Romney impersonated a police officer

I've got some other "impersonators" for you:

1. Barack Obama has been impersonating the President Of The United States for 3+ years.

2. Barack Obama has been impersonating a U.S. citizen since his birth.

3. Joe Biden has been impersonating a person with a functioning brain since his birth.

4. John Kerry impersonated a war "hero" for many years.

5. Al Gore has been impersonating a climate expert for many years.

6. Bill Clinton impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

7. Eliot Spitzer impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

8. John Edwards impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

9. Jim McGreevey impersonated a heterosexual monogamous husband for many years.

10. Eric Holder has been impersonating the top "law and order" enforcer in the United States for over three years.

You are hereby penalized all your intellectual points for being a Birther. Please hand in your human being identification card and go back to the primordial ooze to be re-evolved, and we'll try again.


The Universe

welcome back JS. Don't plan on being here long.
Nope but I am working hard on it. But you are a racist piece of shit.

One man's "racist piece of shit", is another man's founding father.

Nope. You are just a racist piece of shit. But you are no founding father. In fact, in the legions of the dumb, you are a born follower, you racist piece of shit.

Never said I was a founding father, but Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were and they were racist pieces of shit.
One man's "racist piece of shit", is another man's founding father.

Nope. You are just a racist piece of shit. But you are no founding father. In fact, in the legions of the dumb, you are a born follower, you racist piece of shit.

Never said I was a founding father, but Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were and they were racist pieces of shit.

You're confused, Thomas Jefferson is a racist?

Question for you Jones, if not for slavery do you think Blacks would have been better today in Africa?
Fuck you, I don't care where Obama is born, Obama smoked or snorted coke, not just pot, Obama sat in a racist church and his mentor was a racist and nobody on the left said shit!

Pretty much after this, nothing ever needs to be said about it again:

[ame=]Barack Obama: 'A More Perfect Union' (Full Speech) - YouTube[/ame]

I don't care if Obama is cooler or not, his health care is unconstitutional, his agenda does not serve the American interest and his policies hurt America.

With a Conservative stacked agenda probably.
Adults provide examples.
And see above.

Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, Barack Obama's psychiatrist.

If you got a problem with it, please explain his relationship with his mentor for 20 years, who he threw under the bus when it was discovered, explain his relationship with a communist organization in the mid 90's.

See video above for full explanation as to why you should win the"Dumbest Fucking Post In The History of the Internet and It Will Never Topped Ever award. But I do love how you crazy Birther fucks can just spout these borderline seditious rumors and somehow you guys have mainstreamed that motherfucker.

It's brilliant in a "self-fulfilling prophecy" sort of way.

Romney may or may not have done something 40 plus years ago means less than Obama's relationship with a racist or his ties to a communist party. Justify that.

Dude, I might be high right now, but that made you sound like you are on some SWEET H.

So you got nothing, just as I thought.
Romney impersonated a police officer for a few hours in college? That's nothing. Obama impersonated an American citizen and won the highest office in the land.


Mittens first attempt to impersonate a cop didn't go very well....

We don't need no stinking badges! - YouTube

Was this outside Grandpa's Polygamist Compound? :lol:

My bad. THAT was grampa!

Gramps used to entertain Mittens with his wild stories of the glory days in Mexico. Willard was just trying to follow in his footsteps.

I don't know. That guy didn't look like had good enough hair to be in the Romney linneage.
Was this outside Grandpa's Polygamist Compound? :lol:

My bad. THAT was grampa!

Gramps used to entertain Mittens with his wild stories of the glory days in Mexico. Willard was just trying to follow in his footsteps.

I don't know. That guy didn't look like had good enough hair to be in the Romney linneage.

The Mexican Romney Mormans had to wear the big hats to hide thier stunning quafeurs. Mormans are strictly prohibited from showing off.
Last edited:
My bad. THAT was grampa!

Gramps used to entertain Mittens with his wild stories of the glory days in Mexico. Willard was just trying to follow in his footsteps.

I don't know. That guy didn't look like had good enough hair to be in the Romney linneage.

The Mexican Romney Mormans had to wear the big hats to hide thier stunning quafeurs. Mormans are strictly prohibited from showning off.

Okay. you win.
Fuck you, I don't care where Obama is born, Obama smoked or snorted coke, not just pot, Obama sat in a racist church and his mentor was a racist and nobody on the left said shit!

Pretty much after this, nothing ever needs to be said about it again:

[ame=]Barack Obama: 'A More Perfect Union' (Full Speech) - YouTube[/ame]

With a Conservative stacked agenda probably.
Adults provide examples.
And see above.

Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, Barack Obama's psychiatrist.

See video above for full explanation as to why you should win the"Dumbest Fucking Post In The History of the Internet and It Will Never Topped Ever award. But I do love how you crazy Birther fucks can just spout these borderline seditious rumors and somehow you guys have mainstreamed that motherfucker.

It's brilliant in a "self-fulfilling prophecy" sort of way.

Romney may or may not have done something 40 plus years ago means less than Obama's relationship with a racist or his ties to a communist party. Justify that.

Dude, I might be high right now, but that made you sound like you are on some SWEET H.

So you got nothing, just as I thought.

The phrase, mouth-breather, is "So you have nothing..." Now that I see how ridiculously uneducated you are, I can see why you'd give any of the conspiracy theories the time of day. Carry on, Capt. Paranoia.

Whoah! This is very interesting. They should try to correlate missing persons in the area and time frame. It wouldn't suprise me at all if Mittens turned out to be a real freak. It would make an interesting episode on "Criminal Minds"...or "Cold Cases".

Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.
Whoah! This is very interesting. They should try to correlate missing persons in the area and time frame. It wouldn't suprise me at all if Mittens turned out to be a real freak. It would make an interesting episode on "Criminal Minds"...or "Cold Cases".

Its funny how your guy is dismantling our whole being economically, spending and credit wise, and who knows what else he has planned in the name of Marxism. But make up evil stories of Mitt and continue to live in fantasyland :lol:
As for the story show me proof and I'll believe anyone can say anything.

When will you mouth-breathers actually pick up a fucking book and read what Marxism and Socialism actually are? Obama's not a Socialist, and none of the things he'd done, not even the Affordable Care Act (which was basically what Conservatives wanted when Clinton was asking for Health Care Reform, also conveniently forgotten by your side) was socialism. Obama's socialist like George W. Bush is a college professor.

The DOW Jones has gained over 50% since he's been in office. He's really fucking that Socialism thing up if that's his goal. Oh, I know, "He lulls us to sleep and then BAM! We wake up one day and we have to start calling him Comrade Obama and a government soldier is at your door to ask for your money and jewels, right?

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