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Romney distorts truth on green jobs.

Blast from the Past.

May 24, 2011

The Obama administration bypassed procedural steps meant to protect taxpayers as it hurried to approve an energy loan guarantee to a politically-connected California solar power startup, ABC News and the Center for Public Integrity's iWatch News have learned.

The Energy Department in March 2009 announced its intention to award Solyndra Inc. a $535 million loan guarantee before receiving final copies of outside reviews typically used to vet such deals. An independent federal auditor who has reviewed the energy loan program said moving so quickly without completing thorough reviews risked exposing the program to claims of political influence and put taxpayers at greater risk.

"There's a consequence if you don't follow a rigorous process that's transparent," said Franklin Rusco, an analyst with the Government Accountability Office. "It makes the agency more susceptible to outside pressures, potentially."

The Solyndra loan guarantee, advertised by the administration as part of its signature effort to create jobs while weaning the U.S. from traditional energy sources, already has drawn scrutiny on Capitol Hill. Republican members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee have requested documents from the Energy Department as part of an investigation into how the company qualified for government support and then, a year later, closed a plant, laid off workers, and eventually had to renegotiate the terms of the loan guarantee. The shortcuts at the dawn of the deal identified by government auditors have stoked more questions.

The Obama Administration and Solyndra - ABC News
Is some democrat now trying to claim that obama's green policy is a success?

Come to California, I got a tank of gas to sell 'ya.
teh thruth is the green jobs are not working and now our trade job market is hurting.
If the Obama administration people had requested information from anyone connected to the energy industry and the gross impracticality of many, many green efforts, they would have realized it is not a money-generating prospect and uses up more energy than a rocket uses to generate green for a small flashlight battery.

Also, there is some evidence that led lights could harm human vision in excess.

The purpose of a business is to procure a product for an amount everyday people can afford, and doubling gas prices to force people into submission to green failed energy is a travesty to the use of intelligent life.

I think they knew this but failed to care.

Why should they?

The ones who make these decisions are rich, retire rich, and channel money to friends from "enemies." Obama tells Latinos to ‘punish our enemies,’ the GOP

He doesn't tell Latinos he's the very person responsible for beating up the current energy business in the USA. He shut down American drillers in the Gulf of Mexico, and since that time, Russia and China have begun drilling south of Miami, and Russia is building a rocket-launching facility in Venezuela at the behest of Hugo Chavez who hates America because he is a jealous, maniacal bigot who has converted a free Venezuela into his fiefdom. As a consequence, Latinos like the rest of us have to pay double for gasoline, and food prices are running out of control. Oh, and those over here? They'll be subjected to the largest tax hike in the history of mankind when Obamacare goes into effect in early 2013. Add all this together, America is no longer a land of opportunity.
I worked at a nuclear power plant for 10 years before I retired. Overall opinion of everybody I knew there that was really in the know when it came to making electricity is that it costs much more to make electricity with wind powered equipment than any other way you could make electricity.
After we lost billions on these fake green companies, like Solyndra, the administration started looking for other jobs to count as new green jobs. Thing is, they weren't new jobs, just old ones such as recycling center workers or thrift store employees. By officially labeling the old jobs as green jobs, it looked like they were new ones created.

Obama has failed with green jobs and a lot of our money magically disappeared. Fear not, I'm sure the money intended to build these companies was recycled into campaign donations.
Romney distorts truth on green jobs - CNN.com

YOU KIDDING! Romney did not tell the truth....the moral man is lowering himself again? Wow!
Are you fucking kidding Me?

Romney is distorting the truth and you use Van Jones as proof?

The larger number refers to all of the investments in the 2009 stimulus package that the administration designated "green" in any way. The number included $6 billion for advanced batteries to make electric cars possible, $29 billion for energy efficiency and home retrofits, $3 billion for job training, and even $18 billion for transit and high speed rail. To pretend that all of that money went to solar and wind companies is ludicrous.

