Romney impersonated a police officer

:lol::lol::lol: I really stump you, don't I, Sandi???

You don't think you have style, do you??? I hope not. Because you are really nothing more than an ass hole.

Fuck off, fat ass.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're in a rut, Sandi.

Romney routinely impersonated police officers by sporting a cop uniform that he owned. Romney would show off his uniform, apparently a gift from his father, to friends.

One of Romney’s college friends, Robin Madden, claims the former Massachusetts governor “told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road.”

“He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler,” Madden said.

“We thought it was all pretty weird,” recalled Madden’s wife, who also attended Stanford University with Romney. “We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.”

Read more: Report: Romney used to impersonate police officers, stop cars with siren | The Daily Caller

At the risk of repeating myself, do you have actual proof that he did it?

I find you pretty creepy.... and, remember that stuff you sent me on email? Well.... hmmm.

You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.

Fuck off, fat ass.
You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.


No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Rinata is not smart enough to understand the difference between 'gossip' and 'proof'. This probably comes from several decades of sitting in front of the tv, shoveling donuts and watching Judge Judy.... who is, in her opinion, the very epitome of debate. :lol:
You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.


No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Willard's friends came forward and they should know. They were there and you were not. Just because you don't like what they have to say, you claim they are lying. If their feedback had been positive, it would have been a different story. Do you think you are fooling anyone???? You're not.

So, would the same apply if someone came forward with something about Obama, right?

No evidence, just 'witnesses', 40 some years later. You'd take their word over Obama's too.... right? After all they were there and you were not.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeeee you would, fucking hypocritical douche nozzle.
Romney routinely impersonated police officers by sporting a cop uniform that he owned. Romney would show off his uniform, apparently a gift from his father, to friends.

One of Romney’s college friends, Robin Madden, claims the former Massachusetts governor “told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road.”

“He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler,” Madden said.

“We thought it was all pretty weird,” recalled Madden’s wife, who also attended Stanford University with Romney. “We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.”

Read more: Report: Romney used to impersonate police officers, stop cars with siren | The Daily Caller

At the risk of repeating myself, do you have actual proof that he did it?

I find you pretty creepy.... and, remember that stuff you sent me on email? Well.... hmmm.

You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.

Shouldn't you be off somewhere eating a zoo??
You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.


No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Rinata is not smart enough to understand the difference between 'gossip' and 'proof'. This probably comes from several decades of sitting in front of the tv, shoveling donuts and watching Judge Judy.... who is, in her opinion, the very epitome of debate. :lol:

Even though judge judy has replaced Oprah as 'Queen' Of daytime T.V. :lol:

'Judge Judy' tops daytime ratings in first year post-Oprah

No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Rinata is not smart enough to understand the difference between 'gossip' and 'proof'. This probably comes from several decades of sitting in front of the tv, shoveling donuts and watching Judge Judy.... who is, in her opinion, the very epitome of debate. :lol:

Even though judge judy has replaced Oprah as 'Queen' Of daytime T.V. :lol:

'Judge Judy' tops daytime ratings in first year post-Oprah

Holy fuck. That has so much to do with this issue!
You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.


No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Willard's friends came forward and they should know. They were there and you were not. Just because you don't like what they have to say, you claim they are lying. If their feedback had been positive, it would have been a different story. Do you think you are fooling anyone???? You're not.

Actually - I did that, and they ignored it. I brought forward a link whereby somebody who supports Mitt Romney heart and soul said that if the people who participated said that the haircut incident happened? Then it happened. He vouched for them, and that was enough to throw out his support of Romney.
No, that's just you minimizing. Nothing will touch the depth and scope of the sobbing birfers, yearning to toss the President.

I'll bet you'll still be coming up with "credible witnesses" against Romney in 4 years.


DNC produces witnesses who swear Romney molested chipmunks. (For a bottle of MD 20/20)
If it's true, then it's indicative of another son of privelege who thinks the rules just don't apply to him.

Could you repeat a conversation you had with a college roommate word for word 4 decades after it took place... including what you were thinking during that conversation, and the nuance of said conversation?

