Romney Says Trump Could Inspire Trickle Down Racism...


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2013
I think this is the same guy that made the racially coded "47%" comment. Its amazing to see the cons turn on Trump. Romney say he cant in good conscious vote for Trump.
And this bullshit coming from a self proclaimed moderate with PROGRESSIVE ideas!

No one cares what that loser moderate says. He was the GOP sacrificial lamb to allow Dems to win.
I think this is the same guy that made the racially coded "47%" comment. Its amazing to see the cons turn on Trump. Romney say he cant in good conscious vote for Trump.

Romney was the one who enabled the Trumpenfuhrer by kissing his ring in 2012. He's the last person to gripe about him now.
Oh that trickle already started a good ways back.

>> Prosecutors said the men beat 58-year-old Guillermo Rodriguez because they thought he was an illegal immigrant. Scott Leader told police the violence was acceptable because the victim was homeless and Hispanic.

“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” Scott Leader said after the attack, according to authorities.

...“I cannot understand why they did this to me,” Rodriguez said in a statement. “I did not do anything to them and did not even know them.”

He still feels pain throughout his body from the attack, he said.

“I have heard that they did this because of political rhetoric,” Rodriguez said. “I came to this country many years ago and worked hard in the farm fields to provide produce to people here. I actually became a permanent resident of this country years ago although if I had been undocumented, I still would not have deserved to have been beaten in this way.” << -- South Boston Brothers Plead Guilty (from last August)
>> The mother of one of the defendants cried as the judge laid into the young men, whom authorities said were captured on surveillance video going without permission into the chapel, located at 1870 Sheridan Road in Evanston, with spray cans at about 12:45 a.m. Friday.

.... Once inside the chapel, the pair spray-painted an expletive and a slur against African-Americans with a swastika on the chapel hallway, Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Brooke Shupe told the court. In a separate area, they spray-painted a derogatory word for homosexuals on a wall, along with lines spray-painted over photos of Muslim students.

The young men also spray-painted penises in several places around the church, including on a piano in the chapel, above the word “God” in a hallway, and in a stairwell where they also painted the word “Trump,” authorities said, Shupe said. << --- Northwestern University Students Charged with Hate Crime, Vandalism
>> We both have brown skin color,” Usama said. “… He said, ‘Hey you brown trash, you better go home.'”

Usama said his friend replied: “It’s my country. Who the hell are you to tell me, ‘Go home?'” The man pushed Usama’s friend and said, according to Usama: “Say that again.” Usama’s friend pushed back.

Then, Usama said the beating began.

“He seemed to be looking for a fight,” Usama said. “… The man started punching my friend. My friend dodged the first punch. I got in the middle of them — I told my friend to get back in the car. [The man] pushed me and he hit me over.” Then, he turned back to Usama’s friend, “kicking him in the stomach, indiscriminately punching him,” Usama said. He called 911. And, while the student was waiting for police to arrive and as the alleged beating continued, the motorcyclist took a moment to weigh in on the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

“He was shouting, ‘Trump!'” Usama said. “‘Trump will take our country from you guys!'”

The man eventually got back on his bike and, before police arrived, circled Usama and his now prostrate friend. (The alleged beating was reported by the Wichita Eagle early Monday morning.)

“He was chanting, ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!'” Usama said. “‘Make America great again! You guys are the losers! You guys, we’ll throw you over the wall!'” Usama added: “You know, the usual things you see at a Trump rally.” Usama and his friend, who did not wish to speak to the media, escaped without serious injury and reported the incident as a hate crime, Usama said. But after outbreaks of violence at Trump rallies and elsewhere — and unheeded calls for the candidate to try to stop them — the alleged attack in Kansas again suggests how violence is becoming associated with Trump’s White House bid. << --- Biker Chants "Trump!" While Assaulting Brown Students
Oh that trickle already started a good ways back.

And Obama made it into a spigot.

Obama the bigot spigot.

Yeah he poured it on didn't he? With all that talk about "rapists" and "disgusting pigs" and "losers" and "blood out of her whatever" and "Mexican judges" and .... oh wait that was somebody else.
I don't recall Obama saying any of that.
He instead made every possible incident racial and blamed cops and non-blacks at every opportunity just to keep the voting base segregated and riled up.
Worked on you.
Oh that trickle already started a good ways back.

And Obama made it into a spigot.

Obama the bigot spigot.

Yeah he poured it on didn't he? With all that talk about "rapists" and "disgusting pigs" and "losers" and "blood out of her whatever" and "Mexican judges" and .... oh wait that was somebody else.
I don't recall Obama saying any of that.
He instead made every possible incident racial and blamed cops and non-blacks at every opportunity just to keep the voting base segregated and riled up.
Worked on you.
I dont recall him saying anything against non whites. Matter of fact he is the one that supports legal immigration and unity.
I think this is the same guy that made the racially coded "47%" comment. Its amazing to see the cons turn on Trump. Romney say he cant in good conscious vote for Trump.
Romny isn't a con ,McCain and the rest of their stupid gang had their chance and blew it.The new found love for these guys from the left is really hypocritical.
I think this is the same guy that made the racially coded "47%" comment. Its amazing to see the cons turn on Trump. Romney say he cant in good conscious vote for Trump.
Romny isn't a con ,McCain and the rest of their stupid gang had their chance and blew it.The new found love for these guys from the left is really hypocritical.
I thought the GOP was a conservative political party? Didnt Romney and McCain run for POTUS under the GOP? You see no love from me. If your reading comprehension is working correctly you would see that I am mocking him after he made his coded 47% comment.
Anybody who refers to Romney as a "conservative" must be getting their political analysis from the comedy channel. I guess Romney lives in a gated community but here in the real world it seems that Barry Hussein has escalated racial tensions more than any president, republican or democrat, in modern history.
Oh that trickle already started a good ways back.

And Obama made it into a spigot.

Obama the bigot spigot.

Yeah he poured it on didn't he? With all that talk about "rapists" and "disgusting pigs" and "losers" and "blood out of her whatever" and "Mexican judges" and .... oh wait that was somebody else.
I don't recall Obama saying any of that.
He instead made every possible incident racial and blamed cops and non-blacks at every opportunity just to keep the voting base segregated and riled up.
Worked on you.

"Cops" is a race now?
Ya learn so much on this site.

But as per usual --- any time anyone brings up Rump and it's not knob-gobbling, the minions come in to change the topic.

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