Romney would shut down federal help to the East Coast

Romney would not deny aid to the East coast.
What he intends to do is make our states stronger and our government smaller, the way our founding fathers intended.
Wouldn't you like to see each state at their peak performance especially in emergencies??

My state does well on it's own....even without state funded aid.

Greensburg was a classic example of people coming to the rescue in wonderful ways.

Joplin was much the same way.

Don't know about that...

But these are the stakes for the federal government shrinkage that is being sponsored.
It will undoubtedly put more pressure on the States to raise those revenues on their own so look for higher sales, property and other local taxes and fee increases to pay for the cuts in the federal programs.

One popular topic is to bitch about the dead still on the voting rolls. Gee, cutting state workers is going to inhibit the ability to cater to such things. Cutting FEMA will do the same thing. State EOC is laughably ill prepared for most events like hurricanes, earthquakes, or events that create area commands such as oil spills or the like.

You pay now for preparation or you pay much more later for acute care. During an emergency, overtime accumulates quickly.

Our federal government really handled the BP spill wonderfully.

I can't recall the crap they spewed about devastation for decades...don't hear much about it any more do we ?

If states don't have to support a bloated FEMA..they will have more money. And they certainly are the ones who know their territory better than the D.C. assholes.

Actually, the Feds did a great job considering the well was miles below sea level. For a view of what a clusterfuck state response is, mere fires in Texas befuddled Rick Perry and the Tea Party crowd for about 9 months. There were reports of firefighters having to buy their own equipment while on duty fighting the fire. A preview of things to come in Conservistan.
The states are responsible for their own people. The idea that we need a huge and powerful federal government to come in and take care of everything should be repugnant to any American citizen. That so many want to be cared for by the Big Daddy of the federal government says more about the disintegration of our people than anything else.
And of course the East Coast would cease to exist after a major hurricane if states assumed responsibility for disaster relief, because nothing would get done unless the federal government did it.

How did states, cities, and counties recover from natural disasters before the federal government played the dominant role in disaster relief? You do realize that for well over 100 years, states, county governments, and private groups, along with individual citizens, carried out the vast majority of disaster relief work, right?
And of course the East Coast would cease to exist after a major hurricane if states assumed responsibility for disaster relief, because nothing would get done unless the federal government did it.

How did states, cities, and counties recover from natural disasters before the federal government played the dominant role in disaster relief? You do realize that for well over 100 years, states, county governments, and private groups, along with individual citizens, carried out the vast majority of disaster relief work, right?

I wonder if Obama not being able to pull off a humanitarian photo op in New York is why Fema seems nonexistent there. People with no food, dry clothes, water, or shelter have been put on hold by a marathon! Hang on Staten Island, Obama promised he'd be there for you after he's done campaigning in Ohio, Pa., Co., Fl................
ANOTHER dishonest thread by a ObamaBot

what's new anymore, they have nothing else
What federal help. The way I've heard it is that only places with photo-ops for Obama got help. It's a bit like Terezinstadt in WWII.
Christie is kicking butt here in jersey, has this state going in hte right direction in a hurry. oh noes we need the big bad government to make us feel better and do for us.

get real people, volunteers came out in droves, supplies and resources poured in.
new jersey and christie and all the volunteers from other states stood up and did an awesome job.
What federal help. The way I've heard it is that only places with photo-ops for Obama got help. It's a bit like Terezinstadt in WWII.

The way I've heard it, you are a tranny.

See how easy that is.
No, no, no Mitt you don't talk about eliminating FEMA during a period like this. This is the time to talk about eliminating subways, airports, sick people, income tax loopholes, you know your usual. When conditions quiet down and people forget, then bring up how useless FEMA is.
Funny isn't it, FEMA is evidently quite absent in the areas of Staten Island, Queens and Brooklyn NY where 'Sandy' hit hardest. Then Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin were shielded from blame and Bush took the brunt of the responsibility. Thank you "Lame Stream Media". In true form now the LSM is shielding Oblamer for the lack of help being sent to the devestated areas. One thing that adds to to problem is the low temperatures being encountered today and in the near future. They are now talking of a North Easter hitting the same area. Where's Oblamer?
Oh, I know let's blame Booosh for Sandy too.
So far, obama promised help but there's no help. Presumably the promised aid and cargo planes that were in the air yesterday are still in the air.

But, obama will provide mega generators so the New York marathon can go on.

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