Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

A PRESIDENT is not elected to say who we can or can't associate with or to put down it's OWN CITIZENS they represent who are INTOLERANT, crazy, stupid, etc etc..of course Obama is Famous for it..
that's why I hope to see this man gone in November..

You hope to see him gone because he's black.

I hope to see him gone because he has been the most hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive President I have lived under..I wouldn't care if he were PURPLE...

If you still think Obama was born in Kenya you are a nutter... You should be proud.

To be honest, noone really gives a shit where he was born anymore. The issue is on the economy and jobs, but there are always people who have to sidetrack the issues for some reason.
If you still think Obama was born in Kenya you are a nutter... You should be proud.

To be honest, noone really gives a shit where he was born anymore. The issue is on the economy and jobs, but there are always people who have to sidetrack the issues for some reason.

UE is down..companies are making record profits and manufacturing is coming back to America.

That's after the worst meltdown ever.

The trouble with arguing the economy with you you guys have your own set of facts that have nothing to do with reality.

Romney is proposing to go back to Bush's policies.

And he should run on that.
If you still think Obama was born in Kenya you are a nutter... You should be proud.

To be honest, noone really gives a shit where he was born anymore. The issue is on the economy and jobs, but there are always people who have to sidetrack the issues for some reason.

Of course they would rather keep this alive and not talk about Obama's dismal record and low standing among the citizens of this country..

they have nothing else except to now drag out the Racism card, AGAIN
A PRESIDENT is not elected to say who we can or can't associate with or to put down it's OWN CITIZENS they represent who are INTOLERANT, crazy, stupid, etc etc..of course Obama is Famous for it..
that's why I hope to see this man gone in November..

You hope to see him gone because he's black.

I hope to see him gone because he has been the most hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive President I have lived under..I wouldn't care if he were PURPLE...


When exactly did Obama call 60% of Americans..who were against invading Iraq, "With the Terrorists"?

[ame=]With Us or the Terrorist - YouTube[/ame]

You know..

Like the hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive, conservative hero, George W. Bush?
If you still think Obama was born in Kenya you are a nutter... You should be proud.

To be honest, noone really gives a shit where he was born anymore. The issue is on the economy and jobs, but there are always people who have to sidetrack the issues for some reason.

Of course they would rather keep this alive and not talk about Obama's dismal record and low standing among the citizens of this country..

they have nothing else except to now drag out the Racism card, AGAIN

Well dismal low standing amoung White Evangelican Conservatives..the only people you consider citizens.

But thus far..we who aren't..still have the right to vote.
You hope to see him gone because he's black.

I hope to see him gone because he has been the most hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive President I have lived under..I wouldn't care if he were PURPLE...


When exactly did Obama call 60% of Americans..who were against invading Iraq, "With the Terrorists"?

[ame=]With Us or the Terrorist - YouTube[/ame]

You know..

Like the hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive, conservative hero, George W. Bush?

wtf? can you STAY on topic?
I hope to see him gone because he has been the most hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive President I have lived under..I wouldn't care if he were PURPLE...


When exactly did Obama call 60% of Americans..who were against invading Iraq, "With the Terrorists"?

[ame=]With Us or the Terrorist - YouTube[/ame]

You know..

Like the hateful, cold, thuggish, divisive, conservative hero, George W. Bush?

wtf? can you STAY on topic?


It's impossible for liars to win if they stay on topic. They have to switch to unrelated issues to feel they're doing well.

Once you start answering their bogus deflections it becomes another line of attack.
I don't think you are capable of thinking.

What did Maher say about Palin that wasn't true or his opinion? Stating she is stupid is a valid point, given her propensity to say really stupid things. Okay, calling her the c-word was crude, but it's cable.

On the other hand, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii and Romney knows he was born in Hawaii, and he's embracing this crazy racist wing.

Which begs the question, is there any level this guy won't go to get elected?

oooooooooooooo, he's EMBRACING Obama did Reverend Wright, Bill Maher, etc etc
as for your question of going to any level to win, people are asking the same of Obama..

Since you broguht it up, people demanded Obama denounce the incendiary things that Wright said, and he did.

When is Romney going to denounce the things Trump says?

Just to set the record straight......Obama didn't denounce what he said, because he agrees with them. What Obama did do was claim he didn't hear them or that what Rev Wright said was taken out of context. That's been the talking-point for years.

Recently we've found this not to be true in "The Amateur".




