Romney impersonated a police officer

I knew president Obama back at Punahou. I didn't go to Punahou, but I did live about 10 blocks away from there for a number of years. Anyway, back when Obama was in highschool, he told me he murdered a bunch of babies.

There, that needs to be vetted. It's only third hand hearsay that may or may not be true, BUT IF IT IS IT'S HORRIBLE THAT A BABY KILLER IS OUR PRESIDENT!

Seriously, Mitt Romney's a dipshit for many verifiable reasons (not that I prefer the apparent alternative), but actually making an issue out of somebody claiming that he told them of a crime committed when no actual victims have ever come forward is beyond ridiculous. Regardless of how you think impersonating an officer compares to becoming president under false pretense as an American citizen (the birther argument), you can't tell me that this is any more substantial than birther "evidence".
Romney routinely impersonated police officers by sporting a cop uniform that he owned. Romney would show off his uniform, apparently a gift from his father, to friends.

One of Romney’s college friends, Robin Madden, claims the former Massachusetts governor “told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road.”

“He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler,” Madden said.

“We thought it was all pretty weird,” recalled Madden’s wife, who also attended Stanford University with Romney. “We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.”

Read more: Report: Romney used to impersonate police officers, stop cars with siren | The Daily Caller

At the risk of repeating myself, do you have actual proof that he did it?

I find you pretty creepy.... and, remember that stuff you sent me on email? Well.... hmmm.

I'm not running for president.

Why don't you tell the viewers, since you have opened THAT door,if I have ever sent you anything that was not known in advance by you that it was coming? You are a strange person your own damn self little missy... Not unlike some preppy freak that dons the uniform of one that has earned it and violates it as he pretends he has authority to violate citizens freedom, safety and security for his amusement and freak kicks.

Are you not the same butt hurt trollup that used to whine incessantly about the abuse of PM's and what was supposed to be proprietary information? I always thought you were just screwing around..playing a role. Imagine my shock to see that this is really what you are about!

My guess is that you probably drink too much and it affects your judgement.

You think you know me because I sent you part of a manuscript to explore it's marketing at your request?

We all make mistakes sugar tits. One of mine obviously was imagining that you were more professional than to mix private business with this internet goof. You really are losing it sweetheart. I recommend laying off the sauce ... it really doesn't help your credibility.
Romney routinely impersonated police officers by sporting a cop uniform that he owned. Romney would show off his uniform, apparently a gift from his father, to friends.

One of Romney’s college friends, Robin Madden, claims the former Massachusetts governor “told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road.”

“He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler,” Madden said.

“We thought it was all pretty weird,” recalled Madden’s wife, who also attended Stanford University with Romney. “We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.”

Read more: Report: Romney used to impersonate police officers, stop cars with siren | The Daily Caller

At the risk of repeating myself, do you have actual proof that he did it?

I find you pretty creepy.... and, remember that stuff you sent me on email? Well.... hmmm.

I'm not running for president.

Why don't you tell the viewers, since you have opened THAT door,if I have ever sent you anything that was not known in advance by you that it was coming? You are a strange person your own damn self little missy... Not unlike some preppy freak that dons the uniform of one that has earned it and violates it as he pretends he has authority to violate citizens freedom, safety and security for his amusement and freak kicks.

Are you not the same butt hurt trollup that used to whine incessantly about the abuse of PM's and what was supposed to be proprietary information? I always thought you were just screwing around..playing a role. Imagine my shock to see that this is really what you are about!

My guess is that you probably drink too much and it affects your judgement.

You think you know me because I sent you part of a manuscript to explore it's marketing at your request?

We all make mistakes sugar tits. One of mine obviously was imagining that you were more professional than to mix private business with this internet goof. You really are losing it sweetheart. I recommend laying off the sauce ... it really doesn't help your credibility.

My point, old hysterical dude... is that if - in 20 years, you were suddenly to decide to run for office... I could 'remember' those conversations.... would they be accurate memories of exactly what was said? Probably not. Unlike you, I tend to analyze what I read... I question it. How likely is it that someone accurate remembers exactly who said what and in what context? Was it a joke or a serious conversation? Would I remember what I thought about the conversation as it was taking place - 4 decades later? No. So I think it is unlikely that this person remembers exactly what happened either.

