Romney encourages President Obama to incorporate individual mandate


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Here's Mitt "Flip-Flop" Romney encouraging President Obama to adopt the individual mandate as part of his health care bill:

07/30/09 - Mr. President, What's the Rush? | Mitt Romney Central
"Our experience also demonstrates that getting every citizen insured doesn’t have to break the bank. First, we established incentives for those who were uninsured to buy insurance. Using tax penalties, as we did, or tax credits, as others have proposed, encourages “free riders” to take responsibility for themselves rather than pass their medical costs on to others. This doesn’t cost the government a single dollar."
- From Mittens's Op-Ed above
Etch - a - sketch..

Romney's feet must look like this:

You mean Obama and Romney are the same guy? Who knew!!!?

Oh, wait, the entire country minus the partisan hacks.
Sure. that's why the Obama supporters keep pointing out how Romney endorses Obama's choices. While the Romney supporters deflect it as "different".

Obama flip flopped on a ton of his campaign pormises. Romney didn't even make into office before he did so. These two clowns are the same guy.

Both will increase the size and scope of govt, their budgets, well, the one who actually submitted a budget, increase the deficit/debt adn they both advocate for more govt.

Same. Exact. Guy. Different team, different tie color.
Sure. that's why the Obama supporters keep pointing out how Romney endorses Obama's choices. While the Romney supporters deflect it as "different".

Obama flip flopped on a ton of his campaign pormises. Romney didn't even make into office before he did so. These two clowns are the same guy.

Both will increase the size and scope of govt, their budgets, well, the one who actually submitted a budget, increase the deficit/debt adn they both advocate for more govt.

Same. Exact. Guy. Different team, different tie color.

That's why Romney loses
I think the loser is the American people who can't manage to see these two are the same.

We've set teh bar so low that this is what it has come too? And you advocate for one or the other? :lmao:

I think the loser is the American people who can't manage to see these two are the same.

We've set teh bar so low that this is what it has come too? And you advocate for one or the other? :lmao:


They are only the same sometimes, when its convenient for Romney. Now Romney says he's against a federal individual mandate. Before he was against it.

And the idea that BOOOSH and Obama are "the same" holds no water. Bush supported the Bush tax cuts. Obama is against them. That's one glaring difference right there.
They are only the same sometimes, when its convenient for Romney. Now Romney says he's against a federal individual mandate. Before he was against it.
Are you fucking dizzy, or are you dizzy?

And the idea that BOOOSH and Obama are "the same" holds no water. Bush supported the Bush tax cuts. Obama is against them. That's one glaring difference right there.

He says he is. But he lies or he wouldnt have extended them and be asking congress now again to work toward extending them. Is that it? One fucking tax cut?

How about the wars, civil liberty errosion, explosion in govt. spending, signing statements, Gitmo....shall I go on? Obama has not only kept the Bush agenda, he's expanded on it.

You must be living in some narcoleptic zombie state.
They are only the same sometimes, when its convenient for Romney. Now Romney says he's against a federal individual mandate. Before he was against it.
Are you fucking dizzy, or are you dizzy?

And the idea that BOOOSH and Obama are "the same" holds no water. Bush supported the Bush tax cuts. Obama is against them. That's one glaring difference right there.

He says he is. But he lies or he wouldnt have extended them and be asking congress now again to work toward extending them. Is that it? One fucking tax cut?

How about the wars, civil liberty errosion, explosion in govt. spending, signing statements, Gitmo....shall I go on? Obama has not only kept the Bush agenda, he's expanded on it.

You must be living in some narcoleptic zombie state.

Gitmo has expanded? The war in Iraq has expanded? Really?
The Iraq war Closed on Bushes timetable.

Obama promised on the capmpaign trail to close gitmo.

Do you always reach so far to avoid the obvious?

Then, Obama started new proxy wars in Yemen, Paki, Syria, Africa, Lybia.....drone strike assassinations of american citizens, attacks on whistleblowers (another campaign promise fail)...

Are you really this asleep?
The Iraq war Closed on Bushes timetable.

Obama promised on the capmpaign trail to close gitmo.

Do you always reach so far to avoid the obvious?

You said he EXPANDED the programs that existed under Bush. Was Gitmo expanded? Yes or no?

Then, Obama started new proxy wars in Yemen, Paki, Syria, Africa, Lybia.....drone strike assassinations of american citizens, attacks on whistleblowers (another campaign promise fail)...

Are you really this asleep?

How many people do you know that have been shipped off to fight a war in Libya?
The Iraq war Closed on Bushes timetable.

Obama promised on the capmpaign trail to close gitmo.

Do you always reach so far to avoid the obvious?

You said he EXPANDED the programs that existed under Bush. Was Gitmo expanded? Yes or no?

Then, Obama started new proxy wars in Yemen, Paki, Syria, Africa, Lybia.....drone strike assassinations of american citizens, attacks on whistleblowers (another campaign promise fail)...

Are you really this asleep?

How many people do you know that have been shipped off to fight a war in Libya?

he expanded the AGENDA. Reading comprehension is essential when, well, reading.

Is that all you have? That we didn't ship 1,000s of soldiers to Libya? So anythign goes and international laws, along with constitutional law mean nothing? it's all about head counts?
Its OK to bomb and murder in a country that poses no imminent threat to the US as long as none of our own get killed. Dispicable, disgusting progressives.

Spin, twist and shout my friend. You will reach to great length to not say anything bad about the dear leader. thats pretty obvious.

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