Romney the RINO is at it again

Romney keeps flailing and getting nowhere. He should just give up. Conservatives see him as a RINO.

---Mitt Romney slammed former Presidentj Donald Trump for pledging to be a dictator---

Come on Mitt, can't you tell it's just a figure of speech?

Trump and Romney are both RINO's. To hell with both of them.
Trump claimed that he would use his first day in office to close the border and drill for oil

The president doesn't have the authority to drill for oil. Nor does he have the authority to build 10 new cities. Complete with flying cars.

Romney keeps flailing and getting nowhere. He should just give up. Conservatives see him as a RINO.

---Mitt Romney slammed former Presidentj Donald Trump for pledging to be a dictator---

Come on Mitt, can't you tell it's just a figure of speech?

Would you feel honored if Trump shot you on 5th Avenue?
Romney keeps flailing and getting nowhere. He should just give up. Conservatives see him as a RINO.

---Mitt Romney slammed former Presidentj Donald Trump for pledging to be a dictator---

Come on Mitt, can't you tell it's just a figure of speech?

Trump who raised the national debt by $8tn is conservative?

Those earlier guardians of American conservatism might have approved of plans to shrink the government but it’s safe to say would have been appalled by the Trumpian project of replacing civil service neutrality with obedient legions of the loyal, the hallmark of authoritarian expansion of executive power.

All this, however, pales into insignificance besides a campaign that refuses to acknowledge the attempted sabotage of the constitution and the renewed attempt to recreate a presidency seated on a throne of lies. Hogan put it well. Trump continues to characterize January 6 2021 as “a beautiful day”. It was not, Hogan retorted: “It was one of the darkest days in American history. I was sending in the Maryland National Guard . . . to protect the leaders of Congress while they are chanting to hang the vice-president.”

This is good
Romney keeps flailing and getting nowhere. He should just give up. Conservatives see him as a RINO.

---Mitt Romney slammed former Presidentj Donald Trump for pledging to be a dictator---

Come on Mitt, can't you tell it's just a figure of speech?

There you go again. MAGA Republicans see him as a rino. Conservatives see him for what he is, a conservative Republican.

And RINO is just a bs attack. There is no such thing. and Romney was the head of the GOP. He was the GOP nominee for President.
Trump who raised the national debt by $8tn is conservative?

Those earlier guardians of American conservatism might have approved of plans to shrink the government but it’s safe to say would have been appalled by the Trumpian project of replacing civil service neutrality with obedient legions of the loyal, the hallmark of authoritarian expansion of executive power.

All this, however, pales into insignificance besides a campaign that refuses to acknowledge the attempted sabotage of the constitution and the renewed attempt to recreate a presidency seated on a throne of lies. Hogan put it well. Trump continues to characterize January 6 2021 as “a beautiful day”. It was not, Hogan retorted: “It was one of the darkest days in American history. I was sending in the Maryland National Guard . . . to protect the leaders of Congress while they are chanting to hang the vice-president.”

This is good

Trump is a Republican, but he was never a conservative. Not really. He's always been an opportunist, like his daddy.
Trump is a Republican, but he was never a conservative. Not really. He's always been an opportunist, like his daddy.
'Opportunist' is a courtesy term for orange bag O' shit. Malignant narcissist huckster manipulative self involved white fellow born with a silver spoon up his ass seems more on point.

He's a textbook populist.
There you go again. MAGA Republicans see him as a rino. Conservatives see him for what he is, a conservative Republican.

And RINO is just a bs attack. There is no such thing. and Romney was the head of the GOP. He was the GOP nominee for President.

Wait, what? MAGA republicans see Romney as a RINO? That's because he is. What they don't see is that most MAGA Republicans are RINO's themselves.

Conservatives see Romney as a RINO too. But they also see Trump and his MAGA crowd as RINO's. Because they are.

RINO: Republican in name only. Which comes from an era around Reagans term, when most republicans were actual conservatives. RINO is simply a big government, big spending republican. The correct acronym should be CINO. Conservative in name only.
There's very few actual conservatives in DC.
Reagan was like THE first RINO. Since he increased the debt ceiling like 17 times. Gave us one tax cut and 4 tax increases. And was the first president to spend more than $1 trillion. He got the fed to lower interest rates, and loan the government a ton of money.
The fed should not have lowered the interest rates because that's one thing that helped keep the USD value in check.
But since Reagan, almost every president, Republican or democrat, have followed in his footsteps with this borrow and spend policy. And it's destroyed the USD value and put us on a collision course with bankruptcy.
Not to mention the fact that it's helping BRICS.