You can tell me you remember a whole conversation - including what you thought at the time of that conversation - 40 years after it took place.... I'm not gonna believe you. Because it just doesn't add up.
Whoah! This is very interesting. They should try to correlate missing persons in the area and time frame. It wouldn't suprise me at all if Mittens turned out to be a real freak. It would make an interesting episode on "Criminal Minds"...or "Cold Cases".

Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.

You know what Chicken Butt? I just don't care anymore. Right now we have NOTHING! You morons think you can just be an obstical to EVERYTHING in the name of being butt hurt over the last presidential election? You fuckwits think that is better than communism? No it is not! If only our government worked as well as communism right now. It does not. You assholes have subverted the democratic proccess into some sick "let's get Obama fest" and NOTHING gets done. Fuck you bitch ass punks and the horse you rode in on.

Better than communism we should be so lucky as to have a monarchy where Obama could just line you traitorous fucks up against a wall and put a bullet in your thick skulls.

Did I mention how much I hate you scum?

An important part of the Democratic process requires the US Senate to submit and pass a yearly budget. That hasn't happened for three years. The only power the President has over this process is the power of persuasion. Either he is powerless to persuade the members of his own party to do what is required, or he has told his buttboy, Harry Reid not to pass a budget.

You need to redirect your hatred to those responsible for the gridlock. But then, anyone who would prefer communism to democracy starts out being dumber than a rock.
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Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.

You know what Chicken Butt? I just don't care anymore. Right now we have NOTHING! You morons think you can just be an obstical to EVERYTHING in the name of being butt hurt over the last presidential election? You fuckwits think that is better than communism? No it is not! If only our government worked as well as communism right now. It does not. You assholes have subverted the democratic proccess into some sick "let's get Obama fest" and NOTHING gets done. Fuck you bitch ass punks and the horse you rode in on.

Better than communism we should be so lucky as to have a monarchy where Obama could just line you traitorous fucks up against a wall and put a bullet in your thick skulls.

Did I mention how much I hate you scum?

An important part of the Democratic process requires the US Senate to submit and pass a yearly budget. That hasn't happened for three years. The only power the President has over this process is the power of persuasion. Either he is powerless to persuade the members of his own party to do what is required, or he has told his buttboy, Harry Reid not to pass a budget.

You need to redirect your hatred to those responsible for the gridlock. But then, anyone who would prefer communism to democracy starts out being dumber than a rock.

AS far as I can tell the lying and misrepresentation of the budget started with the Reagan administration when he commandeered all of the reserve set aside for Social Security. Ya..ya.. it was nibbled on before Reagan but he grabbed the whole pie.

As for gridlock is congress that appropriates funds not the senate. Obama is not the chairperson for the DNC. At the moment that would be Debbie Wassernman Shultz. The notion that Obama is in some kind of position of authority to dictate to Reid is bogus.

My assertion that we have NO Government stands when we have one in name only. My comments that communism would be better than no government also stands. As bad as communism is one only has to look around the world to see that at least the ones still in operation at least function. Gridlock is not governance. The people spoke in 2008. The republicans rejected the will of the people. That is not democracy. You can go ahead and call my comments "stupid". As I said earlier I really don't care anymore. Subverting the will of the people is traitorous. Republicans are traitors. It is that simple. You I could not care less about. I won't call you names. It is a waste of time. I prefer to address the real criminals. You are just an insignificant hack with an opinion borrowed from those that profit from the theft of our democracy.
Whoah! This is very interesting. They should try to correlate missing persons in the area and time frame. It wouldn't suprise me at all if Mittens turned out to be a real freak. It would make an interesting episode on "Criminal Minds"...or "Cold Cases".

Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.

You know what Chicken Butt? I just don't care anymore. Right now we have NOTHING! You morons think you can just be an obstical to EVERYTHING in the name of being butt hurt over the last presidential election? You fuckwits think that is better than communism? No it is not! If only our government worked as well as communism right now. It does not. You assholes have subverted the democratic proccess into some sick "let's get Obama fest" and NOTHING gets done. Fuck you bitch ass punks and the horse you rode in on.

