Romney's Bain Lie

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Romney may have committed felony lying about role with Bain

This is big news, as it backs up what the Obama campaign has been alleging - that Romney was still in charge of Bain when it outsourced US jobs - and this directly contradicts's claim otherwise. From the Boston Globe:

Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond the date he said he ceded control, even creating five new investment partnerships during that time.

Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”

Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

It should be noted that David Corn broke this story a few weeks ago in a great piece everyone should read, though the Globe appears to have found additional disclosure forms to back up their case.

Oh but it gets worse. As so graciously pointed out, if Mitt Romney lied in any federal forms about the extent of his role with Bain, Romney may have committed a felony. From

If the Obama campaign is correct [that Romney remained at Bain past 1999], then Romney is guilty of lying on official federal disclosure forms, committing a felony. But we don’t see evidence of that.

Here’s what Romney has said:

Mitt Romney Public Financial Disclosure Report, Aug. 11, 2011: Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.

Romney’s signature appears on the line that states: “I certify that statements I have made on this form and all attached schedules are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.”

Making false statements to the federal government is a serious crime (under 18 USC 1001) carrying possible fines and up to five years in federal prison.

Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod has already weighed in on Twitter:

Based on Globe report, either Bain filed false SEC statements 1999-2002 about Mitt's status, or his campaign is making false statements now.

But Axelrod isn't even right about how bad this is. It's not an "either-or."

1. Romney told the SEC that he remained the firm’s "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president" up until 2002.

2. But Romney said in a more recent financial disclosure form that he left Bain in 1999 - so the two federal forms contradict each other, at least one is a lie:

Mitt Romney Public Financial Disclosure Report, Aug. 11, 2011: Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.

In other words, Romney lied to the federal government either way. Either to the SEC, or in his more recent financial dislocure forms. And either one appears to be a felony.


Part of your story is missing. The rest is here:

J.W. Verrett, an attorney and economics scholar at George Washington University's Mercatus Center, also told Fox News that the original Globe report appeared to "be confused" about the SEC filings.
He noted they refer to "Bain Capital VI," which he described as an investment separate from Bain Capital itself.
"Saying that Governor Romney was the CEO of Bain Capital VI is like saying that I am the CEO of my retirement account ... it's a silly bit of legalese and it doesn't also mean I am CEO of all the companies in which I invest,"
he said in an email.
Read more: Presidential rivals trade charges of lying, Romney demands apology over 'felony' remark | Fox News

The time in question, Romney was CEO of BAIN CAPITAL VI which is a retirement account, not the company. He was the CEO of his own retirement account. Hardly a felony.

This aide who did this marvelous reporting ranks up there with Andrea Mitchell.

The Obama admin, and the Media repeating this BS, know full well it's a lie, They don't care. They know it will muddy the waters and many people were believe it.

Fact no longer matter at all to these people.
^^^^^ This :clap2:
Romney either lied or committed a felony.

lol, remember when 'character matters' was the top conservative catch phrase?

When did they move past that?

you're questing character in light of zero evidence except hollers and in spite of several orgs. that are not , lets say predisposed to the right and some of obamas own bundlers and sppters how would know, means your questioning his character is presumptive, and I bet you didn't know that nor do you give a shit.
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Also, though factcheck said no dice on the 2nd, The Boston Globe as of the 12th said :

The Globe found nine SEC filings submitted by four different business entities after February 1999 that describe Romney as Bain Capital’s boss; some show him with managerial control over five Bain Capital entities that were formed in January 2002, according to records in Delaware, where they were incorporated

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - Politics - The Boston Globe

So factcheck may not have all the facts yet as they are still forthcoming.

His SEC Filing had Bain Capital VI which was an investment account. Not the company. I linked it above.
1. Where are Romney's college transcripts? I haven't seen them...

2. Where are Romney's income tax returns? He's only released one year (2010), and Obama has released 12.

3. Where are RNC Chairman Reince Priebus' income tax returns? I haven't seen them...

I think I would be interested in seeing those tax returns now...

