Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

omg, you aren't seriously going to call questining where Obama was born, Racism?
give us a break already

Yes, I am calling it racism.

besides the fact you only ask these questions about the black guy, you ignore the fact that his mother was an American Citizen, which automatically makes him an eligible candidate, regardless of where he was born.

Just like the fact that John McCain was born in Panama, but his mother was an American citizen, so there was no real issue here, even though it was DOCUMENTED he wasn't born in this country.

Nor was there any controversy when George Romney ran for president in 1968, even though he was born in an LDS Polygamist compound in Mexico.

But no matter how much documentation you jokers are provided that Obama was born in this country, you insist that there is some kind of whacky conspiracy starting in 1961 to foist this guy on us...

because he's the black guy.

LOL, now you're bringing up something from cover for you calling people, RACIST...

Um,, yeah, someone who was the father of the guy you are currently running, yeah.

99% of the animus against Obama is racism... or more exactly, white people afraid of losing their influence and power.

We really need to get over ourselves.
Not nearly the same thing.

Roger Ailes has called Palin "Stupid". No one but the dumbest Teabagger has a high opinion of Sarah Palin.

So you feel that she deserves whatever she gets?

Pretty fucked up Mr One-way.

I think she deserves contempt when she gave up her working class roots and started kissing up to the Koch Brothers, yeah.

More hypocrisy on display.

Obama sucks up to millionaires and billionaires left and right.

I don't think you have a valid point.
Not nearly the same thing.

Roger Ailes has called Palin "Stupid". No one but the dumbest Teabagger has a high opinion of Sarah Palin.

So you feel that she deserves whatever she gets?

Pretty fucked up Mr One-way.

I think she deserves contempt when she gave up her working class roots and started kissing up to the Koch Brothers, yeah.

holy cow, from Mormons now onto hating on women..Sarah Palin is far from being, stupid...
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Yes, I am calling it racism.

besides the fact you only ask these questions about the black guy, you ignore the fact that his mother was an American Citizen, which automatically makes him an eligible candidate, regardless of where he was born.

Just like the fact that John McCain was born in Panama, but his mother was an American citizen, so there was no real issue here, even though it was DOCUMENTED he wasn't born in this country.

Nor was there any controversy when George Romney ran for president in 1968, even though he was born in an LDS Polygamist compound in Mexico.

But no matter how much documentation you jokers are provided that Obama was born in this country, you insist that there is some kind of whacky conspiracy starting in 1961 to foist this guy on us...

because he's the black guy.

LOL, now you're bringing up something from cover for you calling people, RACIST...

Um,, yeah, someone who was the father of the guy you are currently running, yeah.

99% of the animus against Obama is racism... or more exactly, white people afraid of losing their influence and power.

We really need to get over ourselves.

When it's a liberal attacking a black like Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, or Michael Steele you'd be right. Usually it's because of their race. When it's someone like Sarah Palin it's usually about her gender. We have too many differences with Obama's policies for it to be almost all about race.
Last I heard Trump was an American and free to form his own opinions just like everyone else.

On does have to wonder why Barry's transcripts and other college documents are all sealed?? If he's as smart as he want everyone to believe he is he should have that glowing record out there so he can glow over it.

One has to wonder why its all still sealed??

Food for thought.

Yes.......Only Obama surrogates like Cory Booker aren't allowed to have their own opinions.
Last I heard Trump was an American and free to form his own opinions just like everyone else.

On does have to wonder why Barry's transcripts and other college documents are all sealed?? If he's as smart as he want everyone to believe he is he should have that glowing record out there so he can glow over it.

Food for thought.

The question is not whether he has a right to make as ass of himself.

It's "can Romney embrace such foolishness and still be expected to be taken seriously?"

Trump has a crapload of money, and Romney wants him raising money for him rather than running an independent campaign as the "Birfer Candidate".

So he tolerates the racism because, hey, he's afraid.

And frankly, until Raw-Money releases all of his taxes and all the records of Bain's dodgy deals, I think that Obama's college transcripts are kind of irrelevent.

Trump is a lib. He's not fooling anyone.....except schmucks like you.
More hypocrisy on display.

Obama sucks up to millionaires and billionaires left and right.

I don't think you have a valid point.

I don't think you are capable of thinking.

What did Maher say about Palin that wasn't true or his opinion? Stating she is stupid is a valid point, given her propensity to say really stupid things. Okay, calling her the c-word was crude, but it's cable.