Anyone with any intellectual honesty would see this as complete shit... but liberals sacrificed intellectual honesty around the same time that Romney was in college.
Willard's friends came forward and they should know.

You mean party hacks suddenly had stories after 40 years - almost like magic.

Oh sure, no corroboration - but hey, would the little Goebbels of the DNC lie?

They were there and you were not. Just because you don't like what they have to say, you claim they are lying.

I say they have no evidence to support their claims.

A month ago you demagogues were lying about "Emo hair" in 1965 - until the family called you liars and told you to desist. (Fucking Rdean STILL hasn't caught on that the story hurts you demagogues.)

If their feedback had been positive, it would have been a different story. Do you think you are fooling anyone???? You're not.

It's not "feedback," it's slander and libel. You folk truly are the party of Goebbels.
Rinata is not smart enough to understand the difference between 'gossip' and 'proof'. This probably comes from several decades of sitting in front of the tv, shoveling donuts and watching Judge Judy.... who is, in her opinion, the very epitome of debate. :lol:

Even though judge judy has replaced Oprah as 'Queen' Of daytime T.V. :lol:

'Judge Judy' tops daytime ratings in first year post-Oprah

Holy fuck. That has so much to do with this issue!

Son congratulate yerself...seriously derp.

You came in here in grand style only to be relegated to what you are...


Consolation Parting song for ya derp...

[ame=]GINO VANNELLI - Persona Non Grata - YouTube[/ame]

Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya...

If it's true, then it's indicative of another son of privelege who thinks the rules just don't apply to him.

Could you repeat a conversation you had with a college roommate word for word 4 decades after it took place... including what you were thinking during that conversation, and the nuance of said conversation?

Anyone with any intellectual honesty would see this as complete shit... but liberals sacrificed intellectual honesty around the same time that Romney was in college.

It depends on the conversation. I tend to remember the sufficiently weird/illegal things. I can remember a ver Baum conversation I had with my college room mate almost 15 years ago because it was weird.

I would imagine that I would really remember it if it involved someone who was in the news every election cycle.

As for your last: "If this is true".....
Witnesses exonerating Romney = True patriots, great friends, people to trust.

Witnesses condemning Romney = Partisan Hacks

And extra bonus dumbfuck points for bringing Nazis into the discussion. Good job, Godwin.

Dumb fucks like you who take the word of someone else with no other corroborating evidence, simply because it fits your partisan hack mindset, make me sad for humanity.
Witnesses exonerating Romney = True patriots, great friends, people to trust.

Witnesses condemning Romney = Partisan Hacks

And extra bonus dumbfuck points for bringing Nazis into the discussion. Good job, Godwin.

Dumb fucks like you who take the word of someone else with no other corroborating evidence, simply because it fits your partisan hack mindset, make me sad for humanity.

Take heart...he's the 20% of the unwashed moochers that will find out in November that thier gravy train mooching is over.
Witnesses exonerating Romney = True patriots, great friends, people to trust.

Witnesses condemning Romney = Partisan Hacks

And extra bonus dumbfuck points for bringing Nazis into the discussion. Good job, Godwin.

Dumb fucks like you who take the word of someone else with no other corroborating evidence, simply because it fits your partisan hack mindset, make me sad for humanity.

And you immediately dismiss any negative press about your guy because you're a hypocritical jizz-stain on Mitt Romney's trousers. The jizz came from him fucking a big pile of cash, high on the fumes of the burning Middle Class.

How's that for some hyperbole, cock-bump?
Witnesses exonerating Romney = True patriots, great friends, people to trust.

Witnesses condemning Romney = Partisan Hacks

And extra bonus dumbfuck points for bringing Nazis into the discussion. Good job, Godwin.

Dumb fucks like you who take the word of someone else with no other corroborating evidence, simply because it fits your partisan hack mindset, make me sad for humanity.

And you immediately dismiss any negative press about your guy because you're a hypocritical jizz-stain on Mitt Romney's trousers. The jizz came from him fucking a big pile of cash, high on the fumes of the burning Middle Class.

How's that for some hyperbole, cock-bump?

Truthmatters' evil brother^^

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