Trumps a rino. McCarthy and Johnson are rino's. Romney is one. 90% of the elected Republicans in DC are rino's.
Romney is and always will be butt hurt over the fact Trump did with no political experience what Romney couldn't run for and win the Presidency that butt hurt doubled when Trump didn't nominate Romney for Secretary of State like he thought he was going to do.
Wait, what? MAGA republicans see Romney as a RINO? That's because he is. What they don't see is that most MAGA Republicans are RINO's themselves.

Conservatives see Romney as a RINO too. But they also see Trump and his MAGA crowd as RINO's. Because they are.

RINO: Republican in name only. Which comes from an era around Reagans term, when most republicans were actual conservatives. RINO is simply a big government, big spending republican. The correct acronym should be CINO. Conservative in name only.
There's very few actual conservatives in DC.
Reagan was like THE first RINO. Since he increased the debt ceiling like 17 times. Gave us one tax cut and 4 tax increases. And was the first president to spend more than $1 trillion. He got the fed to lower interest rates, and loan the government a ton of money.
The fed should not have lowered the interest rates because that's one thing that helped keep the USD value in check.
But since Reagan, almost every president, Republican or democrat, have followed in his footsteps with this borrow and spend policy. And it's destroyed the USD value and put us on a collision course with bankruptcy.
Not to mention the fact that it's helping BRICS.

Trumps a rino. McCarthy and Johnson are rino's. Romney is one. 90% of the elected Republicans in DC are rino's.
It's not ideological, it's personal....Trump attained what Mittens couldn't (even though he had a weaker candidate to run against) and was spurned for the Sec. of State gig in '17.

Mittens is worse than a RINO....He's a petty, vindictive little girl in a man's body.
Nobody cares what TURNCOAT Romney says or does. Romney has had severe butthurt ever since Trump won in 2016.
Trump is a Republican, but he was never a conservative. Not really. He's always been an opportunist, like his daddy.

I'm so glad I didn't fall for it back when he was running for president. He said many, many things I agreed with. I just knew he was a con man. And boy did I turn out to be right. He's in some ways worse than Bush. Bush got hit on 911 and Trump lied about how serious covid was going to be and 1 million people died from it. Trump was way more divisive but Bush lied us into Iran. Bush stole 2 elections Trump tried to steal 1. But before he proved me right, he was saying things that were taboo for Republicans to say. How did he get away with saying all these things? Why did the Trump suckers vote for him when this was the things he was saying back then??? It baffles me.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" "You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

In an October 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump, then a real estate mogul and TV reality star, also called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment “nonsense.”

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,”

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” said Trump, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”
Wait, what? MAGA republicans see Romney as a RINO? That's because he is. What they don't see is that most MAGA Republicans are RINO's themselves.

Conservatives see Romney as a RINO too. But they also see Trump and his MAGA crowd as RINO's. Because they are.

RINO: Republican in name only. Which comes from an era around Reagans term, when most republicans were actual conservatives. RINO is simply a big government, big spending republican. The correct acronym should be CINO. Conservative in name only.
There's very few actual conservatives in DC.
Reagan was like THE first RINO. Since he increased the debt ceiling like 17 times. Gave us one tax cut and 4 tax increases. And was the first president to spend more than $1 trillion. He got the fed to lower interest rates, and loan the government a ton of money.
The fed should not have lowered the interest rates because that's one thing that helped keep the USD value in check.
But since Reagan, almost every president, Republican or democrat, have followed in his footsteps with this borrow and spend policy. And it's destroyed the USD value and put us on a collision course with bankruptcy.
Not to mention the fact that it's helping BRICS.

Trumps a rino. McCarthy and Johnson are rino's. Romney is one. 90% of the elected Republicans in DC are rino's.
The whole idea of a RINO is ridiculous. No such thing exists.
The whole idea of a RINO is ridiculous. No such thing exists.

It does. Just not in the right context. There's too many variables in the definition.

Trump supporters think it's a republican who simply doesn't like Trump.
Republicans think it's someone who votes too far to the left.
Us conservatives think it's someone who votes to spend more than is taken in and votes against the constitution.
(Omnibus bills and things like FISA and the Patriot Act)

90% of the GOP are RINO's. The correct acronym would be CINO. But you can't attach that word to something.

The word "conservative" has also been hijacked. The media, politicians and political people will call any Republican a conservative. When there's very little about them that is conservative.

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