Romney impersonated a police officer

About as long ago as our President was born in Kenya, assfuck.

How long ago WAS Obama born in Kenya?

You want more recent examples of Republican election thuggery? Okay, go ask John Kerry about being swift-boated. Go ask President Obama what it's been like having to constantly prove his goddamned eligibility for office almost four fucking years into his term already. Ya'all motherfuckers wrote the book on distraction and deflection.

Ask Mikey Dukakis about it.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.

Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.
You're a non-thinker because you parrot what your biased sources tell you to parrot, with simply assuming they have the "story" right.

And, the fact that you continue to parrot such "stories" is pretty funny. Thanks for being so entertaining.


I find it ball-achingly funny that you all accuse me of being a parrot, and yet I've not seen one of you fools think outside your party lines, not once. Do any of you agree that the Obama's performance on the economy has been pretty good, considering that's what the actual non-biased facts say?

And it's not parroting to look at the actual record of Republican state legislators and see the over 1000 bills regarding pushing women's health rights back. That's just called paying attention. And if you don't think others see it, you're fucking nuts, and then just wait for the results in November. Maybe your guy will win, but I'd be willing to bet the women vote goes for Obama by at least a 2:1 ratio, easily.

It's also not being a parrot to see that over and over again it's Republican politiicians fighting gay marriage. Again, just using your ability to read will show these things, you shitsacks.
How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.
You're a non-thinker because you parrot what your biased sources tell you to parrot, with simply assuming they have the "story" right.

And, the fact that you continue to parrot such "stories" is pretty funny. Thanks for being so entertaining.


I find it ball-achingly funny that you all accuse me of being a parrot, and yet I've not seen one of you fools think outside your party lines, not once. Do any of you agree that the Obama's performance on the economy has been pretty good, considering that's what the actual non-biased facts say?

And it's not parroting to look at the actual record of Republican state legislators and see the over 1000 bills regarding pushing women's health rights back. That's just called paying attention. And if you don't think others see it, you're fucking nuts, and then just wait for the results in November. Maybe your guy will win, but I'd be willing to bet the women vote goes for Obama by at least a 2:1 ratio, easily.

It's also not being a parrot to see that over and over again it's Republican politiicians fighting gay marriage. Again, just using your ability to read will show these things, you shitsacks.

You posting that image doesn't mean anything, Copacabana. (I just made that name up for you because I think it fits. It's better than "Guy Who's Not Funny Posting a Stupid Gif" I think. Don't you, cuddle-bug?
You posting that image doesn't mean anything, Copacabana. (I just made that name up for you because I think it fits. It's better than "Guy Who's Not Funny Posting a Stupid Gif" I think. Don't you, cuddle-bug?
You posting that image doesn't mean anything, Copacabana. (I just made that name up for you because I think it fits. It's better than "Guy Who's Not Funny Posting a Stupid Gif" I think. Don't you, cuddle-bug?
How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.
You're a non-thinker because you parrot what your biased sources tell you to parrot, with simply assuming they have the "story" right.

And, the fact that you continue to parrot such "stories" is pretty funny. Thanks for being so entertaining.


I find it ball-achingly funny that you all accuse me of being a parrot, and yet I've not seen one of you fools think outside your party lines, not once. Do any of you agree that the Obama's performance on the economy has been pretty good, considering that's what the actual non-biased facts say?

And it's not parroting to look at the actual record of Republican state legislators and see the over 1000 bills regarding pushing women's health rights back. That's just called paying attention. And if you don't think others see it, you're fucking nuts, and then just wait for the results in November. Maybe your guy will win, but I'd be willing to bet the women vote goes for Obama by at least a 2:1 ratio, easily.

It's also not being a parrot to see that over and over again it's Republican politiicians fighting gay marriage. Again, just using your ability to read will show these things, you shitsacks.

link to all 1,000 please. otherwise, you're full of shit.
How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.
You're a non-thinker because you parrot what your biased sources tell you to parrot, with simply assuming they have the "story" right.

And, the fact that you continue to parrot such "stories" is pretty funny. Thanks for being so entertaining.


I find it ball-achingly funny that you all accuse me of being a parrot, and yet I've not seen one of you fools think outside your party lines, not once. Do any of you agree that the Obama's performance on the economy has been pretty good, considering that's what the actual non-biased facts say?

And it's not parroting to look at the actual record of Republican state legislators and see the over 1000 bills regarding pushing women's health rights back. That's just called paying attention. And if you don't think others see it, you're fucking nuts, and then just wait for the results in November. Maybe your guy will win, but I'd be willing to bet the women vote goes for Obama by at least a 2:1 ratio, easily.

It's also not being a parrot to see that over and over again it's Republican politiicians fighting gay marriage. Again, just using your ability to read will show these things, you shitsacks.

Or even say anything more than a three-sentence (at best) personal attack. But then of course they thank each other.

Some people really ought to check themselves if they are thanking someone whose ass shows up here drunk on a daily basis.
You're a non-thinker because you parrot what your biased sources tell you to parrot, with simply assuming they have the "story" right.

And, the fact that you continue to parrot such "stories" is pretty funny. Thanks for being so entertaining.


I find it ball-achingly funny that you all accuse me of being a parrot, and yet I've not seen one of you fools think outside your party lines, not once. Do any of you agree that the Obama's performance on the economy has been pretty good, considering that's what the actual non-biased facts say?

And it's not parroting to look at the actual record of Republican state legislators and see the over 1000 bills regarding pushing women's health rights back. That's just called paying attention. And if you don't think others see it, you're fucking nuts, and then just wait for the results in November. Maybe your guy will win, but I'd be willing to bet the women vote goes for Obama by at least a 2:1 ratio, easily.

It's also not being a parrot to see that over and over again it's Republican politiicians fighting gay marriage. Again, just using your ability to read will show these things, you shitsacks.

link to all 1,000 please. otherwise, you're full of shit.

Ahahahaha. Okay, fuckface. I'm not going to do that, because you're a fuckface. But this is a great goddamned start:

And it just deals with almost 200 bills that were signed into law, not all the ones that thankfully were killed. But I'll find some info on that too, assface.

Reproductive Health Laws Prove GOP 'War on Women' Is No Fiction | Debate Club | US News Opinion
Romney routinely impersonated police officers by sporting a cop uniform that he owned. Romney would show off his uniform, apparently a gift from his father, to friends.

One of Romney’s college friends, Robin Madden, claims the former Massachusetts governor “told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road.”

“He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler,” Madden said.

“We thought it was all pretty weird,” recalled Madden’s wife, who also attended Stanford University with Romney. “We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.”

Read more: Report: Romney used to impersonate police officers, stop cars with siren | The Daily Caller

At the risk of repeating myself, do you have actual proof that he did it?

I find you pretty creepy.... and, remember that stuff you sent me on email? Well.... hmmm.

You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.
We prefer to live in the present, dipshit. Please feel free to remain hung up on the past.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

Quit trying to suck up to Sandi, Cleo. I knew it was just a matter of time until you showed up here.
You were given proof and choose to ignore it. Dumb broad.


No dummy, we got another "witness" that the demagogue party dredged up.

No "proof," no "evidence," just the slander that defines your shameful party.

Willard's friends came forward and they should know. They were there and you were not. Just because you don't like what they have to say, you claim they are lying. If their feedback had been positive, it would have been a different story. Do you think you are fooling anyone???? You're not.

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