Romney impersonated a police officer

If you're disingenuous? She has a nasty habit of reading through the B.S.

Even I have been called upon the carpet.

Suck it up.

Why the butthurt?

Oh, brother!!! Talk about a suck up!!!

Have another case of Twinkies, you fat fuck...

Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?
Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?

You just sit in your tree and fling feces at passers by, little feral one...
Another Sandi suck up. Believe me, it won't keep her from turning on you. Chicken.

If you're disingenuous? She has a nasty habit of reading through the B.S.

Even I have been called upon the carpet.

Suck it up.

Why the butthurt?

Oh, brother!!! Talk about a suck up!!!

No. Observation. Ever occur to you? Obvious answer is NO.

Do I sense getting into the middle of an ongoing catfight?:eusa_shhh::lol:
Romney was around uniforms a lot when his dad was governor of Michigan.

Nothing sinister or unusual that he would have an interest in uniforms.

Another non-story.

It is if you wear the uniform and claim to be something you're not.

It's actually a crime in most places.

So is DWI.

Didn't stop anyone from electing George W. Bush..who tried to bury that as well..

First President with a record.

Good job boys.


Well, okay, guy, if you want to get over your Bush Derangement syndrome, let me know.

They aren't even in the same category.

Look, guy, you aren't going to get anywhere insulting those of us who voted for Bush and have no love for Romney....
Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?

You just sit in your tree and fling feces at passers by, little feral one...

And he's getting rather predictable...he's been through his list of talking points and is now winging it...his true essence is coming out...and as impressive as watching a slug in the morning leave a trail across marigolds.

This story is about 40 years old, or fabricated a week ago..

Stupid fuck.

So you have nothing. Point: me.

You demagogues fabricated a story of "Emo hair" in 1965, then once exposed as the liars and frauds you are, you slunk back into the sewers and cooked up this one.

Fabricated? Exposed? Where? Link?

No link to support bullshit disproving claims.

Point: me

It's a "birther a week' movement with you fucking morons.

Hyperbole and untrue. We only comment on the fresh stories coming to light. Maybe you guys should have vetted your nominee with another 900 debates, TwinklePuss.

Yeah, on the hate sites. You can't even gain traction with the party press of MSNBC - only the hate sites bother with your stupidity.

Huh. Explain to me how that sentence actually a) is a sentence and b) disproves that you're a massive fucking hypocrite.

Name one story on a "Hate" site you've agreed with. Oh, you can't. Okay. Derrrrrrrrp.

Point: Me

So, you're saying they are exactly the same as this bullshit?

Uh, no. I'm not. But good try, and a terrible joke.

Point: Me

Final score:

Uncensored: -1,000,000 (A took away a million points from you for being a hypocritical shit-heel)

Me: 4,000,000,000 (I gave myself 4,000,000,000 points for taking you summer school, beeeeaaatttccchhh)

So says the guy who got his ass handed to him. *shrug*



You're not dumb because you're a leftist; you're a leftist because you're dumb.
Last edited:
Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?

You just sit in your tree and fling feces at passers by, little feral one...

[opposite land]Keep repeating it. It gets funnier every time you do it.[/opposite land]
And he's getting rather predictable...he's been through his list of talking points and is now winging it...his true essence is coming out...and as impressive as watching a slug in the morning leave a trail across marigolds.


I think this may be a particular feral baboon from AWE.

OH SHIT ANOTHER BABOON JOKE! That would be really awesome if you weren't biting my style. Hop off, motherfucker. I'm not a tandem, I'm single rider.
Have another case of Twinkies, you fat fuck...

Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?

You still here?


Were you yawning because you're watching another episode of the horribly predictable show you built your message board persona on?
Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?

You just sit in your tree and fling feces at passers by, little feral one...

[opposite land]Keep repeating it. It gets funnier every time you do it.[/opposite land]

Really witty...

[NOT] [/NOT]
And he's getting rather predictable...he's been through his list of talking points and is now winging it...his true essence is coming out...and as impressive as watching a slug in the morning leave a trail across marigolds.


I think this may be a particular feral baboon from AWE.

OH SHIT ANOTHER BABOON JOKE! That would be really awesome if you weren't biting my style. Hop off, motherfucker. I'm not a tandem, I'm single rider.

Translation: "I troll to one person at a time"...
I think this may be a particular feral baboon from AWE.

OH SHIT ANOTHER BABOON JOKE! That would be really awesome if you weren't biting my style. Hop off, motherfucker. I'm not a tandem, I'm single rider.

Translation: "I troll to one person at a time"...

No, no no. I'm just here for a little medicine dosage dispersal, emeffer. Give you Right Wing Douche Stains a little taste. A little slice. A little "Fuck you," if you will. But you won't.
OH SHIT ANOTHER BABOON JOKE! That would be really awesome if you weren't biting my style. Hop off, motherfucker. I'm not a tandem, I'm single rider.

Translation: "I troll to one person at a time"...

No, no no. I'm just here for a little medicine dosage dispersal, emeffer. Give you Right Wing Douche Stains a little taste. A little slice. A little "Fuck you," if you will. But you won't.

I don't speak in Statist cyphers,
Have another school-yard bullying technique, guy obsessed with a shitty Fox Medical Drama where you can see the big "twist" coming a mile away in a cab.

Can we see pictures of what you look like so we can make sure you're not a single pound overweight, King of Assholes?

You still here?


Were you yawning because you're watching another episode of the horribly predictable show you built your message board persona on?

No, I was yawning because your blathering and flailing in this thread is quite boring... It's like you believe you're the first poster to sign up on a message board and hurl weak and tired old leftist talking points... Oh, I'm sure you think you are original.... That's funny in and of itself...

I'm just surprised you can type so well while holding up 0bama's picture with one hand... Kudos...::clap2:
OH SHIT ANOTHER BABOON JOKE! That would be really awesome if you weren't biting my style. Hop off, motherfucker. I'm not a tandem, I'm single rider.

Translation: "I troll to one person at a time"...

No, no no. I'm just here for a little medicine dosage dispersal, emeffer. Give you Right Wing Douche Stains a little taste. A little slice. A little "Fuck you," if you will. But you won't. are here at the behest of your masters. YOU Ill-serve them.
You still here?


Were you yawning because you're watching another episode of the horribly predictable show you built your message board persona on?

No, I was yawning because your blathering and flailing in this thread is quite boring... It's like you believe you're the first poster to sign up on a message board and hurl weak and tired old leftist talking points... Oh, I'm sure you think you are original.... That's funny in and of itself...

I'm just surprised you can type so well while holding up 0bama's picture with one hand... Kudos...::clap2:

All that would be a sick burn if it wasn't coming from someone so in love with a shitty, shitty show.

Again with the talking points shit. I think I get it now. When Republicans say it, it's fact. When Liberals say it, it's talking points.

Gotcha, Partisan Pete. Why don't you go watch another episode. SPOILER ALERT: House figures it out just in the nick of time to save the life of the person afflicted with a totally fictional disease.

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