Better than communism we should be so lucky as to have a monarchy where Obama could just line you traitorous fucks up against a wall and put a bullet in your thick skulls.

Did I mention how much I hate you scum?

Someone that knows you needs to get in touch with the FAA, someone as delusional as you are, shouldn't be at the controls of a minibike much less an airplane.....that is of course assuming a nimrod like yourself could get a fucking pilot's license that they could pull. Just the fact that you still defend that imbecile and his administration says volumes about how pathetic you really are. I would suggest that you suck dick but I can tell by the way you are slurring your words that you have at least one in your mouth right leftist gay blades are all the same, defending your own kind no matter how incredibly full of shit they are. That asshole is even losing his press! The Obama girl has said she won't support him this time...... the fucking ditz Obama girl is smarter than you idiots!

Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.

You know what Chicken Butt? I just don't care anymore. Right now we have NOTHING! You morons think you can just be an obstical to EVERYTHING in the name of being butt hurt over the last presidential election? You fuckwits think that is better than communism? No it is not! If only our government worked as well as communism right now. It does not. You assholes have subverted the democratic proccess into some sick "let's get Obama fest" and NOTHING gets done. Fuck you bitch ass punks and the horse you rode in on.

Better than communism we should be so lucky as to have a monarchy where Obama could just line you traitorous fucks up against a wall and put a bullet in your thick skulls.

Did I mention how much I hate you scum?

Someone that knows you needs to get in touch with the FAA, someone as delusional as you are, shouldn't be at the controls of a minibike much less an airplane.....that is of course assuming a nimrod like yourself could get a fucking pilot's license that they could pull. Just the fact that you still defend that imbecile and his administration says volumes about how pathetic you really are. I would suggest that you suck dick but I can tell by the way you are slurring your words that you have at least one in your mouth right leftist gay blades are all the same, defending your own kind no matter how incredibly full of shit they are. That asshole is even losing his press! The Obama girl has said she won't support him this time...... the fucking ditz Obama girl is smarter than you idiots!

This thread is getting sidetracked. It is about Romney impersonating a cop on several occasions.

I'm sure you can explore your homosexual fantasies and gay wordage on numerous other threads at USMB. So far I haven't heard that Mittens is gay. I think he is just a sociopathic hetrosexual.
Whoah! This is very interesting. They should try to correlate missing persons in the area and time frame. It wouldn't suprise me at all if Mittens turned out to be a real freak. It would make an interesting episode on "Criminal Minds"...or "Cold Cases".

Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.

When will you mouth-breathers actually pick up a fucking book and read what Marxism and Socialism actually are? Obama's not a Socialist, and none of the things he'd done, not even the Affordable Care Act (which was basically what Conservatives wanted when Clinton was asking for Health Care Reform, also conveniently forgotten by your side) was socialism. Obama's socialist like George W. Bush is a college professor.

The DOW Jones has gained over 50% since he's been in office. He's really fucking that Socialism thing up if that's his goal. Oh, I know, "He lulls us to sleep and then BAM! We wake up one day and we have to start calling him Comrade Obama and a government soldier is at your door to ask for your money and jewels, right?

Don't be fooled by the Marxist/Communist/Socialist tag..conservatives have been using that to describe the people they don't like for centuries.

And for the most part, the governments they have in mind to put up is either fascism or theocracy. Good ol' conservatives were calling John F. Kennedy a Communist Catholic Manchurian Candidate...until a bonafided commie killed him.
Fuck you, I don't care where Obama is born, Obama smoked or snorted coke, not just pot, Obama sat in a racist church and his mentor was a racist and nobody on the left said shit!

Pretty much after this, nothing ever needs to be said about it again:

[ame=]Barack Obama: 'A More Perfect Union' (Full Speech) - YouTube[/ame]

With a Conservative stacked agenda probably.
Adults provide examples.
And see above.

Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, Barack Obama's psychiatrist.

