Romney now channeling President Bill Clinton.

Romney now channeling President Bill Clinton.

Not sure why it is so Shocking. I voted for Clinton Twice, because he was a Moderate.

Romney is a Moderate some might say even Liberal Republican. Yes I know he is playing to the right at the Moment because of the Election, but his Record is clearly one of a Moderate to Liberal Republican.

Ill Take a Mega Rich, Moderate Republican, Over a plain old Rich, Liberal Democrat any day of the week.


What so Funny? You calling me a liar? I also very Vocally Defended him over the Lewinsky BS. Never thought it should have been an issue in the first place. But people Evolve and so do Parties. I became more Conservative on Certain Issues, and the Democrat Party has moved left. They Lost me. Not to say that the Republican Party has me or anything either.

But why am I arguing with you over it. You are gonna believe what ever Re-enforces the Stereotypes you believe about people who don't agree with you lol.

I'll repeal the Bush tax cuts!

I'll close Gitmo!

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.

Hope and change!

Once we transformed the government from something which helped the average worker to something which was owned by the wealthy, our leaders got into the religion business, dispensing hope to the serfs.

Reagan's "Morning in America" turned out to be 30 years of expanding credit. Obama's hope and change turned out to be a 3rd term of Bush, complete with his tax cuts and the Patriot Act.

People don't get it. The problem isn't government. There is no government. The problem is the rise of concentrated wealth in the private sector. Our government has been purchased by wealthy people like the Koch brothers. During the middle ages, the Landlord fed the serfs religion to keep them scared and obedient. What do you think the Republican Party does?
Last edited: are just going gay you always do..asking to swallow my jiz.

Sorry "TheGreatGulpster" thanks.

Don't swing that way.

So it's uncivil for me to call you a liar, but it's okay for you to make homophobic slurs? That's just the epitome of sadness.

We're still waiting for you to tell us what "largest tax" Clinton passed. I think you can't b/c you know you lied in your OP and now you have to make it about shameful hypocritical character attacks.

Oh stop you fucking fag.

Go find another straight guy to hit on.

Or better yet..get with your own kind.

You might get lucky.


Okay __ I think you one upped my uncivil display now. How about you tell met the "largest tax hike" that Clinton passed.
Wow. That was low.

Yes it was. It was almost as low as the "baby killer" arguments that people like to make so often. I'm sick of the bullies around here who want to dish shit out, and think they should be immune from being on the receiving end. I've got more where that came from. I think it's time to forget the golden rule for a while, and work on rusty blade rule. Stephanie acts like a douche bag to others, so that tells me that she must want others to act like a douche bag toward her.
Wow. That was low.

Yes it was. It was almost as low as the "baby killer" arguments that people like to make so often. I'm sick of the bullies around here who want to dish shit out, and think they should be immune from being on the receiving end. I've got more where that came from. I think it's time to forget the golden rule for a while, and work on rusty blade rule. Stephanie acts like a douche bag to others, so that tells me that she must want others to act like a douche bag toward her.

here's some douche bag for ya..

go to hell
Not sure why it is so Shocking. I voted for Clinton Twice, because he was a Moderate.

Romney is a Moderate some might say even Liberal Republican. Yes I know he is playing to the right at the Moment because of the Election, but his Record is clearly one of a Moderate to Liberal Republican.

Ill Take a Mega Rich, Moderate Republican, Over a plain old Rich, Liberal Democrat any day of the week.


What so Funny? You calling me a liar? I also very Vocally Defended him over the Lewinsky BS. Never thought it should have been an issue in the first place. But people Evolve and so do Parties. I became more Conservative on Certain Issues, and the Democrat Party has moved left. They Lost me. Not to say that the Republican Party has me or anything either.

But why am I arguing with you over it. You are gonna believe what ever Re-enforces the Stereotypes you believe about people who don't agree with you lol.


I don't think you are lying. I think you may believe that at some point you voted for Clinton twice, but never actually did in real life.

I don't think you live in reality, Charlie.

Several exchanges with you in threads, and the little meltdown you had in PMs have convinced me that you truly believe the things you post.

But they are only real in your mind.
Wow. That was low.

Yes it was. It was almost as low as the "baby killer" arguments that people like to make so often. I'm sick of the bullies around here who want to dish shit out, and think they should be immune from being on the receiving end. I've got more where that came from. I think it's time to forget the golden rule for a while, and work on rusty blade rule. Stephanie acts like a douche bag to others, so that tells me that she must want others to act like a douche bag toward her.

