Romney takes leads in meaningless August Poll

No big changes for awhile, it seems it will stay this way until November when a choice has to be made.

If the economy is looking up, then he will be re-elected.
Wait where is Lakhota to refute that with a Daily Kos poll showing Obama up by 15
Polls are sooooo important this time of year.
Notice the difference...right wingers dont care about polls no matter who's ahead this early.
Leftwingers tout them if their candidate is ahead, but are deadly silent when their candidate is tied or behind
Must mean something to you. You took the time to post it on a Message Board.
Must mean something to you. You took the time to post it on a Message Board.

Just figured I'd make my own annoying thread about polls since I have to see like four different ones every time I get on here. When in Rome ...
I think there's one poll that was recently taken that has the Dems worried and that was I believe a Gallup poll that has Republican excitement and interest in the election up 13 points over Dems.

And to me the proof is in the pudding. Romeny has now out raised Obama for 3 months running; but the biggest differentiation are in the donations to the super pacs.

Romney's super pacs are kicking the Presidents super pacs asses big time.
What the dimwits who believe that polls don't matter at this point miss, is how early independents are abandoning Obama. People are making up their minds, and deciding that Romney is a douchebag.

So did McCain and look what happened. I don't think Obama has as much momentum as he did 4 years ago but I feel pretty certain he'll win. For me, he is the lesser of 2 evils due to his stance on women's and other social rights and freedoms for the most part. And I think neither candidate (or any for that matter) can significantly affect the economy for the average person.
Polls schmolls. Obama will waltz into a second, far more destructive term. He's going to bail out "every industry" that donates to his campaign, "share the wealth" with the undeserving, and "equalize outcomes" so the lazy can succeed too. He's just what we need to become the 3rd rate power he envisions the US as.

83 days bitches......

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