Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me.

Grover Norquist calls the shots int he Democratic Party? Who knew?

Really? This qualifies as a valid argument in conservativeland? Geezus.

Well, the Dums had complete control of COngress and the White House from Jan 2009 until 2011. And in the end it was a solidly Democratic Congress passing a bill to extend the Bush tax cuts, and signed by Obama.
And you blame the GOP??

Both houses of congress were 100% Democratic?

Didn't know that..the things you learn here.
Why does the left think every gov't employee is a cop, teacher or firefighter?

Because those are the positions which gather the most sympathy for their pro Public Union causes.

Those positions are also good for ginning up fear among dimwit voters. Fewer cops = more crime, less safety. Fewer firefighters = people burning to death in their homes or wherever. Fewer teachers = even more poorly educated children.

Yeah, it's the strategy they use. Just like every tax hike is for "education."
Fortunately some people are wising up here and the big spenders will be gone soon.
So the kind of smaller government that conservatives claim is their no. 1 priority has actually been happening on Obama's watch moreso than on any other presidents' in recent memory,

and yet those same conservatives call him a socialist who only wants bigger and bigger government.


Tell me if Obama has cut government so much then why have his budgets been larger every year?

And if one is talking about Obama and employees only federal employees not state and local should be enumerated.

First off..that's not true. His budget actually went down one year. Secondly..most of the budget is being used to pay off debt accrued in the last administration.

And state and local employees get to stay on the payrolls because of block grants issued by the Federal government. Of course they should be counted.

tell me how can one say a budget with a trillion dollar deficit is being used to pay off debt?
Why does the left think every gov't employee is a cop, teacher or firefighter?

Because those are the positions which gather the most sympathy for their pro Public Union causes.

Those positions are also good for ginning up fear among dimwit voters. Fewer cops = more crime, less safety. Fewer firefighters = people burning to death in their homes or wherever. Fewer teachers = even more poorly educated children.

History shows that more teachers have not improved student performance.

More teachers = more poor performing students

And in 2010 The US population was 313,753,000 and only 2,555 people died in residential fires.

that's .0008% of the population.

That seem like a pretty good record to me. How much more do you want to spend to reduce residential fire deaths to the unattainable number of 0?
Tell me if Obama has cut government so much then why have his budgets been larger every year?

And if one is talking about Obama and employees only federal employees not state and local should be enumerated.

First off..that's not true. His budget actually went down one year. Secondly..most of the budget is being used to pay off debt accrued in the last administration.

And state and local employees get to stay on the payrolls because of block grants issued by the Federal government. Of course they should be counted.

tell me how can one say a budget with a trillion dollar deficit is being used to pay off debt?

Did you forget about Iraq and Afghanistan?

Bush had then on a "Supplementary Emergency Spending" Track. Which means he didn't pay for anything. Obama put that back into the general budget.

And that's just one thing. You also forget about the Medicare Drug bill? Department of Homeland Security? Those things weren't funded either.

Quite the opposite. There were two major tax cuts.
Grover Norquist calls the shots int he Democratic Party? Who knew?

Really? This qualifies as a valid argument in conservativeland? Geezus.

Well, the Dums had complete control of COngress and the White House from Jan 2009 until 2011. And in the end it was a solidly Democratic Congress passing a bill to extend the Bush tax cuts, and signed by Obama.
And you blame the GOP??

The tax cuts weren't scheduled to expire until he lost the majority. Then the repubs held the economy hostage over it which resulted in the downgrading of our credit rating. Fucking geniuses these guys are.
Its so obvious what Romney's planning its almost funny, he's just going to gut the shit out of everything.

And why not?
Its a win-win.
Best Case: He actually does good (probably won't happen)

Worst Case: It all blows up in his face and the federal government again looks riddeled with problems and the prospect of state gov't as the "main gov't" becomes more and more inviting.
Because those are the positions which gather the most sympathy for their pro Public Union causes.

Those positions are also good for ginning up fear among dimwit voters. Fewer cops = more crime, less safety. Fewer firefighters = people burning to death in their homes or wherever. Fewer teachers = even more poorly educated children.

History shows that more teachers have not improved student performance.

More teachers = more poor performing students

And in 2010 The US population was 313,753,000 and only 2,555 people died in residential fires.

USFA Statistics: USFA Fire Estimates

that's .0008% of the population.

That seem like a pretty good record to me. How much more do you want to spend to reduce residential fire deaths to the unattainable number of 0?


And by what metric are you going by with the teachers.

