Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me.

Why does the left think every gov't employee is a cop, teacher or firefighter?

Because those are the positions which gather the most sympathy for their pro Public Union causes.

Those positions are also good for ginning up fear among dimwit voters. Fewer cops = more crime, less safety. Fewer firefighters = people burning to death in their homes or wherever. Fewer teachers = even more poorly educated children.

Like defense spending, eh? Nowhere does the fear factor get played more than to 'gin up' support for spending on the military.
We don't need tax cuts, or tax increases. We need to CUT SPENDING. It ain't rocket science people.....

Apparently it's rocket science to Romney, since he can't tell us what he'll cut.

Is it fair then to assume that what he'll make enormous cuts in are:

1. Medicare

2. Medicaid

3. Social Security

4. other domestic programs such as food stamps, student aid, housing aid, fuel/energy assistance, etc., etc., in other words all the programs that help low income Americans.



I hear he's going to institute a national baby seal clubbing day too!
Anyone remember Nixon's secret peace in Vietnam strategy he told the press he had in 1968? Yeah, and then he increased hostilities. I wonder why I'm bringing that up...
We don't need tax cuts, or tax increases. We need to CUT SPENDING. It ain't rocket science people.....

Apparently it's rocket science to Romney, since he can't tell us what he'll cut.

Is it fair then to assume that what he'll make enormous cuts in are:

1. Medicare

2. Medicaid

3. Social Security

4. other domestic programs such as food stamps, student aid, housing aid, fuel/energy assistance, etc., etc., in other words all the programs that help low income Americans.



I hear he's going to institute a national baby seal clubbing day too!

I hear he's going to put those on welfare to work digging ditches those shovel ready jobs obama said he had.
We don't need tax cuts, or tax increases. We need to CUT SPENDING. It ain't rocket science people.....

really? what do we spend as opposed to earlier times? do you know the context of government spending during earlier decades?
Government spending is at an all time high (excluding a spike during ww2)

Mitt is the best and brightest the right wing has to offer.

So which is it? Is Mitt merely a white version of Obama, a northeastern liberal? Or is he representative of the race-baiting right wing of the GOP?
Make up your mind. If you even have one.
Romney: No need to detail how I’ll pay for massive tax cuts. Just trust me. - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

There’s a great deal to chew on in Mitt Romney’s interview with Bob Schieffer, which just aired on CBS.

Romney repeatedly refused to say whether he’d repeal Obama’s order to halt deportations of DREAM-eligible youth. He confirmed that he would not agree to even one dollar in new revenues in exchange for 10 dollars in spending cuts. And he again reiterated that his response to the crisis would be to cut government, in order to “ignite growth,” even though economists say that more austerity now would make the crisis worse.


A politician who sidesteps questions well I'll be dam this would really mean something if it had not been going on for as long as there have been politicians.
History shows that more teachers have not improved student performance.

More teachers = more poor performing students

And in 2010 The US population was 313,753,000 and only 2,555 people died in residential fires.

USFA Statistics: USFA Fire Estimates

that's .0008% of the population.

That seem like a pretty good record to me. How much more do you want to spend to reduce residential fire deaths to the unattainable number of 0?


And by what metric are you going by with the teachers.

Most people in the US are literate. That's not many third world countries. Which is part of the reason they are third world countries.

'Wake-up call': U.S. students trail global leaders - US news - Life -

The ratio of students to teachers, which is sometimes used as a proxy measure for class size, declined between school years 1990–91 and 2007–08, from 17.6 to 15.8 students per teacher for all regular public schools

The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - School Characteristics and Climate - Student Teacher Ratios in Public Schools - Indicator 31 (2010)

So we have more teachers and still have poor performance compared to other countries.

Seems to me more teachers does not equal better education.

Compared to what other countries?

China and Finland have the advantage of being basically mono-ethnic mono-cultural countries. Same with most of the other countries used to make these sort of Japan.

And where of these samples coming from? I mean the ratios.

Just in NYC there are some neighborhoods with small class sizes and some with large ones ( Wanna guess what the average income of people that live in those neighborhoods are?). If you aggregate them paints a picture that is far from what's going on.
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Why do people insist on thinking that tax cuts have to be paid for?

They have it exactly backward.

Spending has to be paid for. Tax cuts means you stop spending as much. Government has no right to an income. In fact, government has no rights.
Why do people insist on thinking that tax cuts have to be paid for?

They have it exactly backward.

Spending has to be paid for. Tax cuts means you stop spending as much. Government has no right to an income. In fact, government has no rights.

It's what their masters tells them
[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]
Why do people insist on thinking that tax cuts have to be paid for?

They have it exactly backward.

Spending has to be paid for. Tax cuts means you stop spending as much. Government has no right to an income. In fact, government has no rights.

It's what their masters tells them
I know.

For once, I would just love to see one of them ask...."Why are we spending this uncountable amount of money?"

"Are these programs actually worth the pain suffering they are causing?"

Will my penis get bigger if I spend all this?"
It makes me laugh how the left, who voted for Obama in their droves... and who had no detailed plans, no experience, nothing except pretty speeches to go on... and that was smart. Now, suddenly, they need 'details'.

The double standards of liberals is very funny.

Bin Laden - check

auto industry - check

health care - check

most of al Qaeda - check

Then there are all the things he did in spite of Republicans trying to make America fail. It's not only funny, it's "hysterical".

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