Romney impersonated a police officer

My, we really are Mr Conspiracy Theory, aren't we? :lol::lol::lol:

Interesting that you were never terribly concerned about the issues in Obama's background.

And you know this how? this yours? Join Date: Oct 2009

I'm aware of my join date... and not at all interested in yours... however, every thread about Obama's background, you've waded in to dismiss whatever concerns were raised... now, suddenly, some gossip (and that is what it remains - gossip) about Romney and you're creating a whole new reality about it. That does not speak well of your intellect. But I am impressed by your concern.... it's nice to hear that you are such a law abiding citizen.... I had been under the impression that you were not quite Mr Squeaky Clean.

Coming from someone that has called me "stupid" in about as many ways as possible..I find your concern for my intellect rather thin.
My, we really are Mr Conspiracy Theory, aren't we? :lol::lol::lol:

Interesting that you were never terribly concerned about the issues in Obama's background.

And you know this how? this yours? Join Date: Oct 2009

I'm aware of my join date... and not at all interested in yours... however, every thread about Obama's background, you've waded in to dismiss whatever concerns were raised... now, suddenly, some gossip (and that is what it remains - gossip) about Romney and you're creating a whole new reality about it. That does not speak well of your intellect. But I am impressed by your concern.... it's nice to hear that you are such a law abiding citizen.... I had been under the impression that you were not quite Mr Squeaky Clean.

Yes, it's an odd link he attempted between your join date and his written word; political leanings; and obvious bias. All in an attempt to hang Romney's electability on an alleged accusation of him being a kid who enjoyed pranks?

The desperation of liberals has a definite smell of sour grapes and cloying desperation~
You are hereby penalized all your intellectual points for being a Birther. Please hand in your human being identification card and go back to the primordial ooze to be re-evolved, and we'll try again.


The Universe

Congratulations on being elected to speak on behalf of The Universe.

I'd be impressed but I'm busy laughing at your stupidity.

And snickering at BD who 'thanked' you.

Well, as long as you're happy.

And by that I mean in desperate need of a return visit to your xxxx.

WAIT! Obama is a true, one of king genius! He knew how to IMPERSONATE someone else at BIRTH. :lol:
Congratulations on being elected to speak on behalf of The Universe.

I'd be impressed but I'm busy laughing at your stupidity.

And snickering at BD who 'thanked' you.

Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't teach them how to have an IQ above 40.

As is evidenced by you.

Aww. How cute. The old "I Know You Are, But What am I?" comeback.

Mmm. Republicanny Goodness.
And you know this how? this yours? Join Date: Oct 2009

I'm aware of my join date... and not at all interested in yours... however, every thread about Obama's background, you've waded in to dismiss whatever concerns were raised... now, suddenly, some gossip (and that is what it remains - gossip) about Romney and you're creating a whole new reality about it. That does not speak well of your intellect. But I am impressed by your concern.... it's nice to hear that you are such a law abiding citizen.... I had been under the impression that you were not quite Mr Squeaky Clean.

Coming from someone that has called me "stupid" in about as many ways as possible..I find your concern for my intellect rather thin.

Just an ad for a psychic hotline, I see 'em all the time. The attacks at Romney ARE wearing thin however; maybe he littered in 1976, who cares?
Just an ad for a psychic hotline, I see 'em all the time. The attacks at Romney ARE wearing thin however; maybe he littered in 1976, who cares?

The only reason that I care about what politicians were like when they were younger is to see if they've changed. Rmoney clearly hasn't. When caught in a lie, he laughs it off like it's nothing. I mean, if Republican voters are into having slimeballs as their heads of state, that's cool and all, I guess. I just like to cold-kick it on a tasty, non-a-hole tip.

You are right that we don't need to go wading into the waters of every single booger he picked from his nose.
I'm aware of my join date... and not at all interested in yours... however, every thread about Obama's background, you've waded in to dismiss whatever concerns were raised... now, suddenly, some gossip (and that is what it remains - gossip) about Romney and you're creating a whole new reality about it. That does not speak well of your intellect. But I am impressed by your concern.... it's nice to hear that you are such a law abiding citizen.... I had been under the impression that you were not quite Mr Squeaky Clean.

