Romney Predicts His Policies Will Bring Unemployment Down To 6%


Are you dressing in drag to vote again this year?

I'm one of the seniors(77) who doesn't want his retirement and health insurance phucked with. I was in a union for years. I don't want those rights phucked with either.
So WHy do you allow Obama to 'phuck with it'? And WHY do the taxpayers have to pay for it?

The beginning of the end of labor unions in this country was when Reagan sucker punched PATCO. The low down hypocritical son-of-a-bitch was the head of a labor union himself for years. Republicans stand for corporations and low taxes for the wealthy. Democrats stand for those who can't get a break in America.

The reason Republicans even stand a chance to win an election at the national level is poor folks who thump their bibles and actually believe that those at the head of our great republic also do that. It's a myth...just like the Jesus story...half of the congress are millionaires and Jesus hated a rich man more than any other group referred to in the new testament. Those are the facts....go check for yourself.
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I'm one of the seniors(77) who doesn't want his retirement and health insurance phucked with. I was in a union for years. I don't want those rights phucked with either.
So WHy do you allow Obama to 'phuck with it'? And WHY do the taxpayers have to pay for it?

The beginning of the end of labor unions in this country was when Reagan sucker punched PATCO. The low down hypocritical son-of-a-bitch was the head of a labor union himself for years. Republicans stand for corporations, low taxes and the wealthy. Democrats stand for those who can't get a break in America.
ehhhhhhhhhhh! wrong! it's those that got a break and opportunity but never did anything with it or attempted to do anything with it or even wanted to do anything with it. That's who wants to vote for democrats.
I'm one of the seniors(77) who doesn't want his retirement and health insurance phucked with. I was in a union for years. I don't want those rights phucked with either.
So WHy do you allow Obama to 'phuck with it'? And WHY do the taxpayers have to pay for it?

The beginning of the end of labor unions in this country was when Reagan sucker punched PATCO. The low down hypocritical son-of-a-bitch was the head of a labor union himself for years. Republicans stand for corporations and low taxes for the wealthy. Democrats stand for those who can't get a break in America.

The reason Republicans even stand a chance to win an election at the national level is poor folks who thump their bibles and actually believe that those at the head of our great republic also do that. It's a myth...just like the Jesus story...half of the congress are millionaires and Jesus hated a rich man more than any other group referred to in the new testament. Those are the facts....go check for yourself.

NO...they got what was coming to them...they were in the process of paralyzing the entire ATC network.

Sorry. I was onboard with Reagan when he did it.
Now let Mr flip flop show us something more than noise how he will lower the unemployment rate.
So WHy do you allow Obama to 'phuck with it'? And WHY do the taxpayers have to pay for it?

The beginning of the end of labor unions in this country was when Reagan sucker punched PATCO. The low down hypocritical son-of-a-bitch was the head of a labor union himself for years. Republicans stand for corporations, low taxes and the wealthy. Democrats stand for those who can't get a break in America.
ehhhhhhhhhhh! wrong! it's those that got a break and opportunity but never did anything with it or attempted to do anything with it or even wanted to do anything with it. That's who wants to vote for democrats.

That is a foolish notion and only proves your age. If you had been around in the 30's and 40's(my age is 77) you would know that companies ruled every aspect of the American lives. The bosses gave their relatives good jobs and when another emplyoee missed a couple of days they fired him. I'm sure you noticed (HIM) because women were lodged in their homes, pregnant and if one dared to speak up for women's rights they were ostraci ed by their peers. Blacks were still living in slavery because of the advent of "sharecropping." There were county farms(poorhouses) where the disabled, poverty stricken and anyone else who could not fend for themselves ended up. As we speak there are tens of thousands of unmarked graves in those excuses for the rich caring for the poor. After Roosevelt's WPA, RFD, TVA, CCC, social security etc. those same people began to be able to live a decent life and provide for their families. You and those like you don't know schit!! The Republican party would like to see people in that same shape again.

The Republican young in this country are brainwashed almost as much as the bible thumpers.
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The CBO has [rojected that unemployment will be down to 5.3% by the end of the next presidential term. Romney would phuck up a two car funeral.

Obama's spending is down too....'course why wouldn't it be, one of the Bush wars ended and the other on the way out:


Nice. I like to go to also.

The CBO has [rojected that unemployment will be down to 5.3% by the end of the next presidential term. Romney would phuck up a two car funeral.

Obama's spending is down too....'course why wouldn't it be, one of the Bush wars ended and the other on the way out:


Republicans are trying to make the case those are Obama's wars.
As if war spending - initiated by Bush - should be attached to Obama. Like he had a choice ....

creative accounting and spin over substance ... wonder if it will work?

I've read Romney said 4% at one point, he must have been sleepy that day.

The CBO has [rojected that unemployment will be down to 5.3% by the end of the next presidential term. Romney would phuck up a two car funeral.

Obama's spending is down too....'course why wouldn't it be, one of the Bush wars ended and the other on the way out:


Republicans are trying to make the case those are Obama's wars.

Republicans have absolutely no problem spending like a drunken sailor - as long as THEY get to pick what it's being spend on (wars and making the wealthy wealthier)

But when a Democrat is calling the shots and spends less than a third of what his Republican predecessor spent, all of a sudden it's "out of control spending" LOL

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