Romney impersonated a police officer

I've got some other "impersonators" for you:

1. Barack Obama has been impersonating the President Of The United States for 3+ years.

2. Barack Obama has been impersonating a U.S. citizen since his birth.

3. Joe Biden has been impersonating a person with a functioning brain since his birth.

4. John Kerry impersonated a war "hero" for many years.

5. Al Gore has been impersonating a climate expert for many years.

6. Bill Clinton impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

7. Eliot Spitzer impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

8. John Edwards impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

9. Jim McGreevey impersonated a heterosexual monogamous husband for many years.

10. Eric Holder has been impersonating the top "law and order" enforcer in the United States for over three years.

You are hereby penalized all your intellectual points for being a Birther. Please hand in your human being identification card and go back to the primordial ooze to be re-evolved, and we'll try again.


The Universe

I also like how Obama impersonates transparency:
1) Run for president and hide a birth certificate for years. I mean how hard is that to release?
2)How about those academic records. Funny how we know everything about Palin and Romney, but almost nothing on Obama.
3) Love the way he makes laws transparent like the deals with LA and NE

and arent you a truther, talk about nutjobs. you prob dont think we landed on the moon or that Area 51 is housing a marshian?
obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

Sounds like a great premis for one of those old fashioned monster movies.

How could most of the voting public have been so stupid?

So what you are saying is that America could not see pure evil when it was right there in front of them...HMMMmmm????? What makes you think they can now?

Next up, Romney is a Sufi!:lol:
I've got some other "impersonators" for you:

1. Barack Obama has been impersonating the President Of The United States for 3+ years.

2. Barack Obama has been impersonating a U.S. citizen since his birth.

3. Joe Biden has been impersonating a person with a functioning brain since his birth.

4. John Kerry impersonated a war "hero" for many years.

5. Al Gore has been impersonating a climate expert for many years.

6. Bill Clinton impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

7. Eliot Spitzer impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

8. John Edwards impersonated a faithful monogamous husband for many years.

9. Jim McGreevey impersonated a heterosexual monogamous husband for many years.

10. Eric Holder has been impersonating the top "law and order" enforcer in the United States for over three years.

You are hereby penalized all your intellectual points for being a Birther. Please hand in your human being identification card and go back to the primordial ooze to be re-evolved, and we'll try again.


The Universe

I also like how Obama impersonates transparency:
1) Run for president and hide a birth certificate for years. I mean how hard is that to release?
2)How about those academic records. Funny how we know everything about Palin and Romney, but almost nothing on Obama.
3) Love the way he makes laws transparent like the deals with LA and NE

and arent you a truther, talk about nutjobs. you prob dont think we landed on the moon or that Area 51 is housing a marshian?

Ha ha. I'm not an anything-ther. Of course we landed on the moon. Of course we haven't discovered intelligent life elsewhere, and as you prove, we've barely found it here.

I actually encourage Birthers to keep talking about this nonsense. It'll just make the history books even richer when our grandkids are learning about what total fucking idiots were saying in 2012.
You are hereby penalized all your intellectual points for being a Birther. Please hand in your human being identification card and go back to the primordial ooze to be re-evolved, and we'll try again.


The Universe

I also like how Obama impersonates transparency:
1) Run for president and hide a birth certificate for years. I mean how hard is that to release?
2)How about those academic records. Funny how we know everything about Palin and Romney, but almost nothing on Obama.
3) Love the way he makes laws transparent like the deals with LA and NE

and arent you a truther, talk about nutjobs. you prob dont think we landed on the moon or that Area 51 is housing a marshian?

Ha ha. I'm not an anything-ther. Of course we landed on the moon. Of course we haven't discovered intelligent life elsewhere, and as you prove, we've barely found it here.

I actually encourage Birthers to keep talking about this nonsense. It'll just make the history books even richer when our grandkids are learning about what total fucking idiots were saying in 2012.

Totally! :lol:
Romney impersonated a police officer for a few hours in college? That's nothing. Obama impersonated an American citizen and won the highest office in the land.
obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

Sounds like a great premis for one of those old fashioned monster movies.

How could most of the voting public have been so stupid?

So what you are saying is that America could not see pure evil when it was right there in front of them...HMMMmmm????? What makes you think they can now?

The left is as evil as obama is. Like Stalin, Goebbles, Mao, Castro, Michael Moore and Nancy Pelosi. Some just wanted to vote for the first black man as president.

More people see obama for what he is today than did in 2008.
You are hereby penalized all your intellectual points for being a Birther. Please hand in your human being identification card and go back to the primordial ooze to be re-evolved, and we'll try again.


The Universe

I also like how Obama impersonates transparency:
1) Run for president and hide a birth certificate for years. I mean how hard is that to release?
2)How about those academic records. Funny how we know everything about Palin and Romney, but almost nothing on Obama.
3) Love the way he makes laws transparent like the deals with LA and NE

and arent you a truther, talk about nutjobs. you prob dont think we landed on the moon or that Area 51 is housing a marshian?

