Romney, the firmest opposition to amnesty won Latino vote!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
Pro-self-deportaton Romney won the Latino vote by 54% to 29%.

Offered a stark choice on the illegal immigration issue, Florida Latino Republicans today broke nearly 2-1 for the candidate with the firmest opposition to amnesty and the strongest support for enforcement.

Whites -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 13 percentage points

Latinos -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 25 percentage points
Good, I think most legal latino's understands why they came here for a better life and don't want this country becoming that.
Pro-self-deportaton Romney won the Latino vote by 54% to 29%.

Offered a stark choice on the illegal immigration issue, Florida Latino Republicans today broke nearly 2-1 for the candidate with the firmest opposition to amnesty and the strongest support for enforcement.

Whites -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 13 percentage points

Latinos -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 25 percentage points

Because he is a Neo-Con RHINO that wont deport illegals just like Bush or Obamafuck???

Fuck him and his lies....
Because he is a Neo-Con RHINO that wont deport illegals just like Bush or Obamafuck???

Fuck him and his lies....[/QUOTE]

Wow, you are a moron. Grow up.
Because he is a Neo-Con RHINO that wont deport illegals just like Bush or Obamafuck???

Fuck him and his lies....

Wow, you are a moron. Grow up.


I did and I figured out rather quickly that they're all the same. Well I suppose Carter and Obama and Clinton are a special breed of stupid and tyranny... Guys like Romney or Newt on the othe
rhand are just classical "the same."

If I'm so fucking stupid tell me what the differences are between Romney, Newt and Bush???

Oh yeah...

But I'm the fucking idiot..
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I love how the progressives do their best to attempt to throw the thread off by using "[quote/]"

I'm not dumb you know you fucking fucks..
I love how the progressives do their best to attempt to throw the thread off by using "[quote/]"

I'm not dumb you know you fucking fucks..

All politics aside, you have proven time and again that you are in fact a very stupid person.

Just sayin'...
Not surprising. he is also the candidate with one of the strongest arguments for making legal immigration easier.

And unlike what Democrats try to pretend, illegal immigration isnt a matter of race.
Who else do they have? A vote for Romney in the Republican race is a vote for the one who can work for all of America. He is the most like Obama. If he does win in November by some fluke, I will feel the most comfortable with him at the helm.

Newt really screwed up when he talked about putting Sarah Palin in his cabinet.

I think voters are sending messages to the Republican party. Stop with the extreme wingnutty commentary. It is archaic and so completely inappropriate for 2012.
Pro-self-deportaton Romney won the Latino vote by 54% to 29%.

Offered a stark choice on the illegal immigration issue, Florida Latino Republicans today broke nearly 2-1 for the candidate with the firmest opposition to amnesty and the strongest support for enforcement.

Whites -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 13 percentage points

Latinos -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 25 percentage points

This is sort of meaningless, but the nativists will cling to it as justification for their bigotry, I guess.

Okay, let's review. The "Hispanic" population in Florida is Cuban. If we had the same policy towards Mexico as we did towards Cuba, in so far as immigration, we'd have 50 million Mexicans here.

We build fences to keep Mexicans out. We conducted airlifts to bring Cubans in. Castro opens his prisons and mental hospitals, and we take them in gladly.

The last time we deported a Cuban was Elian Gonzalez, and that kid probalby wanted to go home.

Sadly, we do have a problem where this angry little community in Florida is allowed to throw a fifty year temper tantrum because THEY LOST!

We'd have gotten rid of Castro years ago if we didn't pander to these people's inability to realize they got chased out of their own country by their angry countrymen.

But back where the real Hispanic vote is Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, Yeah, Mr. "Dark Skin is a Curse from God" is going to do worse than McCain.
Who else do they have? A vote for Romney in the Republican race is a vote for the one who can work for all of America. He is the most like Obama. If he does win in November by some fluke, I will feel the most comfortable with him at the helm.

Newt really screwed up when he talked about putting Sarah Palin in his cabinet.

I think voters are sending messages to the Republican party. Stop with the extreme wingnutty commentary. It is archaic and so completely inappropriate for 2012.

Shhhh...shhhhhh... haven't you gotten the Soros Talking points yet. Romney is EEEEEvil.

Now that's he got the nomination in the bag, that is.
Pro-self-deportaton Romney won the Latino vote by 54% to 29%.

Offered a stark choice on the illegal immigration issue, Florida Latino Republicans today broke nearly 2-1 for the candidate with the firmest opposition to amnesty and the strongest support for enforcement.

Whites -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 13 percentage points

Latinos -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 25 percentage points

This is sort of meaningless, but the nativists will cling to it as justification for their bigotry, I guess.

Okay, let's review. The "Hispanic" population in Florida is Cuban. If we had the same policy towards Mexico as we did towards Cuba, in so far as immigration, we'd have 50 million Mexicans here.

We build fences to keep Mexicans out. We conducted airlifts to bring Cubans in. Castro opens his prisons and mental hospitals, and we take them in gladly.

The last time we deported a Cuban was Elian Gonzalez, and that kid probalby wanted to go home.

Sadly, we do have a problem where this angry little community in Florida is allowed to throw a fifty year temper tantrum because THEY LOST!

We'd have gotten rid of Castro years ago if we didn't pander to these people's inability to realize they got chased out of their own country by their angry countrymen.

But back where the real Hispanic vote is Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, Yeah, Mr. "Dark Skin is a Curse from God" is going to do worse than McCain.

Did sean penn help you prepare that post, comrade?
It's a mistake to lump all spanish speakers together under the label "hispanic". The hispanics in Florida are by a huge majority Cuban. They do not find mexicans, el salvadorans or columbians part of the Cuban La Familia. It is not at all surprising that Cubans would be anti illegal immigrant - from other countries.
Pro-self-deportaton Romney won the Latino vote by 54% to 29%.

Offered a stark choice on the illegal immigration issue, Florida Latino Republicans today broke nearly 2-1 for the candidate with the firmest opposition to amnesty and the strongest support for enforcement.

Whites -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 13 percentage points

Latinos -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 25 percentage points

I guarantee you that when Romney becomes president he's going to push for a path to legalization, just like Bush did.
Who else do they have? A vote for Romney in the Republican race is a vote for the one who can work for all of America. He is the most like Obama. If he does win in November by some fluke, I will feel the most comfortable with him at the helm.

Newt really screwed up when he talked about putting Sarah Palin in his cabinet.

I think voters are sending messages to the Republican party. Stop with the extreme wingnutty commentary. It is archaic and so completely inappropriate for 2012.

That's actually kind of why I like the guy. I don't think he's Bush 2.0. I think he's Romney 1.0. When he talks about helping Americans - he talks about helping ALL Americans, not the poor, not the rich... but everyone. To me, that's kind of what the President is supposed to do.

I doubt we would ever hear him refer to his fellow Americans as 'the enemy'.
Saying that Romney won the Latino vote is misleading for a Primary. The Primary is limited to the party, so all we see here is that a slight majority of REPUBLICAN Hispanics preferred Romney over the other candidates. This is really nothing to be worked up over. The GOP platform is generally pro-strong immigration policy. We should expect that anyone participating in the GOP primary is already going to share such a position. Also, none of the remaining GOP candidates really espoused a substantially different position on immigration issues. All things considered, it's inconsequencial that Romney had any degree of Hispanic support or not.

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