Romney impersonated a police officer

And you immediately dismiss any negative press about your guy because you're a hypocritical jizz-stain on Mitt Romney's trousers. The jizz came from him fucking a big pile of cash, high on the fumes of the burning Middle Class.

How's that for some hyperbole, cock-bump?

Have you little Goebbels of the demagogue party ever read "The boy who cried wolf?"

Each time you falsely slander Romney, the less impact the next lie has.

If you were smart (you wouldn't be a leftist) you would have waited until October and used ONE of the slander and libel fabrications. But you have the slander of the day shit going on, so no one believes your bullshit. Now, even if you find something real, no one will believe you.

Stupid leftists is a redundant term.
And you immediately dismiss any negative press about your guy because you're a hypocritical jizz-stain on Mitt Romney's trousers. The jizz came from him fucking a big pile of cash, high on the fumes of the burning Middle Class.

How's that for some hyperbole, cock-bump?

Have you little Goebbels of the demagogue party ever read "The boy who cried wolf?"

Each time you falsely slander Romney, the less impact the next lie has.

If you were smart (you wouldn't be a leftist) you would have waited until October and used ONE of the slander and libel fabrications. But you have the slander of the day shit going on, so no one believes your bullshit. Now, even if you find something real, no one will believe you.

Stupid leftists is a redundant term.


The boy who cried wolf or the mouth-breathers who cried Kenya?


(That's called getting your ass handed to you, in case you're wondering)
And you immediately dismiss any negative press about your guy because you're a hypocritical jizz-stain on Mitt Romney's trousers. The jizz came from him fucking a big pile of cash, high on the fumes of the burning Middle Class.

How's that for some hyperbole, cock-bump?

Have you little Goebbels of the demagogue party ever read "The boy who cried wolf?"

Each time you falsely slander Romney, the less impact the next lie has.

If you were smart (you wouldn't be a leftist) you would have waited until October and used ONE of the slander and libel fabrications. But you have the slander of the day shit going on, so no one believes your bullshit. Now, even if you find something real, no one will believe you.

Stupid leftists is a redundant term.


The boy who cried wolf or the mouth-breathers who cried Kenya?


(That's called getting your ass handed to you, in case you're wondering)

Nice of you to admit you're beaten derp.

Good Form.

The boy who cried wolf or the mouth-breathers who cried Kenya?

Oh, you think the birthers are stupid? Well you do that every fucking day. Every one of these attacks on Romney are just another birther movement by you fools.


(That's called getting your ass handed to you, in case you're wondering)

No stupid, that's called "flailing impotently."

You're not dumb because you're a leftist; you're a leftist because you're dumb.

True story!
You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.


No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Rinata is not smart enough to understand the difference between 'gossip' and 'proof'. This probably comes from several decades of sitting in front of the tv, shoveling donuts and watching Judge Judy.... who is, in her opinion, the very epitome of debate. :lol:

You are such a lying sack of shit!!! First of all, tell us how you determined that this story is gossip and not truth. I would bet my last dime that you will not answer. You don't even live in the United States!!! So how do you know??? Go on, tell us. Secondly, you have no idea how I look, what I eat, and what I watch on tv. You just make things up in that psycho head of yours.

Answer my question above, Sandi. I dare you.

No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Willard's friends came forward and they should know. They were there and you were not. Just because you don't like what they have to say, you claim they are lying. If their feedback had been positive, it would have been a different story. Do you think you are fooling anyone???? You're not.

So, would the same apply if someone came forward with something about Obama, right?

No evidence, just 'witnesses', 40 some years later. You'd take their word over Obama's too.... right? After all they were there and you were not.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeeee you would, fucking hypocritical douche nozzle.

Depends on the story. And here is some advise, little boy. Mature adults do not talk so crudely when they are exchanging information. Grow up.

No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Rinata is not smart enough to understand the difference between 'gossip' and 'proof'. This probably comes from several decades of sitting in front of the tv, shoveling donuts and watching Judge Judy.... who is, in her opinion, the very epitome of debate. :lol:

Even though judge judy has replaced Oprah as 'Queen' Of daytime T.V. :lol:

'Judge Judy' tops daytime ratings in first year post-Oprah

I have never watched JJ in my life. It is just another fantasy of Sandi's.
You are such a lying sack of shit!!! First of all, tell us how you determined that this story is gossip and not truth.

It's gossip because it's nothing but hearsay, stories told by political hacks, 40 years after the fact. No substantiation of any sort, just claims made by demagogues.

I would bet my last dime that you will not answer. You don't even live in the United States!!! So how do you know??? Go on, tell us. Secondly, you have no idea how I look, what I eat, and what I watch on tv. You just make things up in that psycho head of yours.

Answer my question above, Sandi. I dare you.

I don't know who Sandi is, and I don't give a shit what you look like.

You are a demagogue, floating slander in hopes that smearing political rivals will mask the fact that your guy is a complete fuckup with a record of abysmal failure.

How's the private sector doing?
Oh, you think the birthers are stupid? Well you do that every fucking day. Every one of these attacks on Romney are just another birther movement by you fools.