Ha ha. I'm not an anything-ther. Of course we landed on the moon. Of course we haven't discovered intelligent life elsewhere, and as you prove, we've barely found it here.

I actually encourage Birthers to keep talking about this nonsense. It'll just make the history books even richer when our grandkids are learning about what total fucking idiots were saying in 2012.

What's funny is I'm not a birther. I just like to ask liberals why it took so long to come up with common piece of paper to run for President? I mean did he forget the combo to the safe?
That's what I find funny, Donald Trump may be one, but I accept the President was born here, but if he would have forked over the documents, say during the campaign, it wouldnt be an issue now would it?
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So, any actual evidence that Romney did indeed impersonate a police officer yet or are the left still melting about gossip?

It was given to you several times and you are ignoring it. But that's what you do. Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. What an idiot you are.

Fuck off, fat ass.

Truth hurts, doesn't it??? And your, "response", is comparable to something an immature pre-teen would say. Grow up and defend your posts. If you can't, then maybe you should be silent. You're making a fool of yourself.
Nobody read the WaPo article, huh. The police uniform was mentioned in that article, weeks before this story broke. I'm assuming she read the one and recalled the other.

Report: Mitt Romney impersonated police officer as part of high school prank - VOTE AZ 2012

Phillip Maxwell, a prep school buddy, told the New Republic in 2008 that Romney had pulled over students from a girls school next door to Cranbrook while wearing a police uniform as a prank. Other former classmates described Mitt as a “happy-go-lucky guy known less for his achievements and more for his pranks.”

In The Real Romney, a biography published by Boston Globe reporters Michael Kranish and Scott Helman this year,another former friend recalled how Romney had “put a siren on top of his car and chased two of his friends who were driving around with their dates.” The two friends were in on the scheme, but the girls were not. There was beer in the car trunk, according to a prearranged plan. Mitt told his two counterparts to get out of their vehicle and into his car. Then they drove off, leaving the girls behind.

“It was a terrible thing to do,” said one of his accomplices, a Cranbrook classmate named Graham McDonald.

Ashton Kutcher used to do shit like this every week on national television, they call it being punked nowadays. In this article it's one of his prep school buddies, in the other it was someone in the same dormitory building........ were the girls the same ones the democrats used to destroy a great man's political aspirations that were never seen or heard from again once they were finished........ democrats have proven to be the slimiest bunch of assholes on the planet, axelrod's cum stains are all over this......... I heard he used to be a b listed porn star, that;s how he first met O'Bamma....look at the 70's mustache.

Are you kidding?? Damn!! You right wingers have become even dumber in 2012 than you were in 2008!!!

What a childish and ridiculous post.
So let's get it the message squared away here.

If a person shows really poor -- even criminal judgment -- when in college or younger, he shouldn't ever be voted for in a Presidential Election.

Is that it?
obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

That is the most ridiculous comment of the day. Congratulations, dummy!!!!

Hitler was beloved by his people until he got his agenda in place.
Hell I think a lot of world leaders had mutual respect for him until his agenda was in place.
It was given to you several times and you are ignoring it. But that's what you do. Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. What an idiot you are.

Fuck off, fat ass.

Truth hurts, doesn't it??? And your, "response", is comparable to something an immature pre-teen would say. Grow up and defend your posts. If you can't, then maybe you should be silent. You're making a fool of yourself.

Fuck off, fat ass.
obama is evil, pure evil, from the deepest part of what passes for a heart. Romney isn't.

That is the most ridiculous comment of the day. Congratulations, dummy!!!!

Hitler was beloved by his people until he got his agenda in place.
Hell I think a lot of world leaders had mutual respect for him until his agenda was in place.

Damn bigrednec!
You beat me to it.
I was just about to ask if anyone had mentioned Hitler in this thread yet!
So let's get it the message squared away here.

If a person shows really poor -- even criminal judgment -- when in college or younger, he shouldn't ever be voted for in a Presidential Election.

Is that it?
No, you see, it only works on people who have the media covering their butts to put one over on da man--da man being anyone who is Republican or a conservative who saved and has more than a hundred dollars in their savings account for more than 10 years.

Da man is expected to have complete transparency from conception until the unfortunate day he steps on the national stage and says "I am going to run as a Republican Candidate for President." He's fair game.

All liberals are exempt from transparency, which means they could get away with murder, rape, and not having an original birth certificate when his grandmother says she was at his birthing--in Kenya to a British subject, and then went to a private school in Indonesia that requires one to be a citizen of Indonesia--but that all doesn't matter because the leftist lockstep, put-it-to-da-man media says it doesn't matter. And Republican wealth is horrible. It's ok, you see, if George Soros and John Kerry are good and rich, and all those guys and Oprah who call themselves liberals in the top 10 richest people in America. But Republicans who earned a fortune? Not good enough!!!


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