It was just low.

I mostly like the stuff you post..but you should check yourself.

Steph's pretty mild in her barbs.

Wishing that sort of thing on her..was way out of whack.

And against TOS.
Wow. That was low.

Yes it was. It was almost as low as the "baby killer" arguments that people like to make so often. I'm sick of the bullies around here who want to dish shit out, and think they should be immune from being on the receiving end. I've got more where that came from. I think it's time to forget the golden rule for a while, and work on rusty blade rule. Stephanie acts like a douche bag to others, so that tells me that she must want others to act like a douche bag toward her.

It was just low.

I mostly like the stuff you post..but you should check yourself.

Steph's pretty mild in her barbs.

Wishing that sort of thing on her..was way out of whack.

And against TOS.

I realize that my comment was uncalled for. But here's the thing.....Stephanie's comment is just as much an insult that invokes people's family members as my own. But comments like hers are plenty abundant on this board, and are tolerated on pretty much a daily basis. I mean, seriously, wanting to murder one's own children? How is THAT not an extremely low blow? How is that any less against the TOS?

Well, I'll tell you why. It's quite simple. The right wing nuts on this board are so numerous, and make such claims on such a regular basis, that most people have simply become used to it and fail to recognize it for what it is anymore. Yes, I'm pro choice. I find it deeply offensive for someone to say things like Stephanie said, things that we hear said on this board all the time. I have no interest in murdering my children. The very suggestion that I do is abhorrently repugnant. Where has the action been to curb this behavior? Well, what can I say? Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.
Yes it was. It was almost as low as the "baby killer" arguments that people like to make so often. I'm sick of the bullies around here who want to dish shit out, and think they should be immune from being on the receiving end. I've got more where that came from. I think it's time to forget the golden rule for a while, and work on rusty blade rule. Stephanie acts like a douche bag to others, so that tells me that she must want others to act like a douche bag toward her.

It was just low.

I mostly like the stuff you post..but you should check yourself.

Steph's pretty mild in her barbs.

Wishing that sort of thing on her..was way out of whack.

And against TOS.

I realize that my comment was uncalled for. But here's the thing.....Stephanie's comment is just as much an insult that invokes people's family members as my own. But comments like hers are plenty abundant on this board, and are tolerated on pretty much a daily basis. I mean, seriously, wanting to murder one's own children? How is THAT not an extremely low blow? How is that any less against the TOS?

Well, I'll tell you why. It's quite simple. The right wing nuts on this board are so numerous, and make such claims on such a regular basis, that most people have simply become used to it and fail to recognize it for what it is anymore. Yes, I'm pro choice. I find it deeply offensive for someone to say things like Stephanie said, things that we hear said on this board all the time. I have no interest in murdering my children. The very suggestion that I do is abhorrently repugnant. Where has the action been to curb this behavior? Well, what can I say? Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.

too bad you find it offensive..I call it the way I see is "murdering" your own child..
or just carry on with your sensitive self, no one cares
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too bad you find it offensive..I call it the way I see is "murdering" your own child..
or just carry on with your sensitive self, no one cares

And this is why you're a fucking hypocrite. You think you're entitled to dish it out, but anyone who does the same thing to you be damned.
too bad you find it offensive..I call it the way I see is "murdering" your own child..
or just carry on with your sensitive self, no one cares

And this is why you're a fucking hypocrite. You think you're entitled to dish it out, but anyone who does the same thing to you be damned.

Some friendly advice.

Stick with the person..and not the family.

It's simpler that way.
too bad you find it offensive..I call it the way I see is "murdering" your own child..
or just carry on with your sensitive self, no one cares

And this is why you're a fucking hypocrite. You think you're entitled to dish it out, but anyone who does the same thing to you be damned.

Some friendly advice.

Stick with the person..and not the family.

It's simpler that way.

I agree with you completely. But I don't see any good reason why that should be a one way street.
And this is why you're a fucking hypocrite. You think you're entitled to dish it out, but anyone who does the same thing to you be damned.

Some friendly advice.

Stick with the person..and not the family.

It's simpler that way.

I agree with you completely. But I don't see any good reason why that should be a one way street.

It's not.

Mods are pretty fair here.

You see a post you think is over the line..flag it.

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