Ah, Captain Inaccurate Equivocation I see! Tell me something, you clap-ridden douche crust, how old is THIS story? How old is the Birther Bullshit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. In about four years if we're still talking about this, or the dog story or the gay bullying story or the story about how he fucked a bunch of people out of their wages and pensions and stuck the American tax payer (you know, the people you so sanctimoniously bring up every 30 fucking seconds), then we'll talk.

But there's fresh ink on Romney every day about what a douchebag he is. So far, all the birther dipshits have done is obsess over the particulars of one very obviously made-up conspiracy. So again, you lose, and you bruised and contused, so no wonder you confused.

No stupid, that's called "flailing impotently."

You're not dumb because you're a leftist; you're a leftist because you're dumb.

True story!

So says the guy who got his ass handed to him. *shrug*
Oh, you think the birthers are stupid? Well you do that every fucking day. Every one of these attacks on Romney are just another birther movement by you fools.

Ah, Captain Inaccurate Equivocation I see! Tell me something, you clap-ridden douche crust, how old is THIS story? How old is the Birther Bullshit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. In about four years if we're still talking about this, or the dog story or the gay bullying story or the story about how he fucked a bunch of people out of their wages and pensions and stuck the American tax payer (you know, the people you so sanctimoniously bring up every 30 fucking seconds), then we'll talk.

But there's fresh ink on Romney every day about what a douchebag he is. So far, all the birther dipshits have done is obsess over the particulars of one very obviously made-up conspiracy. So again, you lose, and you bruised and contused, so no wonder you confused.

No stupid, that's called "flailing impotently."

You're not dumb because you're a leftist; you're a leftist because you're dumb.

True story!

So says the guy who got his ass handed to him. *shrug*

Dude you need to lay off the bath salt sniffing.
Oh, you think the birthers are stupid? Well you do that every fucking day. Every one of these attacks on Romney are just another birther movement by you fools.

Ah, Captain Inaccurate Equivocation I see! Tell me something, you clap-ridden douche crust, how old is THIS story? How old is the Birther Bullshit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. In about four years if we're still talking about this, or the dog story or the gay bullying story or the story about how he fucked a bunch of people out of their wages and pensions and stuck the American tax payer (you know, the people you so sanctimoniously bring up every 30 fucking seconds), then we'll talk.

But there's fresh ink on Romney every day about what a douchebag he is. So far, all the birther dipshits have done is obsess over the particulars of one very obviously made-up conspiracy. So again, you lose, and you bruised and contused, so no wonder you confused.

No stupid, that's called "flailing impotently."

You're not dumb because you're a leftist; you're a leftist because you're dumb.

True story!

So says the guy who got his ass handed to him. *shrug*

Dude you need to lay off the bath salt sniffing.

Dude, you need to find another unfunny riff to go on and on for 10 posts about.
Ah, Captain Inaccurate Equivocation I see! Tell me something, you clap-ridden douche crust, how old is THIS story? How old is the Birther Bullshit?

Yeah, that's what I thought. In about four years if we're still talking about this, or the dog story or the gay bullying story or the story about how he fucked a bunch of people out of their wages and pensions and stuck the American tax payer (you know, the people you so sanctimoniously bring up every 30 fucking seconds), then we'll talk.

But there's fresh ink on Romney every day about what a douchebag he is. So far, all the birther dipshits have done is obsess over the particulars of one very obviously made-up conspiracy. So again, you lose, and you bruised and contused, so no wonder you confused.

So says the guy who got his ass handed to him. *shrug*

Dude you need to lay off the bath salt sniffing.

Dude, you need to find another unfunny riff to go on and on for 10 posts about.

YOU need to find a singular POST by YOU that shows WHY YOU should even be here derp.
Ah, Captain Inaccurate Equivocation I see! Tell me something, you clap-ridden douche crust, how old is THIS story? How old is the Birther Bullshit?

This story is about 40 years old, or fabricated a week ago..

Stupid fuck.

Yeah, that's what I thought. In about four years if we're still talking about this, or the dog story or the gay bullying story or the story about how he fucked a bunch of people out of their wages and pensions and stuck the American tax payer (you know, the people you so sanctimoniously bring up every 30 fucking seconds), then we'll talk.

You demagogues fabricated a story of "Emo hair" in 1965, then once exposed as the liars and frauds you are, you slunk back into the sewers and cooked up this one.

It's a "birther a week' movement with you fucking morons.

But there's fresh ink on Romney every day about what a douchebag he is.

Yeah, on the hate sites. You can't even gain traction with the party press of MSNBC - only the hate sites bother with your stupidity.

So far, all the birther dipshits have done is obsess over the particulars of one very obviously made-up conspiracy. So again, you lose, and you bruised and contused, so no wonder you confused.

So, you're saying they are exactly the same as this bullshit?

Sounds about right.

So says the guy who got his ass handed to him. *shrug*



You're not dumb because you're a leftist; you're a leftist because you're dumb.

True story!

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