Hey you stupid mother fucker (and Van Jones too!)....Those ARE green jobs....Romney told the truth! How fucking pathetic of you.
I worked at a nuclear power plant for 10 years before I retired. Overall opinion of everybody I knew there that was really in the know when it came to making electricity is that it costs much more to make electricity with wind powered equipment than any other way you could make electricity.
One of my husband's buddies in the Society of Professional Engineers had rented a space on some of his land for one of the first wind powered turbines out in nowhere Wyoming, the local power company chucked their million dollar investment, he picked it up for $10 grand, and 6 or 7 years later, he still lost money on that small of an amount.

Wind power is one of the worst dogs out there. All he got was a few bucks a month in one of the windiest areas in the USA, and there were constant repairs. He was real upset.

Democrats should talk around before they go throwing the people's money away on failed green junk. How in the world did they get a majority of the people voting them in only to get hornswaggled and screwed financially in one of the biggest swindles ever devised--the Green Movement.

Bark, bark. Green energy is a real dog. :evil:

For a while there, I wondered what T. Boone Pickens was doing with all his money being invested in ugly old wind farms all over southern Colorado and Northern Texas. I passed them every time I drove from Wyoming to visit family in s. TX. My husband just shook his head.

Thanks for giving some of the best advice around, BBD. The country needs to hear from wise guys like you.

<you must spread some reputation around before giving some to Big Black Dog again> :redface:
Did anyone else catch who the author of the piece the OP cites was? Van Jones President Obama's former Green jobs czar a fair and unbiased source on this topic if there ever was one. Do you guy's just assume no one will click on the links and check them out?
I remember when Carter told Reagan that some day the American economy would be destroyed by the $5 gallon. Reagan crushed carter. Massive oil money was deployed to making alternative energy seem silly. Reagan helped big oil destroy competition in the energy market. Reagan was also asked to price the cost of stabilizing the middle east into the price of a barrel so that Americans and the market would see the true cost of oil. But as usual, we subsidized John Galt by giving him a free ride on the Pentagon's middle east budget, and remained hush, hush. Reagan and his supporters worried that being honest about the true cost of oil would send the market a signal to shift investments away from the black gold which was so crucial to his donor base. Reagan and big oil won, of course. The fact that Obama got caught trying to pump money into a failed solar company is hilarious, if only because it's 30 years too late for transitioning to a petrol-scarce world. The question is not only "why did Obama subvert process and waste taxpayer funds"; it should be "why is nobody being held accountable for ignoring the very clear warnings in the 70s?" Big oil captured the Republican party in the 70s, and with that they captured Washington and fixed the energy market and dug America's grave. Rather than spending the last 30 years diversifying our energy basket through alternative energy, conservation, more enlightened urbanization, and less petrol-intensive transportation/production we built hummers and maximized energy use through suburban sprawl.

We swallowed poison in 1980 and now we're re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
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After we lost billions on these fake green companies, like Solyndra, the administration started looking for other jobs to count as new green jobs. Thing is, they weren't new jobs, just old ones such as recycling center workers or thrift store employees. By officially labeling the old jobs as green jobs, it looked like they were new ones created.

Obama has failed with green jobs and a lot of our money magically disappeared. Fear not, I'm sure the money intended to build these companies was recycled into campaign donations.
It's sleazy in its very best light.

What irks me is that Obama jumped up and down on top of people at the US Treasury over sending Solyndra $535 million instantly. I don't know what he told 'em, but the check went out before 5 o'clock that same day from scuttlebutt I've read. :evil:
What was it Mitt Romney said, something like: "You don't just pick the winners and losers, you pick the losers". You know, that truly was a great zinger given the truth behind Obama's picking the losers in the green energy field. Here, take a look at the long list of losers Obama and Democrats have picked:

Obama Never Admits Green Failure - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Obama picks losers because Obama is a LOSER!!!!