See video above for full explanation as to why you should win the"Dumbest Fucking Post In The History of the Internet and It Will Never Topped Ever award. But I do love how you crazy Birther fucks can just spout these borderline seditious rumors and somehow you guys have mainstreamed that motherfucker.

It's brilliant in a "self-fulfilling prophecy" sort of way.

Romney may or may not have done something 40 plus years ago means less than Obama's relationship with a racist or his ties to a communist party. Justify that.

Dude, I might be high right now, but that made you sound like you are on some SWEET H.

So you got nothing, just as I thought.

What was racist about the church?

Be specific.
Romney was around uniforms a lot when his dad was governor of Michigan.

Nothing sinister or unusual that he would have an interest in uniforms.

Another non-story.

It is if you wear the uniform and claim to be something you're not.

It's actually a crime in most places.

So is DWI.

Didn't stop anyone from electing George W. Bush..who tried to bury that as well..

First President with a record.

Good job boys.

You know what Chicken Butt? I just don't care anymore. Right now we have NOTHING! You morons think you can just be an obstical to EVERYTHING in the name of being butt hurt over the last presidential election? You fuckwits think that is better than communism? No it is not! If only our government worked as well as communism right now. It does not. You assholes have subverted the democratic proccess into some sick "let's get Obama fest" and NOTHING gets done. Fuck you bitch ass punks and the horse you rode in on.

Better than communism we should be so lucky as to have a monarchy where Obama could just line you traitorous fucks up against a wall and put a bullet in your thick skulls.

Did I mention how much I hate you scum?

Someone that knows you needs to get in touch with the FAA, someone as delusional as you are, shouldn't be at the controls of a minibike much less an airplane.....that is of course assuming a nimrod like yourself could get a fucking pilot's license that they could pull. Just the fact that you still defend that imbecile and his administration says volumes about how pathetic you really are. I would suggest that you suck dick but I can tell by the way you are slurring your words that you have at least one in your mouth right leftist gay blades are all the same, defending your own kind no matter how incredibly full of shit they are. That asshole is even losing his press! The Obama girl has said she won't support him this time...... the fucking ditz Obama girl is smarter than you idiots!

This thread is getting sidetracked. It is about Romney impersonating a cop on several occasions.

I'm sure you can explore your homosexual fantasies and gay wordage on numerous other threads at USMB. So far I haven't heard that Mittens is gay. I think he is just a sociopathic hetrosexual.

No, it's about the left wanting their own 'birther' movement, and this is what you all decided to jerk off to. Congrats.
Romney was around uniforms a lot when his dad was governor of Michigan.

Nothing sinister or unusual that he would have an interest in uniforms.

Another non-story.

It is if you wear the uniform and claim to be something you're not.

It's actually a crime in most places.

So is DWI.

Didn't stop anyone from electing George W. Bush..who tried to bury that as well..

First President with a record.

Good job boys.


It is becoming quite obvious to me that I voted for that man twice with absolutely no knowledge of his background.
Someone that knows you needs to get in touch with the FAA, someone as delusional as you are, shouldn't be at the controls of a minibike much less an airplane.....that is of course assuming a nimrod like yourself could get a fucking pilot's license that they could pull. Just the fact that you still defend that imbecile and his administration says volumes about how pathetic you really are. I would suggest that you suck dick but I can tell by the way you are slurring your words that you have at least one in your mouth right leftist gay blades are all the same, defending your own kind no matter how incredibly full of shit they are. That asshole is even losing his press! The Obama girl has said she won't support him this time...... the fucking ditz Obama girl is smarter than you idiots!

This thread is getting sidetracked. It is about Romney impersonating a cop on several occasions.

I'm sure you can explore your homosexual fantasies and gay wordage on numerous other threads at USMB. So far I haven't heard that Mittens is gay. I think he is just a sociopathic hetrosexual.

No, it's about the left wanting their own 'birther' movement, and this is what you all decided to jerk off to. Congrats.

You apparently have the memory of a fruit fly...

Thread title: "Romney impersonated a police officer "
Dear God - are these idiotic fucking Liberals still on this bullshit topic ??

Is this all you have on the guy, asswipes??


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