Romney impersonated a police officer

It was given to you several times and you are ignoring it. But that's what you do. Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. What an idiot you are.

Fuck off, fat ass.

Truth hurts, doesn't it??? And your, "response", is comparable to something an immature pre-teen would say. Grow up and defend your posts. If you can't, then maybe you should be silent. You're making a fool of yourself.

That's been going on for a while now. Don't know what tripped her trigger, don't care.
If the "prank" includes pulling over an automobile in public it is.

No proof he did, any links supporting your claim? You claim "typical", the links states "sometimes".

Any actual facts?

You mean "internet facts?" None of it means anything. What it all really means is that we all have too much time on our hands.

BUT! Just for shits and grins I would be curious if there were any reported unsolved cases of youngish fake policemen pulling over citizens in a 20 mile radius and the same time frame as Mittens so-called "hijinks". Dollars to donuts the rich kid that thinks money and power insulates him from the inconveniences imposed by society on the common man maybe didn't apply to him.

I don't count made up facts or some idiot claiming that someone "typically" BS, I meant real research driven facts. Not something some asshole with an axe to grind, spouts off about in a forum.

As far as your shits and grins, got dig it up and have fun, if Romney is tied to anything, I'll be the first to jump ship and vote for someone else.
BDPoop showing off those Roads Scholar research skills. :cuckoo:

The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
So let's get it the message squared away here.

If a person shows really poor -- even criminal judgment -- when in college or younger, he shouldn't ever be voted for in a Presidential Election.

Is that it?

It's more like ..If they show really creepy poor judgement they should not be elected until this really creepy poor judgement is vetted.
obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

That is the most ridiculous comment of the day. Congratulations, dummy!!!!

Hitler was beloved by his people until he got his agenda in place.
Hell I think a lot of world leaders had mutual respect for him until his agenda was in place.

Hitler invaded countries as fast as he possibly could. Gassed a bunch of Jooz. Obama is hesitant to invade anything.
So, any actual evidence that Romney did indeed impersonate a police officer yet or are the left still melting about gossip?
Either way, it won't matter to you. As long as they get that Black guy out of that White House.

Their's a black guy in the white house? What part of him is black?

The part that sits in the big boy chair in the Oval Office and actually gets Osama bin Laden and saves the American Auto Industry to which 7 out of every 10 jobs either directly or indirectly are connected to. That part.

obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

That is the most ridiculous comment of the day. Congratulations, dummy!!!!

Hitler was beloved by his people until he got his agenda in place.
Hell I think a lot of world leaders had mutual respect for him until his agenda was in place.

HEY! I thought it was the crazy motherfuckers on OUR side that liked to compare sitting presidents to the most awful leader in the history of the world hyperbolic-ally.

Until ANY President orders the systematic murder of six million people, how about you shut the fuck up about the Hitler thing, okay? Mkthx.
That is the most ridiculous comment of the day. Congratulations, dummy!!!!

Hitler was beloved by his people until he got his agenda in place.
Hell I think a lot of world leaders had mutual respect for him until his agenda was in place.

HEY! I thought it was the crazy motherfuckers on OUR side that liked to compare sitting presidents to the most awful leader in the history of the world hyperbolic-ally.

Until ANY President orders the systematic murder of six million people, how about you shut the fuck up about the Hitler thing, okay? Mkthx.

how about you shut the fuck up about the Hitler thing, okay?

First things first You can kiss my god damn ass you fucking cock sucking son of a god damn bitch.

HEY! I thought it was the crazy motherfuckers on OUR side that liked to compare sitting presidents to the most awful leader in the history of the world hyperbolic-ally

Bow dumb ass Hitler was beloved by a majority of Germans. Refute that you son of a bitch.
It's amazing the media can find all these "stories" on Romney but can't find that Bill guy from Obamination's neighborhood, O's cocaine snorting buddies, O's multiple fake girlfriends, etc.
then you people take as fact the stories about Obama Chooming

I can't think of a better example of how desperate Obama's supporters are. They ignore the obvious, the undeniable, in their blind support for Obama. Truthmatters has shown his total disconnect from reality. In his autobiography, Dreams From My Father, Obama admitted his "chooming" and in his high school year book even thanked his “Choom Gang” and the man who was his drug dealer.

Anyone who says that Obama's chooming is nothing but stories is either one of two things: (1) completely ignorant and too lazy to determine the facts, or (2) completely dishonest.

To Truthmatters: Your defense of Obama is your downfall. Nothing you say after this will restore any semblance of credibility you may have had, which, frankly, wasn't that much. My advice: Just in case you are not dishonest, but merely ignorant, Google “Obama and chooming.” If you do, you will finally know what the rest of us – which is most of America – already knows.
Bottom line: Truthmatters thinks – or so he/she says – that Obama's chooming is nothing but stories; however those of us with more than a few dozen fully functioning brain cells, and the intellectual curiosity to know the truth, know better. Truthmatters, you should be ashamed of yourself.
First things first You can kiss my god damn ass you fucking cock sucking son of a god damn bitch.

You're not my type. I like my homosexual dalliances to have an IQ higher than the average Fox News bimbette.

Bow dumb ass Hitler was beloved by a majority of Germans. Refute that you son of a bitch.

You know just because you have a dog in your avatar you don't have to speak like a dog, right, Sparky?

And yes, he was beloved by a bunch of Germans. That's incredibly awesome elementary school level grasp of the subtle nuances of governance you got there, Slappy.
then you people take as fact the stories about Obama Chooming

I can't think of a better example of how desperate Obama's supporters are. They ignore the obvious, the undeniable, in their blind support for Obama. Truthmatters has shown his total disconnect from reality. In his autobiography, Dreams From My Father, Obama admitted his "chooming" and in his high school year book even thanked his “Choom Gang” and the man who was his drug dealer.

Anyone who says that Obama's chooming is nothing but stories is either one of two things: (1) completely ignorant and too lazy to determine the facts, or (2) completely dishonest.

To Truthmatters: Your defense of Obama is your downfall. Nothing you say after this will restore any semblance of credibility you may have had, which, frankly, wasn't that much. My advice: Just in case you are not dishonest, but merely ignorant, Google “Obama and chooming.” If you do, you will finally know what the rest of us – which is most of America – already knows.
Bottom line: Truthmatters thinks – or so he/she says – that Obama's chooming is nothing but stories; however those of us with more than a few dozen fully functioning brain cells, and the intellectual curiosity to know the truth, know better. Truthmatters, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Hahahahaha. I love old school people who think that Obama having been a pot smoker somehow is a bad thing.

Stupid old people. Pot is rad. It makes sex incredible, and you just eat or go to sleep when you're done. It's also the least harmful of any vice, and science is starting to show there are all kinds of applications for it.

But I know, black guys smoke it so clearly it's full of Kenyan Evil Juju.
What I find amusing is that Obama has been excused by the left wing dumb asses for most everything, while the look at 40 plus years ago and condemn Romney and have the stupidity to claim it is vetting, what a bunch of shit! At least pretend to be fair you left wing hypocrites.

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