The losers are the American people. It takes a lot of people to pay taxes into the little piggy bank Obama has made of the US Treasury to stick it to da man. :mad:

It's just one bad deal after another. We taxpayers are exhausted just thinking about his misconduct in diverting one fund into one of his pet rock projects with no compunctions that he is committing grand larceny of the sickest kind I've ever heard of in my life. Abusing a public trust to give your friends a little jizz is lower than snake snot. Darn it.
Solyndra, Solyndra. Geez. Half a billion, just like Big Bird. And you leave out the really costly stuff like Nuclear Power. Like who will insure a nuclear power plant? Taxpayers are insurers of last resort. Where's the magic of the free market if we have a Fukishima like disaster here?

Oil. If you add up what is does to the environment (like the latest gulf disaster) and what it does to peoples health, and the cost of having our military protect oil companies so they sell their product on the open market, sorry fellow Americans, no discount at the pump even if you're a gulf war veteran that helped make the world safe for oil companies profits. And if you're a little irritated about the tax breaks they get, why then you're a marxist or liberal or something.
Same for coal, nasty unhealthy stuff, but its health and environmental costs are socialized by the taxpayer so there. Blow off mountain tops because it's easier and more profitable to get at the coal that way even if that coal is headed for India for Coal companies profit, and if you want them to pay more taxes? Well, you're a jealous freeloading chisler. God don't really care about his mountains. Making money above all other things, that's what he/she? really likes to see.
Solyndra, Solyndra. Geez. Half a billion, just like Big Bird. And you leave out the really costly stuff like Nuclear Power. Like who will insure a nuclear power plant? Taxpayers are insurers of last resort. Where's the magic of the free market if we have a Fukishima like disaster here?

Oil. If you add up what is does to the environment (like the latest gulf disaster) and what it does to peoples health, and the cost of having our military protect oil companies so they sell their product on the open market, sorry fellow Americans, no discount at the pump even if you're a gulf war veteran that helped make the world safe for oil companies profits. And if you're a little irritated about the tax breaks they get, why then you're a marxist or liberal or something.
Same for coal, nasty unhealthy stuff, but its health and environmental costs are socialized by the taxpayer so there. Blow off mountain tops because it's easier and more profitable to get at the coal that way even if that coal is headed for India for Coal companies profit, and if you want them to pay more taxes? Well, you're a jealous freeloading chisler. God don't really care about his mountains. Making money above all other things, that's what he/she? really likes to see.

Modern America was built on cheap energy, and our standard of living is still highly dependent upon cheap energy. If you environmental nuts want to go back to living in caves and shivering in the winter, do so, but leave the rest of us out of your idiotic dream.

We have enough gas, oil, and coal, to last us for over a hundred years, and by then, we can hope someone will find an efficient means of harnassing the sun. Until then, all you envorinment nuts that freak out everytime an oil well is drilled, can return to that nice cosy home you have that is fueled by coal, oil, or gas, and mope about industry destroying your world.
Romney distorts truth on green jobs - CNN.com

YOU KIDDING! Romney did not tell the truth....the moral man is lowering himself again? Wow!


The FBI is investigating what happened with Solyndra, a solar panel company that got a $535 million government-backed loan with the help of the Obama White House over the objections of federal budget analysts.

Obama and Vice President Joe Biden got a nice photo op. They got to make speeches about being "green." But then Solyndra went bankrupt. Americans lost jobs. Taxpayers got stuck with the bill. And members of Congress are now in high dudgeon and making speeches.

Federal investigators want to know what role political fundraising played in the guarantee of the questionable loan. Washington bureaucrats warned the deal was lousy. And White House spokesmen flail desperately, like weakened victims in a cheesy vampire movie.
Barack Obama's Solyndra scandal smells like it came from Chicago's City Hall - Chicago Tribune


Obama is a crook--who stole 535 million taxpayer dollars to fill the pocket of a large campaign donor in 2008. Get it?
Remember when president Hussein appointed Van Jones to his "green jobs board"? Jones had no qualifications in alternate energy or employment but he was a communist and he had once led an arson and looting rampage. Maybe that qualified him in Hussein's eyes but the president underestimated the tiny part of the media that actually watched his administration. After a week of outrage by American citizens Jones was given a bus ticket home and ended up running the anarchist "Occupy Wall Street" (OWS) rabble, surprise surprise. The rest of the green jobs board seems to be focused on coffee breaks.

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