How bout it, Mitt?

How bout not.......

I know that's what he's saying...

But - how about this from the Glode as well:
In Romney’s 2002 race for governor, he testified before the state Ballot Law Commission that his separation from Bain in 1999 had been a “leave of absence” and not a final departure.

Surely you have an explanation for this too?

How bout it, Mitt?
1. Where are Romney's college transcripts? I haven't seen them...

2. Where are Romney's income tax returns? He's only released one year (2010), and Obama has released 12.

3. Where are RNC Chairman Reince Priebus' income tax returns? I haven't seen them...

Where are the transcripts of the federal employee who claims to have degrees? It's required by law.

Romney has released everything required by law. But, if Obama follows the law on the transcripts, maybe Romney will offer some up, too.

Where are your tax returns?

(Some are so dense it's just funny after a while.)
Why is this a surprise it is only getting started. When you can't point to your wins, blame the other guy. Go Mitt.

You're's just getting started.

Someone as slick and smarmy as the Mitten most likely has a LOT of "junk in his trunk!"

It'll all be aired before election time....don't worry!:tongue:
If Romney was indeed still in charge of Bain at the time, that means he knew and had to approve the Streicycle investment as well. Stericycle disposes of aborted fetuses, which means Romney would have made money off of abortion clinics.

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Romney involved in business that disposed of aborted fetuses

Now lets find out if he really was still in charge or if ( as I strongly suspect ) it was an ON PAPER ONLY situation.

Only he wasn't in Charge, Just because some Government Bureaucrats failed to change the Paper work means nothing. Bain says he left before the Olympics and had Nothing to do with the Company after that point.

If there were a thread of truth to this Baseless, Irresponsible, Desperate and dishonest attack by the Obama team, then why not arrest him? Put your money where your mouth is Obama, You disgraceful Liar.

Truth has no value to someone such as Vidi. He is a good example of the evil, seditious forces which are slowly destroying America.

Obama is a lying Piece of shit, and he has just descended to a new level of low. The American People should Demand he either immediately put his money where his Mouth is and Order the DOJ to arrest Romney, or he needs to Retract this BS.

He will do neither because he is a dishonest hack.

That would be interesting, lol. :D They should push for Obama to demand Holder to press charges and see where the chips fall! All of Obama's lies would be exposed!
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1. Where are Romney's college transcripts? I haven't seen them...

2. Where are Romney's income tax returns? He's only released one year (2010), and Obama has released 12.

3. Where are RNC Chairman Reince Priebus' income tax returns? I haven't seen them...

Where are the transcripts of the federal employee who claims to have degrees? It's required by law.

Romney has released everything required by law. But, if Obama follows the law on the transcripts, maybe Romney will offer some up, too.

Where are your tax returns?

(Some are so dense it's just funny after a while.)

point to where in the Constitution that Presidents are req'd to have college degrees. I'll wait :)

Obama is a lying Piece of shit, and he has just descended to a new level of low. The American People should Demand he either immediately put his money where his Mouth is and Order the DOJ to arrest Romney, or he needs to Retract this BS.

He will do neither because he is a dishonest hack.

I was just walking out the door but was fortunate to see the above con-meltdown. Thanks ;) :lol:
Where are the transcripts of the federal employee who claims to have degrees? It's required by law.

Romney has released everything required by law. But, if Obama follows the law on the transcripts, maybe Romney will offer some up, too.

Where are your tax returns?

(Some are so dense it's just funny after a while.)

point to where in the Constitution that Presidents are req'd to have college degrees. I'll wait :)

you're not too bright, are you?

Obama is a lying Piece of shit, and he has just descended to a new level of low. The American People should Demand he either immediately put his money where his Mouth is and Order the DOJ to arrest Romney, or he needs to Retract this BS.

He will do neither because he is a dishonest hack.

I was just walking out the door but was fortunate to see the above con-meltdown. Thanks ;) :lol:
Obama had a doozie of a meltdown over Bain, today. And, it will be nice to see the shit sulk back to the press on this one.

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