Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

oooooooooooooo, he's EMBRACING Obama did Reverend Wright, Bill Maher, etc etc
as for your question of going to any level to win, people are asking the same of Obama..

Since you broguht it up, people demanded Obama denounce the incendiary things that Wright said, and he did.

When is Romney going to denounce the things Trump says?

Just to set the record straight......Obama didn't denounce what he said, because he agrees with them. What Obama did do was claim he didn't hear them or that what Rev Wright said was taken out of context. That's been the talking-point for years.

Recently we've found this not to be true in "The Amateur".

He said of the comments, "This is not the Reverand Wright I knew."

And frankly, I don't think either one of us know what is in his heart.
You hope to see him gone because he's black.

I hope to see him gone because he has been the most hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive President I have lived under..I wouldn't care if he were PURPLE...


When exactly did Obama call 60% of Americans..who were against invading Iraq, "With the Terrorists"?

You know..

Like the hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive, conservative hero, George W. Bush?

And here's where you ruin the moment.

60% were never against "invading Iraq" In fact, at the time we did it, he enjoyed overwealming support and a popularity rating of 70%.

Yeah, after years of war and casualties, the constant mewling of the left about it, yes, people became fatigued. But frankly, I found Democrats who were for the war when it started and against it when the polls told them to be kind of reprehensible. Probably why I stayed Republican a lot longer than I should have.

(Sorry, after taking the Right to task, I occassionally have to take the left to teh woodshed when it is less than honest.)
Why should he? Romney has said in the past that wants to make this a campaign on the issues, specifically the economy and stay away from side shows. If he addresses Trump and says it's bongus. The mainstream media will still make it a long drawn out side show.

I personally believe Trump is in the bag for Obama! Yes his brief run in the GOP primary was for publicity for his show, but I also think he wants Obama to win. He has always supported Democrats and he previously supported Obama, so why change now? His strategy of consistently bring up the birther issue only helps Obama. He makes the right seem more extreme and xenophobic to the independents.

Romney is right to leave it alone and stay on message!

I agree Romney should leave it alone. Its a non issue.

Romney should be focusing on jobs, the economy and the lousy job Barry and his posse have done. Plenty to talk about right there.

Thats the message he should be sending not some bs on what Trump thinks of Barry and his birth certificate.

That's what Romney IS talking about. What Trump thinks of boy barry is coming only from democrats.

Then he didn't need to embrace trump or what Trump stands for.
I agree Romney should leave it alone. Its a non issue.

Romney should be focusing on jobs, the economy and the lousy job Barry and his posse have done. Plenty to talk about right there.

Thats the message he should be sending not some bs on what Trump thinks of Barry and his birth certificate.

That's what Romney IS talking about. What Trump thinks of boy barry is coming only from democrats.

Then he didn't need to embrace trump or what Trump stands for.

I like Romney letting Trump raise money for him... Romney will need a lot of money to fight the corrupt Chicago machine style politics Obama has proven adept to-

GO DONALD- help Mitt get that SOB out of office WOOFUCKINGHOO!

If Trump liked Obama, Obama would like Trump raising money for him too... But Trump understands how bad Obama is for our country.

That's what Romney IS talking about. What Trump thinks of boy barry is coming only from democrats.

Then he didn't need to embrace trump or what Trump stands for.

I like Romney letting Trump raise money for him... Romney will need a lot of money to fight the corrupt Chicago machine style politics Obama has proven adept to-

GO DONALD- help Mitt get that SOB out of office WOOFUCKINGHOO!

If Trump liked Obama, Obama would like Trump raising money for him too... But Trump understands how bad Obama is for our country.


So if you embrace a racist asshole who abused his wives and left the taxpayers on the hook to clean up the mess left by his badly financed business deals, that's all okay by you?

Does the concept of a "Faustian Bargain" mean nothing to you?

You guys say you are for Family values, but you have a guy who cheated on no less than two wives. And unlike Gingrich, has never said he was sorry for it.

You have a guy who talks about capitalism, but he has declared bankruptcy and let the taxpayers bail out his projects many times.