On the other hand, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii and Romney knows he was born in Hawaii, and he's embracing this crazy racist wing.

Which begs the question, is there any level this guy won't go to get elected?
More hypocrisy on display.

Obama sucks up to millionaires and billionaires left and right.

I don't think you have a valid point.

I don't think you are capable of thinking.

What did Maher say about Palin that wasn't true or his opinion? Stating she is stupid is a valid point, given her propensity to say really stupid things. Okay, calling her the c-word was crude, but it's cable.

On the other hand, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii and Romney knows he was born in Hawaii, and he's embracing this crazy racist wing.

Which begs the question, is there any level this guy won't go to get elected?

The issue isn't whether what he said was true or's what he said.

Nobody knows Obama was born in Hawaii. They'd know for sure if he'd unseal his original BC, but he refuses to do it. So, people are gonna question it.

I think the Obama camp bringing up this garbage once again shows they're running out of ideas. It's like Mitt is the incumbent and Obama is trying to unseat him.
More hypocrisy on display.

Obama sucks up to millionaires and billionaires left and right.

I don't think you have a valid point.

I don't think you are capable of thinking.

What did Maher say about Palin that wasn't true or his opinion? Stating she is stupid is a valid point, given her propensity to say really stupid things. Okay, calling her the c-word was crude, but it's cable.

On the other hand, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii and Romney knows he was born in Hawaii, and he's embracing this crazy racist wing.

Which begs the question, is there any level this guy won't go to get elected?

oooooooooooooo, he's EMBRACING Obama did Reverend Wright, Bill Maher, etc etc
as for your question of going to any level to win, people are asking the same of Obama..
Trump is a lib. He's not fooling anyone.....except schmucks like you.

Oh, Trump doesn't fool me for a moment. He's a self-aggrandizing reality TV rodeo clown.

This isn't about Trump. It's about Romney.

What we've seen about Romney is that he can't stand up to people. He can't stand up to Trump and his noxious racism.

He can't stand up to Grover Norquist or the religious Zealots at Liberty university (who call hm a cultist) or the misogynistic spew of Rush Limbaugh.

Leadership is being able to lead, not to twist in the wind. You of all people should understand this.

Reagan took on his own party seeking agreements with the USSR when Gorbachev came to power. The "Commies under the bed" Right didn't like it, but he did it. Bill Clinton took on Jesse Jackson and the permanent agreivement crowd when he took on Welfare Reform. Even Obama stood up to the Code Pink types on the war.

I'm just not seeing Romney being at a point where he can say no to anyone. Unless they are poor and have no power.
More hypocrisy on display.

Obama sucks up to millionaires and billionaires left and right.

I don't think you have a valid point.

I don't think you are capable of thinking.

What did Maher say about Palin that wasn't true or his opinion? Stating she is stupid is a valid point, given her propensity to say really stupid things. Okay, calling her the c-word was crude, but it's cable.

On the other hand, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii and Romney knows he was born in Hawaii, and he's embracing this crazy racist wing.

Which begs the question, is there any level this guy won't go to get elected?

oooooooooooooo, he's EMBRACING Obama did Reverend Wright, Bill Maher, etc etc
as for your question of going to any level to win, people are asking the same of Obama..

Since you broguht it up, people demanded Obama denounce the incendiary things that Wright said, and he did.

When is Romney going to denounce the things Trump says?
Trump is a lib. He's not fooling anyone.....except schmucks like you.

Oh, Trump doesn't fool me for a moment. He's a self-aggrandizing reality TV rodeo clown.

This isn't about Trump. It's about Romney.

What we've seen about Romney is that he can't stand up to people. He can't stand up to Trump and his noxious racism.

He can't stand up to Grover Norquist or the religious Zealots at Liberty university (who call hm a cultist) or the misogynistic spew of Rush Limbaugh.

Leadership is being able to lead, not to twist in the wind. You of all people should understand this.

Reagan took on his own party seeking agreements with the USSR when Gorbachev came to power. The "Commies under the bed" Right didn't like it, but he did it. Bill Clinton took on Jesse Jackson and the permanent agreivement crowd when he took on Welfare Reform. Even Obama stood up to the Code Pink types on the war.

I'm just not seeing Romney being at a point where he can say no to anyone. Unless they are poor and have no power.

lol, he can't stand up to people...Is that your views of what a President should do, STAND up to their OWN CITIZENS of this country?

man you are going over the edge dear..
Trump is a lib. He's not fooling anyone.....except schmucks like you.

