Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me.

It makes me laugh how the left, who voted for Obama in their droves... and who had no detailed plans, no experience, nothing except pretty speeches to go on... and that was smart. Now, suddenly, they need 'details'.

The double standards of liberals is very funny.

Bin Laden - check

auto industry - check

health care - check

most of al Qaeda - check

Then there are all the things he did in spite of Republicans trying to make America fail. It's not only funny, it's "hysterical".

Put it on C-Span-check
Not one thin dime to the deficit-check
Out of Afghanistan-check

Yup. Long list of checks where he screwed up every time.
One and done. Nov 2012-End of an Error.
Romney, in that interview with Schieffer, was disgusting. He refuses to take a position on anything.
He's milking the rich right wingers for all he can get, and will turn moderate at the last minute.
Romney, in that interview with Schieffer, was disgusting. He refuses to take a position on anything.
He's milking the rich right wingers for all he can get, and will turn moderate at the last minute.

Damn. Imagine the nerve of the guy. Running on something nebulous like Hope N Change.
Oh wait, it's been done already.
Romney, in that interview with Schieffer, was disgusting. He refuses to take a position on anything.
He's milking the rich right wingers for all he can get, and will turn moderate at the last minute.

well we don't have to worry about Obama doing that...He is milking the rich Hollywood's 1%ers and will stay as far left as ever
Romney, in that interview with Schieffer, was disgusting. He refuses to take a position on anything.
He's milking the rich right wingers for all he can get, and will turn moderate at the last minute.

Bob Schieffer tried to get Mitt off of his game and he said, "Sorry, but I not playing that game, Bob". It's a smart strategy. This election is about Mr. Obama's failures with the economy, PERIOD. Mitt's smartly keeping the focus on that. :clap2:

PS- Mitt IS moderate and he makes no bones about it. Read his book. He's conservative on fiscal issues and moderate on social issues. I like that combination.
Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me. - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

There’s a great deal to chew on in Mitt Romney’s interview with Bob Schieffer, which just aired on CBS.

Romney repeatedly refused to say whether he’d repeal Obama’s order to halt deportations of DREAM-eligible youth. He confirmed that he would not agree to even one dollar in new revenues in exchange for 10 dollars in spending cuts. And he again reiterated that his response to the crisis would be to cut government, in order to “ignite growth,” even though economists say that more austerity now would make the crisis worse.


Romney is going to delete a lot of the deductions that wealthy people get--which would actually bring in more tax revenue from them than just raising the tax rate.
Romney, in that interview with Schieffer, was disgusting. He refuses to take a position on anything.
He's milking the rich right wingers for all he can get, and will turn moderate at the last minute.

Obama is milking the hell out of the rich left wingers, but they make money with him, I can see why.
Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me. - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

There’s a great deal to chew on in Mitt Romney’s interview with Bob Schieffer, which just aired on CBS.

Romney repeatedly refused to say whether he’d repeal Obama’s order to halt deportations of DREAM-eligible youth. He confirmed that he would not agree to even one dollar in new revenues in exchange for 10 dollars in spending cuts. And he again reiterated that his response to the crisis would be to cut government, in order to “ignite growth,” even though economists say that more austerity now would make the crisis worse.


Romney is going to delete a lot of the deductions that wealthy people get--which would actually bring in more tax revenue from them than just raising the tax rate.

That's what needs to happen. A dollar of income needs to be taxed as a dollar of income regardless of who made it or where it came from. That is fairness.
Capital gains tax cuts generate investment Reagan proved it and its common knowledge businessmen don't and can't invest when Democrats attack prosperity by regulating and taxing people to death. Just saying Bush income tax cut aren't capital gains tax cuts all Dems seem to equate these. Smh
Romney needs to be elected President before the electorate should learn the details of his plans.

Kind of like the 7,000 page Obama Care Bill needs to be passed to find out what's in it.
Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me. - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

There’s a great deal to chew on in Mitt Romney’s interview with Bob Schieffer, which just aired on CBS.

Romney repeatedly refused to say whether he’d repeal Obama’s order to halt deportations of DREAM-eligible youth. He confirmed that he would not agree to even one dollar in new revenues in exchange for 10 dollars in spending cuts. And he again reiterated that his response to the crisis would be to cut government, in order to “ignite growth,” even though economists say that more austerity now would make the crisis worse.


Romney is going to delete a lot of the deductions that wealthy people get--which would actually bring in more tax revenue from them than just raising the tax rate.

That's what needs to happen. A dollar of income needs to be taxed as a dollar of income regardless of who made it or where it came from. That is fairness.

I agree. All income should be taxed at the same rate.

No one should pay a higher percentage of their income than anyone else.

That means no more personal deductions, child deductions, mortgage deductions etc etc etc
Last edited:
None of us deserve Democracy because we are too fucking stupid. It's astounding at how much political ignorance there is and all you happen to do is spread the stupidity.
There's an old quote to the effect that "Every nation has the government they deserve.". The GOP is pushing for a liberal Massachusets Govenor and they expect things to change. That means the average GOP partisan has the IQ of a dim light bulb. The DNC is pushing for 4 more years of a guy who is clearly clueless and couldn't lead himself out of a paper sack. So theyre hardly any better.

Come 2012 you'll either elect a borrow and spend President or a tax and spend President. Both will talk tough about defense and entitlements, but nothing will happen.

Ron Paul lost. Get over it.

Interesting, I didn't see mention of Paul in his entire post. Let me check again..


Nope, nothing that mentions anything about Paul whatsoever. Getting defensive are we.
There's an old quote to the effect that "Every nation has the government they deserve.". The GOP is pushing for a liberal Massachusets Govenor and they expect things to change. That means the average GOP partisan has the IQ of a dim light bulb. The DNC is pushing for 4 more years of a guy who is clearly clueless and couldn't lead himself out of a paper sack. So theyre hardly any better.

Come 2012 you'll either elect a borrow and spend President or a tax and spend President. Both will talk tough about defense and entitlements, but nothing will happen.

Ron Paul lost. Get over it.

Interesting, I didn't see mention of Paul in his entire post. Let me check again..


Nope, nothing that mentions anything about Paul whatsoever. Getting defensive are we.
It was in the shadows and penumbras of his post.
Maybe, but the point still stands. What he said was right on the money. Romney is not going to do anything about the actual problems this nation faces. The only real difference I believe is going to be in the speed that we get there.
Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me. - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

There’s a great deal to chew on in Mitt Romney’s interview with Bob Schieffer, which just aired on CBS.

Romney repeatedly refused to say whether he’d repeal Obama’s order to halt deportations of DREAM-eligible youth. He confirmed that he would not agree to even one dollar in new revenues in exchange for 10 dollars in spending cuts. And he again reiterated that his response to the crisis would be to cut government, in order to “ignite growth,” even though economists say that more austerity now would make the crisis worse.


Yeah, and Obama gave all sorts of Details in 08 Right? lol

Please he was allowed to Walk into Office on Platitudes and Extremely Vague explanations of how he would pay for things as well.

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