Frankly, I don't like the thought of Donald getting access to the People's HOuse because he did the President a Solid.
Why should he? Romney has said in the past that wants to make this a campaign on the issues, specifically the economy and stay away from side shows. If he addresses Trump and says it's bongus. The mainstream media will still make it a long drawn out side show.

I personally believe Trump is in the bag for Obama! Yes his brief run in the GOP primary was for publicity for his show, but I also think he wants Obama to win. He has always supported Democrats and he previously supported Obama, so why change now? His strategy of consistently bring up the birther issue only helps Obama. He makes the right seem more extreme and xenophobic to the independents.

Romney is right to leave it alone and stay on message!

I agree Romney should leave it alone. Its a non issue.

Romney should be focusing on jobs, the economy and the lousy job Barry and his posse have done. Plenty to talk about right there.

Thats the message he should be sending not some bs on what Trump thinks of Barry and his birth certificate.

That's what Romney IS talking about. What Trump thinks of boy barry is coming only from democrats.

"A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate," Trump told CNN of Obama's birth certificate, just hours before he was set to host Romney's finance event at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.

Trump overshadows Romney with 'birther' talk - CBS News

Either you’re a lying idiot or Trump is a democrat.
Then he didn't need to embrace trump or what Trump stands for.

I like Romney letting Trump raise money for him... Romney will need a lot of money to fight the corrupt Chicago machine style politics Obama has proven adept to-

GO DONALD- help Mitt get that SOB out of office WOOFUCKINGHOO!

If Trump liked Obama, Obama would like Trump raising money for him too... But Trump understands how bad Obama is for our country.


So if you embrace a racist asshole who abused his wives and left the taxpayers on the hook to clean up the mess left by his badly financed business deals, that's all okay by you?

Does the concept of a "Faustian Bargain" mean nothing to you?

You guys say you are for Family values, but you have a guy who cheated on no less than two wives. And unlike Gingrich, has never said he was sorry for it.

You have a guy who talks about capitalism, but he has declared bankruptcy and let the taxpayers bail out his projects many times.

Frankly, I don't like the thought of Donald getting access to the People's HOuse because he did the President a Solid.

I just love the money he can help raise for Romney- Your guy loves the money his asshole; racist; terrorist; America hating friends can get for him- and apparently you do to. And that's OK with you?

See how this works Joe- It is a stupid controversy- and you are a stupid player. An obamabot pawn as it were...

THIS ELECTION is about the economy- stupid!
Guys, do you really think trump believes the birther claims? Trump is a very intelligent, yes i said it, media troll. He has one rule, as long as it keeps him famous and making money, then he will say it. Sometimes, more often than I would like to admit, that means saying really fucking stupid things you know are wrong. It is controversy. It gets him viewers and attention which he turns into money. trump knows full well that the people who pay attention to what he said as a meaningful expression of wisdom are so fucking stupid they will forget it tomorrow. He is absolutely right about it. Look at his fake tan, do you think he thinks that looks good? No, but it gets people to notice him.

This is the reason I call him intelligent. It has nothing to do with the intellectual value of what comes out of his lips. The man knows how to keep his image going. He knows name recognition is not dependent on good and bad. He knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator of human beings. The man is fucking brilliant at it. he is not an actor, he is not a politician or person with power. He just has a lot of money and goes look at me all the time.

In Mitts defense, this is a good move. the majority of people are simpletons. They work on instinct and name recognition. Their name recognition often works on loud and salient over right and wrong. That is why you get louder in an argument with a simpleton. trump means more media, and the idiot independents who go back and forth between who is more popular will go towards trump. There are a lot of those people.

Trump is probably Mitt's best attack yet at obama's base. There are a ton of people at obama's base who are poor uneducated, and loud. They go with obama because he is not the white rich guy they blame for all their problems. Trump is great with those people because he gives back to them. He tosses them reality shows and gives them big fancy shows of money they wish they could emulate. Trump is not a snobby rich guy, he is a common rich guy. At least his image is. That is huge with the mass of sheeple under obama who might be enticed by the shiny thing to go elsewhere. if mitt slams trump he will look like a huge rich snob outting the common rich guy with the ghetto attitude.