Coming from someone that has called me "stupid" in about as many ways as possible..I find your concern for my intellect rather thin.

Just an ad for a psychic hotline, I see 'em all the time. The attacks at Romney ARE wearing thin however; maybe he littered in 1976, who cares?

The Michigan Department of Sanitation?
Congratulations on being elected to speak on behalf of The Universe.

I'd be impressed but I'm busy laughing at your stupidity.

And snickering at BD who 'thanked' you.

Well, as long as you're happy.

And by that I mean in desperate need of a return visit to your xxxx

WAIT! Obama is a true, one of king genius! He knew how to IMPERSONATE someone else at BIRTH. :lol:

Gotta hand it to him! THAT'S pretty crafty!
Just an ad for a psychic hotline, I see 'em all the time. The attacks at Romney ARE wearing thin however; maybe he littered in 1976, who cares?

The only reason that I care about what politicians were like when they were younger is to see if they've changed. Rmoney clearly hasn't. When caught in a lie, he laughs it off like it's nothing. I mean, if Republican voters are into having slimeballs as their heads of state, that's cool and all, I guess. I just like to cold-kick it on a tasty, non-a-hole tip.

You are right that we don't need to go wading into the waters of every single booger he picked from his nose.

I do not yet see him as a liar, but the "dog on the roof", "impersonating an officer" and cursing stories are weak.
Just an ad for a psychic hotline, I see 'em all the time. The attacks at Romney ARE wearing thin however; maybe he littered in 1976, who cares?

The only reason that I care about what politicians were like when they were younger is to see if they've changed. Rmoney clearly hasn't. When caught in a lie, he laughs it off like it's nothing. I mean, if Republican voters are into having slimeballs as their heads of state, that's cool and all, I guess. I just like to cold-kick it on a tasty, non-a-hole tip.

You are right that we don't need to go wading into the waters of every single booger he picked from his nose.

I do not yet see him as a liar, but the "dog on the roof", "impersonating an officer" and cursing stories are weak.

Probably if you are an animal abusing imposter supporter.
I do not yet see him as a liar, but the "dog on the roof", "impersonating an officer" and cursing stories are weak.

Oh, he's a liar. When your campaign runs ads telling people Obama has increased the deficit more than any other president, or that he's spent more than any other President, or when you purposefully run your first ad that intentionally misquotes Obama when he was talking about McCain in 2008, those are lies. So either he's a liar, or his people are liars, or both. Either way, lies are rampant with that skunk in a suit.
If it were all true, instead of liberal pipe dreams, Romney abuses animals, impersonates police officers and randomly attacks gay men, he would STILL be better than obama.
The only reason that I care about what politicians were like when they were younger is to see if they've changed. Rmoney clearly hasn't. When caught in a lie, he laughs it off like it's nothing. I mean, if Republican voters are into having slimeballs as their heads of state, that's cool and all, I guess. I just like to cold-kick it on a tasty, non-a-hole tip.

You are right that we don't need to go wading into the waters of every single booger he picked from his nose.

I do not yet see him as a liar, but the "dog on the roof", "impersonating an officer" and cursing stories are weak.

Probably if you are an animal abusing imposter supporter.

I'm a substance fan myself. :lol:
You know, the thing about Romney is every time you think there's nothing that can be weirder in his background, somebody finds something...

Does he even officially have the nomination yet?

Technically, he doesn't until the nominating convention.

So if they were to say, find some dead hookers in the basement of his old house in Michigan, I guess they could derail the process.

Even after the nomination, they could remove him from the ballot and replace him. See the 1972 Democratic ticket, where Veep Candidate Eagleton was removed from the ticket and replaced by Sergeant Schriver.
If it were all true, instead of liberal pipe dreams, Romney abuses animals, impersonates police officers and randomly attacks gay men, he would STILL be better than obama.

I would disagree; and, Romney isn't showing any more 'STYLE' with words than the President at times.
obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

Sounds like a great premis for one of those old fashioned monster movies.

How could most of the voting public have been so stupid?

So what you are saying is that America could not see pure evil when it was right there in front of them...HMMMmmm????? What makes you think they can now?

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