216;I Stand by What I Said, Whatever It Was&#8217; - ABC News

What began as the resurrection of one of the most animated characters in the 2008 campaign on Thursday ended with Mitt Romney being forced to answer to reporters and consequently offer up a flub of an answer on whether he supports negative ads.
After a leaked “super PAC” proposal to make ads about President Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Romney tried to distance himself from the document, saying it was the “wrong course.”
But a reporter noted that in February, Romney brought up Wright unprompted in an interview with the conservative media personality Sean Hannity – a clip that Democrats unearthed early in the day.
In the clip, after Hannity played a sound bite of Obama saying, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,” Romney said he believed Obama didn’t understand “that Judeo Christian philosophy is an integral part of our foundation.”
“I’m not sure which is worse: him listening to Rev. Wright or him saying we must be a less-Christian nation,” Romney said.
Romney’s explanation today fit right into a frame opponents have tried to put around him – that he doesn’t know what he supports and what he opposes.
“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was,” Romney said today. “I’ll go back and take a look at what was said there.”
The Obama campaign was, predictably, all over Romney’s stumble.
See the video of it here:

Romney: &#8216;I stand by what I said, whatever it was&#8217; | The Raw Story
Imagine if Obama said something as ridiculous as this?

Damn, the right is just handing over this election to Obama. They actually are making Romney their nominee. Wow.
Oh and 57 states. There, its out of the way.

No wonder the Romney camp are trying to keep this dolt away from the mic. He will ONLY do fox for a reason.
“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was,” Romney said today. “I’ll go back and take a look at what was said there.”
He’ll stand by it, regardless how idiotic. Whatever it was.
The incongruities between what Romney says on any given day and what he said 3-4 months ago to the mouthbreathers in his base will only grow as the etch a sketch shakes faster.

Although perhaps "I stand by the thing I said that opposes the thing i just said" is true. I wouldn't put it past Romney to have mastered doublethink to the extent that he actually can hold all of his mutually contradictory positions simultaneously.
I think Romney is in a trick bag here.

The Rabid right WANTS to recycle Wright. Badly. They just can't wait to bring him up.

But that actually put religion back on the table, which isn't good if your a former "Bishop" in a cult that involves such fun beliefs as magic underwear, dark skin is a curse from God, you get to rule your own planet in the afterlife, and so on.

Incidently, I don't give Obama a pass for Wright. Wright was a cheap demagogue and Obama only allied himself with the guy to advance himself politically. And frankly, his hemming and hawing in 2008 (including throwing his sainted grandmother under the bus) was cringe-inducing to watch. But this issue was litigated in 2008, period. McCain wisely avoided it, and frankly, Obama has run the country as a centrist, not a radical.
Mitt Romney Defends His Wright Quote: ‘I Stand by What I Said, Whatever It Was’ - ABC News

What began as the resurrection of one of the most animated characters in the 2008 campaign on Thursday ended with Mitt Romney being forced to answer to reporters and consequently offer up a flub of an answer on whether he supports negative ads.
After a leaked “super PAC” proposal to make ads about President Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Romney tried to distance himself from the document, saying it was the “wrong course.”
But a reporter noted that in February, Romney brought up Wright unprompted in an interview with the conservative media personality Sean Hannity – a clip that Democrats unearthed early in the day.
In the clip, after Hannity played a sound bite of Obama saying, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,” Romney said he believed Obama didn’t understand “that Judeo Christian philosophy is an integral part of our foundation.”
“I’m not sure which is worse: him listening to Rev. Wright or him saying we must be a less-Christian nation,” Romney said.
Romney’s explanation today fit right into a frame opponents have tried to put around him – that he doesn’t know what he supports and what he opposes.
“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was,” Romney said today. “I’ll go back and take a look at what was said there.”
The Obama campaign was, predictably, all over Romney’s stumble.

That's nonsense. The Left is clearly desperate. Wright should have been a big campaign issue in 08 but the leftist media glossed over it.
Romney mentions it as an aside in one interview out of probably dozens if not more over 3 months ago. I don't remember every statement I made 3 months ago. I doubt he does either. Painting this as a flip flop, especially after Obama's stunning "reversal" on fag marriage is desperation personified.
You guys have Biden, and you have the nerve to bring up a stumble from Romney ?
Too funny !
That's nonsense. The Left is clearly desperate. Wright should have been a big campaign issue in 08 but the leftist media glossed over it.
Romney mentions it as an aside in one interview out of probably dozens if not more over 3 months ago. I don't remember every statement I made 3 months ago. I doubt he does either. Painting this as a flip flop, especially after Obama's stunning "reversal" on fag marriage is desperation personified.

