Romney has a nuclear arsenal for the debates


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
to go after the incumbant record.

Typical - the incumbant is always on the defensive.

Romney needs to be aggressive in the debates - make a ref to voter ID and Obamas fake BC
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Oh, yes, the Zingers...he's been trying to memorize since August...

Only retards want to hear zingers - real Americans want to hear substantive debate on issues that matter to them.
to go after the incumbant record.

Typical - the incumbant is always on the defensive.

Romney needs to be aggressive in the debates - make a ref to voter ID and Obamas fake BC

Bringing up the BC would truly be the end of Romney.
to go after the incumbant record.

Typical - the incumbant is always on the defensive.

Romney needs to be aggressive in the debates - make a ref to voter ID and Obamas fake BC

Bringing up the BC would truly be the end of Romney.


Its a non issue at this point.

He needs to attack Obama's record. Something McCain could not do in 2008... unless voting present counts for a record :eusa_whistle:

He also needs to pound on the fact that Obamas regime lied to us from the beginning on what transpired on Sept 11th of 2012, and Obama thought a fund raiser was more important than a dead embassador.

There is so much red meat out there for Romney to attack... it ought to be interesting to say the least.
Obama's main strategy will to be to blame Bush for the economy and say that we are going "in the right direction."
Obama will ask Romney to detail his "economic" plan. And tell him to "take all the time you need".
Obama will ask Romney to detail his "economic" plan. And tell him to "take all the time you need".

Because Obama will have next to nothing to say in his defense.

I hope Romney asks him what kind of soap he used to wash the blood off his hands... :eusa_whistle:
Obama will ask Romney to detail his "economic" plan. And tell him to "take all the time you need".

Wouldn't that be wonderful. Imagine, Obama relinquishing his time to allow Romney all the time he wants to detail his Romney/Ryan economic/tax plan. Just the thought is delicious...
Oh, yes, the Zingers...he's been trying to memorize since August...

Only retards want to hear zingers - real Americans want to hear substantive debate on issues that matter to them.

So, in your view, only about 5% of the electorate are 'real Americans'?
I do think it is important to have a debate on substance and Romney has told us very little detail about his plans. If he just goes in there with the one liners and acts aggressive, he's gonna lose. They need to stick to the issues. In past debates, Romney got pretty thin-skinned a few times so he needs to keep his cool.
to go after the incumbant record.

Typical - the incumbant is always on the defensive.

Romney needs to be aggressive in the debates - make a ref to voter ID and Obamas fake BC

Bringing up the BC would truly be the end of Romney.


Its a non issue at this point.

He needs to attack Obama's record. Something McCain could not do in 2008... unless voting present counts for a record :eusa_whistle:

He also needs to pound on the fact that Obamas regime lied to us from the beginning on what transpired on Sept 11th of 2012, and Obama thought a fund raiser was more important than a dead embassador.

There is so much red meat out there for Romney to attack... it ought to be interesting to say the least.

It's a curious thing about the advice Romney is getting from those that support his candidacy. Lets see, he's been hammering the President on X, Y, and Z for what, 6 months now. He's miles behind in some very key states and is dropping like a rock.

The advice he is getting is to keep on hammering Mr. Obama on X, Y, and Z.

What the governor needs to do more than anything else is to come at the President from a different angle than he has so far. He won't do it; It's too risky and the old adage is that you dance with the girl you brought to the prom. But when the girl has stopped loving you, it may be time to date someone else.

Lets look at this recent advice:

Obama's record. We've had slow but steady job growth in Obama's first term:


The presidential leadershp saved GM and Chrysler from a devastating bankruptcy and thousands of union and non union jobs as well. The two posted a nice profit courtesy of the efforts of Mr. Obama:


As for Libya, Obama; Romney would do well not to commit the same mistakes he's made in the past as well. He should avoid this topic in it's entirety since there is no win for it there. Any sober observer can easily see that in 1998, when Al Queda had simultaneous attacks in Africa, they were devastating car bombs. Now it's guys with automatic weapons. It's a very hard yardstick to look at but obviously we've made progress against our foes. While I doubt Obama would make that point on stage if Romney wishes to go there (the debate is about domestic matters); needless to say, the President's surrogates will quickly point out the obvious progress.

So, what else is there for the Governor to attack? I've said all along that if you really want to resonate with the average American voter; talk about fairness. We bailed out the banks and now one of them (BOA) is laying off workers. Not only that; the institutions were bailed out--with our President's blessing--because they were too big to fail supposedly. Yet, in 2012, after 4 years of Obama, they are still too big to fail. Obviously, Romney would be a poor prophet to make such a paradoxical argument seeing as he has a should we say...unique history with financial markets but he's got to try something. Americans respond to injustice in ways that they do not respond to other maladies. The whole banking scam screams injustice.

It's a high wire act that will likely lead nowhere. As we have come to know, the Governor is a terrible candidate, a weak leader, and a sorry politician with little more than a puncher's chance in this contest. To recommend that he stay the course that has highlighted his poor candidacy, poor leadership qualities, and shortcomings as a politician is exactly the wrong advice to give.
Does Romney believe what Santorum believes?

[ame=]Rick Santorum: We Will Never Have the Smart People On Our Side - YouTube[/ame]

This is why Romney wants to bring immigrants here with degrees and cut spending on education for his base. I suspect he feels if they vote for him, they are just too stupid to try to educate. The money can be used elsewhere, like buying Mitt a new summer home.
to go after the incumbant record.

Typical - the incumbant is always on the defensive.

Romney needs to be aggressive in the debates - make a ref to voter ID and Obamas fake BC

Please, please, please... Mitt bring up the BC!!!!
It will be interesting and pretty classic division between white guy who is prepared and black guy who blows it off but is entitled to a favorable outcome. obama blew off his debate prep yesterday in favor of pizza with election workers. obama might think that he can bluff through any answer because he has a fully complicit media behind him. Therefore, he doesn't need to prepare, or know any facts. He's going to bluff and posture.

Romney, on the other hand has brought his normally diligent work ethic and has been training like debate was an olympic sport. obama is acting like a fighter who knows the fix is in, he can stand around and windmill his arms secure in the knowledge that no matter what, the outcome is secured.

But is it? Now it's well settled that Reagan decisively won his debate against Carter, but at the time it wasn't settled. An invested media declared Carter the undisputed winner. Reagan was again a befuddled old man proving by his performance that he was the amiable dunce everyone said he was.
Zingers have worked in past debates because of the element of surprise. Willard has announced to the world that he's working on zingers. A really dumb idea.
Romney's going to come out, toe the line, say a lot of political things that mean nothing (as will Obama) make a couple of glaring gaffs and then be done for the night. I strongly doubt anything of significance will be said or done tonight.
Romney's going to come out, toe the line, say a lot of political things that mean nothing (as will Obama) make a couple of glaring gaffs and then be done for the night. I strongly doubt anything of significance will be said or done tonight.

Good possibility. Then again, it would not surprise me to see Obama take a lesson from Clinton and come out with strong and bold statements.

However, it is Romney that needs the debates. At present, the President is in good shape, and will probably be in better next week.
Trump said on Greta's show that Romney needs to be tough - harp on jobs and the economy.

Trump says that real unemployment is more like 21% - not 8.2%

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