Oh, Trump doesn't fool me for a moment. He's a self-aggrandizing reality TV rodeo clown.

This isn't about Trump. It's about Romney.

What we've seen about Romney is that he can't stand up to people. He can't stand up to Trump and his noxious racism.

He can't stand up to Grover Norquist or the religious Zealots at Liberty university (who call hm a cultist) or the misogynistic spew of Rush Limbaugh.

Leadership is being able to lead, not to twist in the wind. You of all people should understand this.

Reagan took on his own party seeking agreements with the USSR when Gorbachev came to power. The "Commies under the bed" Right didn't like it, but he did it. Bill Clinton took on Jesse Jackson and the permanent agreivement crowd when he took on Welfare Reform. Even Obama stood up to the Code Pink types on the war.

I'm just not seeing Romney being at a point where he can say no to anyone. Unless they are poor and have no power.

You're desperately trying to make it about Mitt Romney.

It's like he's all of the sudden the new Bush.

Mitt has become the flavor of the month for the left.......the target for every wacky accusation they can dream up. He gets to join a very long list of strawmen along with Bush, Palin, Cain, you name it. I'm sure they'll dream up some way to blame the deficit on him when they give up on saying it's not Obama's fault.
lol, he can't stand up to people...Is that your views of what a President should do, STAND up to their OWN CITIZENS of this country?

man you are going over the edge dear..

When they are wrong and they are assholes, yeah.

I mean, when that guy came out last year and called Mormonism a cult, Romney was happy to "Stand up" to that guy.

(Even though by any objective standard, LDS IS a cult.)

We aren't going to elevate the dialog if we don't have presidential candidates willing to stand up to the most intolerant voices.
You're desperately trying to make it about Mitt Romney.

It's like he's all of the sudden the new Bush.

Mitt has become the flavor of the month for the left.......the target for every wacky accusation they can dream up. He gets to join a very long list of strawmen along with Bush, Palin, Cain, you name it. I'm sure they'll dream up some way to blame the deficit on him when they give up on saying it's not Obama's fault.

Actually, I voted for Bush, and never really had anything bad to say about Cain.

I even initially liked Palin, until she started opening her mouth.

Romeny has always beeen kind of this two-faced weasel who will say anything or embrace anyone to get a vote.

This is EXACTLY about Mitt Romney.

Could you honestly see Ronald Reagan putting up with an assclown like Trump for a second?

I can't.
lol, he can't stand up to people...Is that your views of what a President should do, STAND up to their OWN CITIZENS of this country?

man you are going over the edge dear..

When they are wrong and they are assholes, yeah.

I mean, when that guy came out last year and called Mormonism a cult, Romney was happy to "Stand up" to that guy.

(Even though by any objective standard, LDS IS a cult.)

We aren't going to elevate the dialog if we don't have presidential candidates willing to stand up to the most intolerant voices.

A PRESIDENT is not elected to say who we can or can't associate with or to put down it's OWN CITIZENS they represent who are INTOLERANT, crazy, stupid, etc etc..of course Obama is Famous for it..
that's why I hope to see this man gone in November..
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lol, he can't stand up to people...Is that your views of what a President should do, STAND up to their OWN CITIZENS of this country?

man you are going over the edge dear..

When they are wrong and they are assholes, yeah.

I mean, when that guy came out last year and called Mormonism a cult, Romney was happy to "Stand up" to that guy.

(Even though by any objective standard, LDS IS a cult.)

We aren't going to elevate the dialog if we don't have presidential candidates willing to stand up to the most intolerant voices.

A PRESIDENT is not elected to say who we can or can't associate with or to put down it's OWN CITIZENS they represent who are INTOLERANT, crazy, stupid, etc etc..of course Obama is Famous for it..
that's why I hope to see this man gone in November..

You hope to see him gone because he's black.
When they are wrong and they are assholes, yeah.

I mean, when that guy came out last year and called Mormonism a cult, Romney was happy to "Stand up" to that guy.

(Even though by any objective standard, LDS IS a cult.)

We aren't going to elevate the dialog if we don't have presidential candidates willing to stand up to the most intolerant voices.

A PRESIDENT is not elected to say who we can or can't associate with or to put down it's OWN CITIZENS they represent who are INTOLERANT, crazy, stupid, etc etc..of course Obama is Famous for it..
that's why I hope to see this man gone in November..

You hope to see him gone because he's black.

I hope to see him gone because he has been the most hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive President I have lived under..I wouldn't care if he were PURPLE...

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