Well, that's true. THree months ago you were supporting Perry.

I'm sure you'd love to forget that.

And "fag marriage"? really? Seems we have an insecure homophobe in the house.
That's nonsense. The Left is clearly desperate. Wright should have been a big campaign issue in 08 but the leftist media glossed over it.
Romney mentions it as an aside in one interview out of probably dozens if not more over 3 months ago. I don't remember every statement I made 3 months ago. I doubt he does either. Painting this as a flip flop, especially after Obama's stunning "reversal" on fag marriage is desperation personified.

Well, that's true. THree months ago you were supporting Perry.

I'm sure you'd love to forget that.

And "fag marriage"? really? Seems we have an insecure homophobe in the house.

Perry dropped out on January 19th. So it wasn't 3 months ago. You can't even get that right.
Yes, you are an insecure homophobe. IN additoon to being a bigot. Those go hand in hand often.
That's nonsense. The Left is clearly desperate. Wright should have been a big campaign issue in 08 but the leftist media glossed over it.
Romney mentions it as an aside in one interview out of probably dozens if not more over 3 months ago. I don't remember every statement I made 3 months ago. I doubt he does either. Painting this as a flip flop, especially after Obama's stunning "reversal" on fag marriage is desperation personified.

Well, that's true. THree months ago you were supporting Perry.

I'm sure you'd love to forget that.

And "fag marriage"? really? Seems we have an insecure homophobe in the house.

Perry dropped out on January 19th. So it wasn't 3 months ago. You can't even get that right.
Yes, you are an insecure homophobe. IN additoon to being a bigot. Those go hand in hand often.

That's nonsense. The Left is clearly desperate. Wright should have been a big campaign issue in 08 but the leftist media glossed over it.
Romney mentions it as an aside in one interview out of probably dozens if not more over 3 months ago. I don't remember every statement I made 3 months ago. I doubt he does either. Painting this as a flip flop, especially after Obama's stunning "reversal" on fag marriage is desperation personified.

Well, that's true. THree months ago you were supporting Perry.

I'm sure you'd love to forget that.

And "fag marriage"? really? Seems we have an insecure homophobe in the house.

Perry dropped out on January 19th. So it wasn't 3 months ago. You can't even get that right.
Yes, you are an insecure homophobe. IN additoon to being a bigot. Those go hand in hand often.

Guy, you are the one making a big deal about it, I'm not. I don't even consider the issue relevent. I'd be for legalizing gay marriage only for the pure joy of sticking a thumb in the eye of Funditarded Christians.

didn't you have your "Perry" Avi up after he dropped out? Oh, well, doesn't matter, the point that you deflect from is you were as against Romney as I was. I initially liked Perry because, despite being a funditard, he actually kind of got where working people were coming from. But he wasn't ready for the big time and it showed, so I quickly looked at other candidates.

You on the other hand, are getting behind a guy because you hate Obama so much, and for so little good reason.

I always looked at this thing as a lesser of evils. And all the evils were a lesser evil than Romney is.
Well, that's true. THree months ago you were supporting Perry.

I'm sure you'd love to forget that.

And "fag marriage"? really? Seems we have an insecure homophobe in the house.

Perry dropped out on January 19th. So it wasn't 3 months ago. You can't even get that right.
Yes, you are an insecure homophobe. IN additoon to being a bigot. Those go hand in hand often.

Guy, you are the one making a big deal about it, I'm not. I don't even consider the issue relevent. I'd be for legalizing gay marriage only for the pure joy of sticking a thumb in the eye of Funditarded Christians.

didn't you have your "Perry" Avi up after he dropped out? Oh, well, doesn't matter, the point that you deflect from is you were as against Romney as I was. I initially liked Perry because, despite being a funditard, he actually kind of got where working people were coming from. But he wasn't ready for the big time and it showed, so I quickly looked at other candidates.

You on the other hand, are getting behind a guy because you hate Obama so much, and for so little good reason.

I always looked at this thing as a lesser of evils. And all the evils were a lesser evil than Romney is.

Gay marriage is relevant only because Obama made it relevant by flip flopping on the issue to get votes.
But you're right, it shouldn't be. The issue should be the poor economy and lack of jobs caused by Democratic control of Congress for the last 6 years and the presidency for the last 3.

No, I dropped the Perry avatar just before he dropped out after he attacked Romney for his work at Bain. So you're wrong once again.
Romney claims he was tops as far as creating jobs, but if you look up his statistics as Governor of Massachusetts, the state was ranked 47th in job creation under his belt.

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