When it was politically expedient to be foreign born he pretended it was true... when it became politically damaging he kept quiet using the political fall-out to make it look like his questioners were cutting whole cloth from thin air- The truth is he is a fake. A fabrication of progressives who always need a rags to riches black hero who worships at the same liberal fountain they do- Obama gave them one so long as it suited him.

Last I heard Trump was an American and free to form his own opinions just like everyone else.

On does have to wonder why Barry's transcripts and other college documents are all sealed?? If he's as smart as he want everyone to believe he is he should have that glowing record out there so he can glow over it.

One has to wonder why its all still sealed??

Food for thought.

Last I heard I'm an American, and totally free to say what I think about the birther nuts. If Romney wants to swap spit with The Donald, he's also free to do so. And I, and a free press have the right to report and opine on it.

Food for thought? Hardly, more like constipation for thought.
Last I heard Trump was an American and free to form his own opinions just like everyone else.

On does have to wonder why Barry's transcripts and other college documents are all sealed?? If he's as smart as he want everyone to believe he is he should have that glowing record out there so he can glow over it.

One has to wonder why its all still sealed??

Food for thought.

Last I heard I'm an American, and totally free to say what I think about the birther nuts. If Romney wants to swap spit with The Donald, he's also free to do so. And I, and a free press have the right to report and opine on it.

Food for thought? Hardly, more like constipation for thought.

lol, a FREE PRESS...
you mean more of a lapdog press for the DNC don't you?
people you need to get the REAL news from other sources, don't rely on this lamestream media..they have become a enemy to us.
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omg, you aren't seriously going to call questining where Obama was born, Racism?
give us a break already

Yes, I am calling it racism.

besides the fact you only ask these questions about the black guy, you ignore the fact that his mother was an American Citizen, which automatically makes him an eligible candidate, regardless of where he was born.

Just like the fact that John McCain was born in Panama, but his mother was an American citizen, so there was no real issue here, even though it was DOCUMENTED he wasn't born in this country.

Nor was there any controversy when George Romney ran for president in 1968, even though he was born in an LDS Polygamist compound in Mexico.

But no matter how much documentation you jokers are provided that Obama was born in this country, you insist that there is some kind of whacky conspiracy starting in 1961 to foist this guy on us...

because he's the black guy.

That's my perception as well.

His mother was an American citizen. Even were he born in Kenya? It was TO an American citizen. Where do they go from there? Oh, that's right! She was under 18, therefore she wasn't an American citizen.

I'm afraid I'll have to play my "Bitch, please" card.
The Associated Press: Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press – 3 minutes ago
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney isn't taking a position on supporter Donald Trump's return to the controversy over where President Barack Obama was born.

Why should he? Romney has said in the past that wants to make this a campaign on the issues, specifically the economy and stay away from side shows. If he addresses Trump and says it's bongus. The mainstream media will still make it a long drawn out side show.

I personally believe Trump is in the bag for Obama! Yes his brief run in the GOP primary was for publicity for his show, but I also think he wants Obama to win. He has always supported Democrats and he previously supported Obama, so why change now? His strategy of consistently bring up the birther issue only helps Obama. He makes the right seem more extreme and xenophobic to the independents.

Romney is right to leave it alone and stay on message!

I agree Romney should leave it alone. Its a non issue.

Romney should be focusing on jobs, the economy and the lousy job Barry and his posse have done. Plenty to talk about right there.

Thats the message he should be sending not some bs on what Trump thinks of Barry and his birth certificate.

That's what Romney IS talking about. What Trump thinks of boy barry is coming only from democrats.
Why should he? Romney has said in the past that wants to make this a campaign on the issues, specifically the economy and stay away from side shows. If he addresses Trump and says it's bongus. The mainstream media will still make it a long drawn out side show.

I personally believe Trump is in the bag for Obama! Yes his brief run in the GOP primary was for publicity for his show, but I also think he wants Obama to win. He has always supported Democrats and he previously supported Obama, so why change now? His strategy of consistently bring up the birther issue only helps Obama. He makes the right seem more extreme and xenophobic to the independents.

Romney is right to leave it alone and stay on message!

I agree Romney should leave it alone. Its a non issue.

Romney should be focusing on jobs, the economy and the lousy job Barry and his posse have done. Plenty to talk about right there.

Thats the message he should be sending not some bs on what Trump thinks of Barry and his birth certificate.

That's what Romney IS talking about. What Trump thinks of boy barry is coming only from democrats.

of course it is, grasping at straws AGAIN is all they have left..

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