Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

Having spent time thinking about this today, this really shows how weak Romney's candidacy is.

Could you imagine Ronald Reagan tolerating an assclown like Donald Trump for a Minute? Or either President Bush?

For Trump, it's a simple equation. Keep yourself in the news so someone will watch your sorry, lame-ass pathetic show, which stopped being interesting when they stopped using real business-folks and replaced them with washed up celebrities.

But for Romney, you don't want this guy making noises about running as a third party candidate. So you kiss his pinky ring (the most polite thing I could think of him kissing) and let him rattle on now, maybe tell him to shut up before the convention and hope no one remembers this.
Romney is a pussy. He can't even stand up to right wingers who chased away his foreign policy adviser. He couldn't take down one shy kid. He had to talk 5 other guys into doing it for him.

Why is Romney responsible for what Trump says?
Is Sallow responsible every time you flap your lips.
Why don't you explain half the crap that TM puts out there.

Sorry....I take that back.
No one should have to do that... LOL :eek:
I don't know. I think that when they come with evidence that Obama claimed he was born in Kenya to draw the benefits of being a foreign student he will be seen as the fraud that he is. That should help some of the idiots with their vote. However since that is common practice among some liberals (maybe he is a Cherokee?)...I doubt if it will bother some of them one bit. Or hey, do you think Barry might reveal his transcripts like everyone else?
LOL, so trumps remarks OVERSHADOW Romney's appearance..]

see how that works folks...bullshit

but the lamestream media is Republicans friends..

Yeah..they do.

He's not only "associated" with Trump..but Trump is hosting a fundraiser for Romney.

They are going to be joined at the hip for a bit.

Having spent time thinking about this today, this really shows how weak Romney's candidacy is.

Could you imagine Ronald Reagan tolerating an assclown like Donald Trump for a Minute? Or either President Bush?

For Trump, it's a simple equation. Keep yourself in the news so someone will watch your sorry, lame-ass pathetic show, which stopped being interesting when they stopped using real business-folks and replaced them with washed up celebrities.

But for Romney, you don't want this guy making noises about running as a third party candidate. So you kiss his pinky ring (the most polite thing I could think of him kissing) and let him rattle on now, maybe tell him to shut up before the convention and hope no one remembers this.

Bush II had Dick 'I know I can make a million SAYING he has them' Cheney as VP; much worse than Trump. Nobody over 15 years old thinks Trump is more than what he is, a grade B reality TV mouth. And grade A reality TV people are not among the nations' best & brightest.
Lean Forward - Birthers starting to target Mitt Romney: Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank

With Donald Trump leading the way, the group of extremists questioning President Obama's citizenship have managed to insert themselves into Mitt Romney's campaign. Now, the birthers are beginning to question Romney's bona fides, according to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. "The same birthers are now saying: 'Where is Mitt Romney's birth certificate? He never released his,'" said Milbank. "They're saying, 'maybe his middle name isn't Mitt, it's Milton."
I love it

I hope the question of Obamas birth certificate is asked of Mr Romney throughout the campaign

America needs to know

The question has been answered, and Donald Trump is certainly entitled to his opinion.

An advisor to Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said that the former Massachusetts governor does not believe that Barack Obama's birth place is an issue in the White House campaign.

"I can't speak for Donald Trump," Politico quoted Fehrnstrom, as saying.

"But I can tell you that Mitt Romney accepts that President Obama was born in the United States. He doesn't view the place of his birth as an issue in this campaign," he added.
LOL, so trumps remarks OVERSHADOW Romney's appearance..]

see how that works folks...bullshit

but the lamestream media is Republicans friends..

Yeah..they do.

He's not only "associated" with Trump..but Trump is hosting a fundraiser for Romney.

They are going to be joined at the hip for a bit.


awww, how cute that the media would rather report on what trump has to say than focus on Romney, but that's the lapdog media for the DNC
tell us the media isn't think they would EVER write something about Obama not repudiating anything his crazy supporters say?

AP is especially a lapdog for obama

It's sad to see, actually.

AP used to be THE place to go for clear-cut, unbiased factual news.
Now the majority of their stuff reads like op-ed pieces.
Has Obama repudiated, Ayers, Dorn, Wright, Sunstein, Kimberlin, F. Marshall Davis, Soros, etc.?

Of course not, but that's different.
You can tell how desperate the media is to keep their guy in office-

As if Trumps wanting Obama's BC is worse then Obama's support of the occuterrorist's..

BTW Romney IS on the record as saying he believes Obama is a US citizen.

Not that this fact will matter to the desperate libs as they watch Obama run from his terrible record.
It has been a year since Mitt "repudiated" the birther notion... idgit media and their message board monkeys take note~

April 13, 2011

Mitt: Obama Born Here, Period

Mitt Romney forcefully said Tuesday night that he believes President Barack Obama was born in America and that “the citizenship test has been passed.”

“I think the citizenship test has been passed. I believe the president was born in the United States. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office,” Romney told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow the day after he formally announced that he’s exploring a run for the White House. “The man needs to be taken out of office but his citizenship isn’t the reason why.”


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