Most people in the US are literate. That's not many third world countries. Which is part of the reason they are third world countries.
First off..that's not true. His budget actually went down one year. Secondly..most of the budget is being used to pay off debt accrued in the last administration.

And state and local employees get to stay on the payrolls because of block grants issued by the Federal government. Of course they should be counted.

tell me how can one say a budget with a trillion dollar deficit is being used to pay off debt?

Did you forget about Iraq and Afghanistan?

Bush had then on a "Supplementary Emergency Spending" Track. Which means he didn't pay for anything. Obama put that back into the general budget.

And that's just one thing. You also forget about the Medicare Drug bill? Department of Homeland Security? Those things weren't funded either.

Quite the opposite. There were two major tax cuts.

A budget with a deficit does not pay off debt but rather creates more debt.
Those positions are also good for ginning up fear among dimwit voters. Fewer cops = more crime, less safety. Fewer firefighters = people burning to death in their homes or wherever. Fewer teachers = even more poorly educated children.

History shows that more teachers have not improved student performance.

More teachers = more poor performing students

And in 2010 The US population was 313,753,000 and only 2,555 people died in residential fires.

USFA Statistics: USFA Fire Estimates

that's .0008% of the population.

That seem like a pretty good record to me. How much more do you want to spend to reduce residential fire deaths to the unattainable number of 0?


And by what metric are you going by with the teachers.

Most people in the US are literate. That's not many third world countries. Which is part of the reason they are third world countries.

'Wake-up call': U.S. students trail global leaders - US news - Life -

The ratio of students to teachers, which is sometimes used as a proxy measure for class size, declined between school years 1990–91 and 2007–08, from 17.6 to 15.8 students per teacher for all regular public schools

The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - School Characteristics and Climate - Student Teacher Ratios in Public Schools - Indicator 31 (2010)

So we have more teachers and still have poor performance compared to other countries.

Seems to me more teachers does not equal better education.
We don't need tax cuts, or tax increases. We need to CUT SPENDING. It ain't rocket science people.....
It doesn't matter how many teachers there are, what matters is what are people being taught. And the fact is people aren't being taught much. The more repetative, irrelevant information you put in a students face the more likely they are just not to give a shit.
None of us deserve Democracy because we are too fucking stupid. It's astounding at how much political ignorance there is and all you happen to do is spread the stupidity.
There's an old quote to the effect that "Every nation has the government they deserve.". The GOP is pushing for a liberal Massachusets Govenor and they expect things to change. That means the average GOP partisan has the IQ of a dim light bulb. The DNC is pushing for 4 more years of a guy who is clearly clueless and couldn't lead himself out of a paper sack. So theyre hardly any better.

Come 2012 you'll either elect a borrow and spend President or a tax and spend President. Both will talk tough about defense and entitlements, but nothing will happen.
Really? This qualifies as a valid argument in conservativeland? Geezus.

Well, the Dums had complete control of COngress and the White House from Jan 2009 until 2011. And in the end it was a solidly Democratic Congress passing a bill to extend the Bush tax cuts, and signed by Obama.
And you blame the GOP??

The tax cuts weren't scheduled to expire until he lost the majority. Then the repubs held the economy hostage over it which resulted in the downgrading of our credit rating. Fucking geniuses these guys are.

Obama is held hostage to the GOP?
Film at 11.
None of us deserve Democracy because we are too fucking stupid. It's astounding at how much political ignorance there is and all you happen to do is spread the stupidity.
There's an old quote to the effect that "Every nation has the government they deserve.". The GOP is pushing for a liberal Massachusets Govenor and they expect things to change. That means the average GOP partisan has the IQ of a dim light bulb. The DNC is pushing for 4 more years of a guy who is clearly clueless and couldn't lead himself out of a paper sack. So theyre hardly any better.

Come 2012 you'll either elect a borrow and spend President or a tax and spend President. Both will talk tough about defense and entitlements, but nothing will happen.

Ron Paul lost. Get over it.
It doesn't matter how many teachers there are, what matters is what are people being taught. And the fact is people aren't being taught much. The more repetative, irrelevant information you put in a students face the more likely they are just not to give a shit.


You quit paying attention to your teachers early, didn't you? :thup:
We don't need tax cuts, or tax increases. We need to CUT SPENDING. It ain't rocket science people.....

Apparently it's rocket science to Romney, since he can't tell us what he'll cut.

Is it fair then to assume that what he'll make enormous cuts in are:

1. Medicare

2. Medicaid

3. Social Security

4. other domestic programs such as food stamps, student aid, housing aid, fuel/energy assistance, etc., etc., in other words all the programs that help low income Americans.


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