It is actually a really nice move on Romney's part. What obama should focus on is how trump got his money, and paint him as a rich welfare case. Show him as a person who has crashed a number of businesses, and associate him with Mitt as being one of Mitt's financial advisors. trump does not go over well with Mitt's base because he has backed gays, he has taken huge government handouts, he is the flashy debaucherous immorality they hate.
Hell, we all know that Obama is a Cherokee.
I always thought the BHO was from the lost tribes of Israel which would explain why he knows so much about Judaism (Obama reportedly claims to know more about judaism than any other president).

As for Romney's relationship with "the Donald," any association with Trump merely reinforces all the negative stereotypes associated with billionaires that "Willard" should be trying to avoid.

Both John McCain and Karl Rove have long been warning leaders of the GOP to disassociate themselves from "birthers" because it not only alienates the moderates and undecided, but it also plays right into the Obama strategy of diverting the public's attention away from what should be the Republican's main message - the ECONOMY!
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I just love the money he can help raise for Romney- Your guy loves the money his asshole; racist; terrorist; America hating friends can get for him- and apparently you do to. And that's OK with you?

See how this works Joe- It is a stupid controversy- and you are a stupid player. An obamabot pawn as it were...

THIS ELECTION is about the economy- stupid!

The economy that Obama saved after George W. Bush wrecked it? That economy?

Americans aren't all as stupid as you. They have memories that go back more than 4 years.
I just love the money he can help raise for Romney- Your guy loves the money his asshole; racist; terrorist; America hating friends can get for him- and apparently you do to. And that's OK with you?

See how this works Joe- It is a stupid controversy- and you are a stupid player. An obamabot pawn as it were...

THIS ELECTION is about the economy- stupid!

The economy that Obama saved after George W. Bush wrecked it? That economy?

Americans aren't all as stupid as you. They have memories that go back more than 4 years.

We do have long memories.

Yup.....Obama created or saved the economy. I remember all of those "Shovel-ready jobs he created". :rolleyes:

Imagine how much worse it could have been if he hadn't rushed to the rescue and passed Obamacare.......a much needed bill that was such a huge rush to pass that few of the benefits have even gone into effect to this day....3 years after the damned thing was passed.

Guess we just have to wait till it is completely installed before we can see what was in it.

We're still waiting......but I feel better already.
Last I heard Trump was an American and free to form his own opinions just like everyone else.

On does have to wonder why Barry's transcripts and other college documents are all sealed?? If he's as smart as he want everyone to believe he is he should have that glowing record out there so he can glow over it.

One has to wonder why its all still sealed??

Food for thought.

Last I heard I'm an American, and totally free to say what I think about the birther nuts. If Romney wants to swap spit with The Donald, he's also free to do so. And I, and a free press have the right to report and opine on it.

Food for thought? Hardly, more like constipation for thought.

LOL You mean to tell me Dick that you don't find the fact that all of Barry's closed transcripts and college info have been sealed to be very strange??

I'm not a birther but I find it very strange that someone as smart as Barry thinks he is has all that info sealed. Must be a reason its sealed as you usually don't seal that sort of info on a whim.

Again. Food for thought with no constipation at all.
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I just love the money he can help raise for Romney- Your guy loves the money his asshole; racist; terrorist; America hating friends can get for him- and apparently you do to. And that's OK with you?

See how this works Joe- It is a stupid controversy- and you are a stupid player. An obamabot pawn as it were...

THIS ELECTION is about the economy- stupid!

The economy that Obama saved after George W. Bush wrecked it? That economy?

Americans aren't all as stupid as you. They have memories that go back more than 4 years.

Yeah, that's it Joe continue to be a stupid player- Y'all can keep calling this economy saved- but I got news for you, most people don't feel the economy is too rosy- especially those more then 6 million folks that have given up on finding a job.

The Bush talking points are dead- except for stupid players.

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