Romney Says Humans Responsible For Global Warming

Trying to twist the truth, as usual, huh? Global warming is real. Global cooling is real.

Trying to blame cyclical changes in the Earth's temperatures on MAN though, kind of takes it to where you hope the ignorant will assume global warming and man-made global warming -- the latter being the warcry from the left) are one and same.

Grow up.

So the 82% of Scientists who say it is real and 97% of Climate Scientists who say it is real need to do some growing up?


Climate change IS real.

Whether or not it is man caused is another story and still up for debate

Exactly what "technology" did we have during the first ice age that caused THAT climate change?

Back in the late 1700's we had a second "mini" ice age. Was that the fault of blacksmiths or maybe peace pipes?

We had warm ups after both ice ages.....wonder if conastoga wagons gave off emissions.....


I guess you are right

We should continue to dump shit into the air until every scientist and politician agrees that is not a good thing to do
So the 82% of Scientists who say it is real and 97% of Climate Scientists who say it is real need to do some growing up?


Climate change IS real.

Whether or not it is man caused is another story and still up for debate

Exactly what "technology" did we have during the first ice age that caused THAT climate change?

Back in the late 1700's we had a second "mini" ice age. Was that the fault of blacksmiths or maybe peace pipes?

We had warm ups after both ice ages.....wonder if conastoga wagons gave off emissions.....


I guess you are right

We should continue to dump shit into the air until every scientist and politician agrees that is not a good thing to do

I didn't see anywhere in his post where he spoke against recycling, that's just a story you have going in your head.

All he's asking for is scientific proof, doesn't seem like a lot to ask for to me, call me crazy.
Looks like Mitt is going to have to make more room in his shoe closet. :lol:

I guess he's trying to appeal to Republicans that believe in real science. I really didn't know there were any left.
Given the past few years of really cold winters and practically no Spring and just last month an average temperature four degress below the previous year (64 vs. 60) I would say that if this global warming does not stop we are going to freeze to death!
I guess the uber-educated global warming crowd slept through the science classes where you were taught about the Earth getting cooler, and then warmer, and then cooler, and then warmer, and then cooler, and then warmer... continuing on for I don't know... 4.5 billion years.
I guess the uber-educated global warming crowd slept through the science classes where you were taught about the Earth getting cooler, and then warmer, and then cooler, and then warmer, and then cooler, and then warmer... continuing on for I don't know... 4.5 billion years.

Yeah but we need to tax americans more in order to keep the Chinese and the Indians from destroying the ozone, don't you get it................?
Policies that deal with global warming are about as popular with Tea Party members as the healthcare law, but why should Romney be concerned with that? There is no way Romney is going to win the Tea Party votes over Bachmann, Cain, or Palin if she runs. Romney's best chance is picking up more moderate Republicans and Democrat crossovers.
Romneycare & Cap and Trade winning the nomination of a party where half the members are, or were, birfers, and a significant minority who believe Obama "might be" Satan?

That would be some feat.
Romneycare & Cap and Trade winning the nomination of a party where half the members are, or were, birfers, and a significant minority who believe Obama "might be" Satan?

That would be some feat.

It's all just a dog and pony show for the unwashed masses anyway. Obama's re-election is certain.
Global warming, the science that can only be believed in.

If you have faith in Global Warming you shall have life ever after. Sure you'll live without heat in the winter or air conditioning the summer, but if you were fucking stupid enough to buy into this thats better than you deserve.

82% of the worlds scientists must be wrong with only the GOP understanding the "Real" Science

holy shit, 82 percent of THE WORLD scientist eh. gawd you are such a sheep :lol::lol::lol:
Mitt's dead in the water after admitting that global warming exists.
Tea Partiers will be certain he's a Commie.

Where in the GOP handbook does it say you are not allowed to believe in scientific evidence?

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