Romney impersonated a police officer

This just in: Barack Obama impersonated a President - fooled no one.....

This just in, another Conservative fucktard makes a lame joke because they're still passing the sand out of their vagina that they got their asses kicked four years ago by a junior senator from Illinois.

Lame jokes should be outlawed by WHOEVER wins in the Fall.
Used to have it "Dude" but it came bundled with too much shit I found annoying. Somehow the fact that you find me annoying doesn't seem so annoying to me. Go figure!

One would think a person with a self-professed high IQ wouldn't need mere software to correct spelling problems... One would think that a person with a self-professed high IQ would actually, I don't know, spell correctly...:eusa_whistle:

But then again, only a person with a low IQ would believe this story has merit and is important to the election...

As with the bullying case, this was a yawner before it even got out of the gates... I hope you low IQ folks keep trying to make something out of it... Your stupidity is quite amusing...
Hey, the election is at the level Obamabots can handle - dog wars, cookie wars, school boy wars, etc.

I can't wait to see what is next. Really.

We should get a pool going...

The next unimportant "issue" that will cause lefty wack-a-loon meltdown...
LOL @ Conservative twerps blaming Liberals for making elections about personal, non-important issues of the candidates. Paging Dick Nixon. Paging Dick Nixon, please report to this thread for hypocrisy proving duties.
One would think a person with a self-professed high IQ wouldn't need mere software to correct spelling problems... One would think that a person with a self-professed high IQ would actually, I don't know, spell correctly...:eusa_whistle:

But then again, only a person with a low IQ would believe this story has merit and is important to the election...

As with the bullying case, this was a yawner before it even got out of the gates... I hope you low IQ folks keep trying to make something out of it... Your stupidity is quite amusing...
Hey, the election is at the level Obamabots can handle - dog wars, cookie wars, school boy wars, etc.

I can't wait to see what is next. Really.

We should get a pool going...

The next unimportant "issue" that will cause lefty wack-a-loon meltdown...

I think the left is running out of fake rage issues of the GOP they will have too invent new materiel
One would think a person with a self-professed high IQ wouldn't need mere software to correct spelling problems... One would think that a person with a self-professed high IQ would actually, I don't know, spell correctly...:eusa_whistle:

But then again, only a person with a low IQ would believe this story has merit and is important to the election...

As with the bullying case, this was a yawner before it even got out of the gates... I hope you low IQ folks keep trying to make something out of it... Your stupidity is quite amusing...
Hey, the election is at the level Obamabots can handle - dog wars, cookie wars, school boy wars, etc.

I can't wait to see what is next. Really.

We should get a pool going...

The next unimportant "issue" that will cause lefty wack-a-loon meltdown...
I'll have to hang with some kindergartners for the remainder of the week so that I can immerse myself in that state of mind. It might give me some inspiration for predicting the next "issue". ;)
LOL @ Conservative twerps blaming Liberals for making elections about personal, non-important issues of the candidates. Paging Dick Nixon. Paging Dick Nixon, please report to this thread for hypocrisy proving duties.

We prefer to live in the present, dipshit. Please feel free to remain hung up on the past.
LOL @ Conservative twerps blaming Liberals for making elections about personal, non-important issues of the candidates. Paging Dick Nixon. Paging Dick Nixon, please report to this thread for hypocrisy proving duties.
How long ago was Nixon?

Get over it.

About as long ago as our President was born in Kenya, assfuck.

You want more recent examples of Republican election thuggery? Okay, go ask John Kerry about being swift-boated. Go ask President Obama what it's been like having to constantly prove his goddamned eligibility for office almost four fucking years into his term already. Ya'all motherfuckers wrote the book on distraction and deflection.

Ask Mikey Dukakis about it.
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yes, it can be, and it should be. The type of morons that buy into this sort of slime should be of no consequence to anyone.
LOL @ Conservative twerps blaming Liberals for making elections about personal, non-important issues of the candidates. Paging Dick Nixon. Paging Dick Nixon, please report to this thread for hypocrisy proving duties.

We prefer to live in the present, dipshit. Please feel free to remain hung up on the past.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
And the proof is...........that this guy says so? Why didn't he turn Romney in to campus police then? Why didn't anyone tell someone to stop this crime? Because it is probably a made up lie.

So what if some dude who went to college with Obama comes out and says "I saw Obama in his dorm licking a dog's balls". Is that true? Well, sure, if some dude says so and we can't disprove it!!!! See how stupid that sounds? But some dude says he saw it, and all of a sudden it's true right?

BUT..........we then refuse to believe Obama's own grandmother who said she saw Obama's Kenya.

Yeah, Obama's own grandmother's eye witness account? False. Some dude who went to college with Romney's eye witness account? Obviously true!!!!!
Romney may have done some stupid stuff when he was young? I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say.
No..The "birther movement" is a totally made up ruse... a completely and wholly devised red herring.

The cop impersonator seems at least at this point to be based in fact and needs Mitten's explaination to have a chance to put it to rest.

You being too stupid to see the difference suprises no one.

Dude... Spell-Check. Please. You're turning into another TM.

No, it does not need to be addressed by Romney. It's a bullshit issue, based on a prank he pulled over 40 years ago in school. It, like the birther movement, is bullshit. You, like the birthers, are an idiot for perpetuating it.

Used to have it "Dude" but it came bundled with too much shit I found annoying. Somehow the fact that you find me annoying doesn't seem so annoying to me. Go figure!

Ps: Ya maybe it's a bullshit issue...but for now and the forseeable future I find it fascinating and envigorating. Helps with the digestion...I'm doing it with some super chocolaty coffee and eggs benedict. Great combination!
Ya..Ya...I can always fall back on the animal cruelty tack..but this one is still so fresh and exciting!

You would be a perfect middle segment in a human centipede.
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LOL @ Conservative twerps blaming Liberals for making elections about personal, non-important issues of the candidates. Paging Dick Nixon. Paging Dick Nixon, please report to this thread for hypocrisy proving duties.

We prefer to live in the present, dipshit. Please feel free to remain hung up on the past.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?
We prefer to live in the present, dipshit. Please feel free to remain hung up on the past.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

How am I non-thinker again? By being able to tell that the Conservative agenda on Civil Rights for Women and Gay people would be to push them back? That's just called paying-the-fuck-attention, you dope.
You're a non-thinker because you parrot what your biased sources tell you to parrot, with simply assuming they have the "story" right.

And, the fact that you continue to parrot such "stories" is pretty funny. Thanks for being so entertaining.

LOL @ Conservative twerps blaming Liberals for making elections about personal, non-important issues of the candidates. Paging Dick Nixon. Paging Dick Nixon, please report to this thread for hypocrisy proving duties.
How long ago was Nixon?

Get over it.

About as long ago as our President was born in Kenya, assfuck.

You want more recent examples of Republican election thuggery? Okay, go ask John Kerry about being swift-boated. Go ask President Obama what it's been like having to constantly prove his goddamned eligibility for office almost four fucking years into his term already. Ya'all motherfuckers wrote the book on distraction and deflection.

Ask Mikey Dukakis about it.
Is that so?


We'll thoroughly vet the person who witnessed a young Romney's prank when we also vet and research the lady who witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya (his grandmother, who said she did).

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